16 research outputs found

    Measuring line tension: Thermodynamic integration during detachment of a molecular dynamics droplet

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    Data Availability: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Supplementary Material: The supplementary material contains how to evaluate the average Ac of the droplet area A for various η values and its uncertainty δAc used in Eq. (28). It is available online at: https://pubs.aip.org/aip/jcp/article/160/22/224502/3297315/Measuring-line-tension-Thermodynamic-integration#89149592 and at: https://ndownloader.figstatic.com/files/46499926 .The contact line (CL) is where solid, liquid, and vapor phases meet, and Young’s equation describes the macroscopic force balance of the interfacial tensions between these three phases. These interfacial tensions are related to the nanoscale stress inhomogeneity appearing around the interface, and for curved CLs, e.g., a three-dimensional droplet, another force known as the line tension must be included in Young’s equation. The line tension has units of force, acting parallel to the CL, and is required to incorporate the extra stress inhomogeneity around the CL into the force balance. Considering this feature, Bey et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 152, 094707 (2020)] reported a mechanical approach to extract the value of line tension τℓ from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this study, we show a novel thermodynamics interpretation of the line tension as the free energy per CL length, and based on this interpretation, through MD simulations of a quasi-static detachment process of a quasi-two-dimensional droplet from a solid surface, we obtained the value τℓ as a function of the contact angle. The simulation scheme is considered to be an extension of a thermodynamic integration method, previously used to calculate the solid–liquid and solid–vapor interfacial tensions through a detachment process, extended here to the three-phase system. The obtained value agreed well with the result by Bey et al. and showed the validity of thermodynamic integration at the three-phase interface.T.O., H.O., H.K., and Y.Y. were supported by JSPS KAKENHI under Grant Nos. JP23H01346, JP21J20580, JP23KJ0090, and JP22H01400, Japan, respectively. Y.Y. was also supported by JST CREST under Grant No. JPMJCR18I1, Japan

    Chronic Exposure to Low Frequency Noise at Moderate Levels Causes Impaired Balance in Mice

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    We are routinely exposed to low frequency noise (LFN; below 0.5 kHz) at moderate levels of 60–70 dB sound pressure level (SPL) generated from various sources in occupational and daily environments. LFN has been reported to affect balance in humans. However, there is limited information about the influence of chronic exposure to LFN at moderate levels for balance. In this study, we investigated whether chronic exposure to LFN at a moderate level of 70 dB SPL affects the vestibule, which is one of the organs responsible for balance in mice. Wild-type ICR mice were exposed for 1 month to LFN (0.1 kHz) and high frequency noise (HFN; 16 kHz) at 70 dB SPL at a distance of approximately 10–20 cm. Behavior analyses including rotarod, beam-crossing and footprint analyses showed impairments of balance in LFN-exposed mice but not in non-exposed mice or HFN-exposed mice. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a decreased number of vestibular hair cells and increased levels of oxidative stress in LFN-exposed mice compared to those in non-exposed mice. Our results suggest that chronic exposure to LFN at moderate levels causes impaired balance involving morphological impairments of the vestibule with enhanced levels of oxidative stress. Thus, the results of this study indicate the importance of considering the risk of chronic exposure to LFN at a moderate level for imbalance

    Evodiamine Inhibits Insulin-Stimulated mTOR-S6K Activation and IRS1 Serine Phosphorylation in Adipocytes and Improves Glucose Tolerance in Obese/Diabetic Mice

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    Evodiamine, an alkaloid extracted from the dried unripe fruit of the tree Evodia rutaecarpa Bentham (Rutaceae), reduces obesity and insulin resistance in obese/diabetic mice; however, the mechanism underlying the effect of evodiamine on insulin resistance is unknown. This study investigated the effect of evodiamine on signal transduction relating to insulin resistance using obese/diabetic KK-Ay mice and an in vitro adipocyte culture. There is a significant decrease in the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ribosomal S6 protein kinase (S6K) signaling in white adipose tissue (WAT) in KK-Ay mice treated with evodiamine, in which glucose tolerance is improved. In addition, reduction of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) serine phosphorylation, an indicator of insulin resistance, was detected in their WAT, suggesting suppression of the negative feedback loop from S6K to IRS1. As well as the stimulation of IRS1 and Akt serine phosphorylation, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of mTOR and S6K is time-dependent in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, whereas evodiamine does not affect their phosphorylation except for an inhibitory effect on mTOR phosphorylation. Moreover, evodiamine inhibits the insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of mTOR and S6K, leading to down-regulation of IRS1 serine phosphorylation in the adipocytes. Evodiamine also stimulates phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an important regulator of energy metabolism, which may cause down-regulation of mTOR signaling in adipocytes. A similar effect on AMPK, mTOR and IRS1 phosphorylation was found in adipocytes treated with rosiglitazone. These results suggest evodiamine improves glucose tolerance and prevents the progress of insulin resistance associated with obese/diabetic states, at least in part, through inhibition of mTOR-S6K signaling and IRS1 serine phosphorylation in adipocytes

    Dynamical d-wave condensation of exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional square-lattice potential

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    Macroscopic order appears as the collective behaviour of many interacting particles. Prime examples are superfluidity in helium(1), atomic Bose-Einstein condensation(2), s-wave(3) and d-wave superconductivity(4) and metal-insulator transitions(5). Such physical properties are tightly linked to spin and charge degrees of freedom and are greatly enriched by orbital structures(6). Moreover, high-orbital states of bosons exhibit exotic orders distinct from the orders with real-valued bosonic ground states(7). Recently, a wide range of related phenomena have been studied using atom condensates in optical lattices(8-10), but the experimental observation of high-orbital orders has been limited to momentum space(11,12). Here we establish microcavity exciton-polariton condensates as a promising alternative for exploring high-orbital orders. We observe the formation of d-orbital condensates on a square lattice and characterize their coherence properties in terms of population distributions both in real and momentum space.</p