7,013 research outputs found

    Peran Gen P63 Dalam Regulasi Proliferasi Sel

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    P63 gene that exits in chromosome 3q27-28 has two promoters and three different C ends, namely a, b, and g so that the transcription of p63 gene produces 6 variants. Various researches show that p63 gene plays a role in inducting the stoppage of cell cycles in the form of G1 arrest and G2 arrest. The products of p63 gene also have a role in activating the extrinsic/death receptor-mediated apoptosis pathway and the intrinsic/mitochondria-mediated apoptosis pathway. Understanding of the role of p63 gene in regulating cell proliferation and the synergic effect of p63 and chemotherapy medicines is essential to develop strategies for cancer therapy

    Terapi Gen Pada Penyakit Kanker

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    Kemajuan dalam bidang biologi molekuler telah memunculkan teknologi untuk memanipulasi gen-gen in vivo untuk pengobatan penyakit melalui terapi gen. Akhir-akhir ini, penyakit-penyakit target untuk terapi gen telah meluas dari kelainan metabolik kongenital menjadi penanganan terhadap penyakit kanker. Pendekatan terapi gen untuk pengobatan kanker meliputi koreksi kecepatan tumbuh sel-sel kanker, pengontrolan kematian sel-sel kanker, upaya untuk membuat sistem imun membunuh sel-sel kanker, dan strategi bunuh diri.Berbagai metode yang telah dicoba digunakan dalam pengiriman gen-gen ke dalam sel-sel target pada terapi gen kanker adalah dengan menggunakan virus, liposom, dan nanosphere; penyuntikan DNA secara langsung; dan teknik gene gun. Terapi gen untuk kanker payudara meliputi penggantian gen supresor tumor dan terapi antionkogen. Sedangkan terapi gen untuk kanker paru-paru dan kanker kepala dan leher dilakukan melalui penggantian gen supresor tumor p53 dengan menggunakan vektor retrovirus LTRp53A, adenovirus Adp53 dan virus Onyx-015 yang sedang dalam tahap uji klinis.Studi terapi gen pada glioma Maligna melalui terapi gen interferon-β masih dalam tahap penelitian dan dalam pengembangan untuk aplikasi klinis. Banyak tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam terapi gen kanker namun sejauh ini telah menunjukkan kemajuan pada hasil uji klinis. Berbagai penyakit kanker sedang berada pada fase uji klinis lanjutan dan sedang dipelajari untuk dapat mencapai standar penggunaan klinis

    Peran Bioinformatika Dalam Bidang Kedokteran

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    Bioinformatika merupakan kajian yang memadukan disiplin ilmu biologi molekul, matematika dan teknik informasi. Bioinformatika berperan dalam bidang klinis dalam bentuk informasi klinis, identifikasi mutasi gen-gen penyebab penyakit, terapi gen, dan pengobatan individual sesuai profil genetik setiap pasien. Bioinformatika juga berperan dalam identifikasi agen penyakit baru, diagnosis penyakit baru dan dalam penemuan obat. Aplikasi dari bioinformatika dalam penemuan obat ini menggunakan pendekatan genomik untuk identifikasi target-target obat dan desain senyawa untuk obat yang akan berikatan dengan DNA target.Bioinformatika merupakan suatu bidang interdisipliner yang saling menunjang dengan disiplin ilmu lain. Bidang yang terkait dengan bioinformatika adalah biofisik, biologi komputasi, informatika medis, informatika kimiawi, genomik, proteomik, farmakogenomik dan farmakogenetik.Sarana utama bioinformatika adalah berbagai perangkat lunak yang didukung oleh basis data yang tersedia pada world wide web. Bioinformatika merupakan disiplin ilmu yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan para ahli terus menyempurnakan program-program perangkat lunak yang kompleks untuk mencari, memilah-milah, menganalisis, memprediksi, dan menyimpan data-data biologi molekuler yang terus bertambah jumlahnya

    Are There Any Redshift >8 Gamma-Ray Bursts in the BATSE Catalog?

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    Several luminosity indicators have been found for Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) wherein measurable light curve and spectral properties are well-correlated with the peak luminosity. Several papers have each applied one different luminosity relation to find redshifts for BATSE GRBs and claim to identify specific bursts with z>8. The existence of such high redshift events is not surprising, as BATSE has enough sensitivity to see them and GRBs are expected out to the redshift of the first star formation. To improve results we used five luminosity relations with updated calibrations to determine redshifts with error bars. Combining these relations, we calculated the redshifts of 36 BATSE GRBs with claimed z>8. Our results include 13 bursts with our derived best redshift z_best>8, which looks promising at first. But the calculated redshift uncertainties are significantly large in these selected cases. With only one exception, all of our bursts have z_1siglow<9. The one exception (BATSE trigger 2035) is likely a short duration burst at z>~4. Our best case for a very high redshift event is BATSE trigger 3142 with z_best>20 and z_1siglow=8.9, however we can only say z>4.1 at the two-sigma confidence level. In all, we cannot point toward any one BATSE burst as confidently having z>8. One implication is to greatly weaken prior claims that GRBs have a steeply rising rate-density out to high redshifts.Comment: ApJ in press, 18 page

    Geodesic regression on spheres : a numerical optimization approach

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    In this paper we address the problem of finding a geodesic curve that best fits a given set of time-labeled points on a sphere. Since the corresponding normal equations are highly non-linear, we formulate the problem as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem and solve it using the routine fmincon from MATLAB with the SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) algorithm.Foundation for Science and Technology in Projects scope: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674 and PTDC/EEACRO/ 122812/201

    Paul F. Grady and the debate on the authority of the APB

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    Paul F. Grady is recognized in accounting history as a practitioner, a researcher, a scholar, and a public servant, (Previts, September, 1986); indeed, he epitomized the accounting professional. Grady began his professional career in 1923 and served as a partner in Arthur Andersen & Company (1932-1942) and Price Waterhouse & Company (1944-1960). During his career in public accounting, Grady served on many committees of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institute). He chaired the committee on auditing procedure (1944-1948) which developed and published Generally Accepted Auditing Standards: Their Significance and Scope and Internal Control: Elements of a Co-Ordinated System and Its Importance to Management and the Public Accountant

    Paul F. Grady: contributions in the development of accounting principles

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    Paul Grady\u27s involvement in the development of accounting principles is examined in this paper with emphasis placed on the events during the period of 1955 to 1965 which led to the establishing of the Accounting Principles Board (APB, Board) and the Research Division and the publishing of Accounting Research Study, No. 7, Inventory of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Business Enterprises (Inventory, ARS No. 7). This paper is not a study of the contents or a critical evaluation of ARS No. 7 or of The Basic Postulates of Accounting (ARS No. 1) and A Tentative Set of Broad Accounting Principles for Business Enterprises (ARS No. 3)