6 research outputs found

    A Genome Wide Association Study of arabinoxylan content in 2-row spring barley grain

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    In barley endosperm arabinoxylan (AX) is the second most abundant cell wall polysaccharide and in wheat it is the most abundant polysaccharide in the starchy endosperm walls of the grain. AX is one of the main contributors to grain dietary fibre content providing several health benefits including cholesterol and glucose lowering effects, and antioxidant activities. Due to its complex structural features, AX might also affect the downstream applications of barley grain in malting and brewing. Using a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method we quantified AX amounts in mature grain in 128 spring 2-row barley accessions. Amounts ranged from ~ 5.2 μg/g to ~ 9 μg/g. We used this data for a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) that revealed three significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with grain AX levels which passed a false discovery threshold (FDR) and are located on two of the seven barley chromosomes. Regions underlying the QTLs were scanned for genes likely to be involved in AX biosynthesis or turnover, and strong candidates, including glycosyltransferases from the GT43 and GT61 families and glycoside hydrolases from the GH10 family, were identified. Phylogenetic trees of selected gene families were built based on protein translations and were used to examine the relationship of the barley candidate genes to those in other species. Our data reaffirms the roles of existing genes thought to contribute to AX content, and identifies novel QTL (and candidate genes associated with them) potentially influencing the AX content of barley grain. One potential outcome of this work is the deployment of highly associated single nucleotide polymorphisms markers in breeding programs to guide the modification of AX abundance in barley grain

    Rice family GH1 glycoside hydrolases with beta-d-glucosidase and beta-d-mannosidase activities

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    Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Plant beta-D-mannosidases and a rice beta-D-glucosidase, Os3BGlu7, with weak beta-D-mannosidase activity, cluster together in phylogenetic analysis. To investigate the relationship between substrate specificity and amino acid sequence similarity in family GH1 glycoside hydrolases, Os3BGlu8 and Os7BGlu26, putative rice beta-D-glucosidases from this cluster, and a beta-D-mannosidase from barley (rHvBII), were expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized. Os3BGlu8, the amino acid sequence and molecular model of which are most similar to Os3BGlu7, hydrolysed 4-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (4NPGlc) faster than 4-nitrophenyl-beta-D-mannopyranoside (4NPMan), while Os7BGlu26, which is most similar to rHvBII by these criteria, hydrolysed 4NPMan faster than 4NPGlc. All the enzymes hydrolyzed cellooligosaccharides with increased hydrolytic rates as the degree of polymerization increased from 3-6, but only rHvBII hydrolyzed cellobiose with a higher k(cat)/K(m) value than cellotriose. This was primarily due to strong binding of glucosyl residues at the+2 subsite for the rice enzymes, and unfavorable interactions at this subsite with rHvBII.Teerachai Kuntothom, Sukanya Luang, Andrew J. Harvey, Geoffrey B. Fincher, Rodjana Opassiri, Maria Hrmova, James R. Ketudat Cairn

    Binding of beta-D-glucosides and beta-D-mannosides by rice and barley beta-D-glycosidases with distinct substrate specificities

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    Predominantly, rice Os3BGlu7 operates as a β-d-glucosidase (EC, while barley HvBII acts as a β-d-mannosidase (EC Saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance (STD NMR) and transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (trNOE) spectroscopy in conjunction with quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) modeling and docking at the 6-31+G* level were used to investigate binding of S- and O-linked gluco- and manno-configured aryl-β-d-glycosides to Os3BGlu7 and HvBII. Kinetic analyses with 4-nitrophenyl β-d-thioglucoside (4NP-S-Glc) and 4-nitrophenyl β-d-thiomannoside (4NP-S-Man) indicated that the inhibitions were competitive with apparent K(i) constants of 664 and 710 μM for Os3BGlu7 and 95 and 266 μM for HvBII, respectively. The STD NMR and trNOESY experiments revealed that 4NP-S-Glc and 4NP-S-Man bound weakly in (4)C(1) conformations to Os3BGlu7; 4NP-S-Glc adopted (3)S(5) (B(3,O)) or (1)S(3) ((1,4)B) conformations, and 4NP-S-Man preferred (4)C(1) geometry, when bound to HvBII. The QM modeling and docking, based on GLIDE scores, predicted that 4NP-O-Glc, 4NP-O-Man, and 4NP-S-Man bound preferentially in (1)S(3) geometries to both enzymes, contrary to 4NP-S-Glc that could also adopt a (4)C(1) conformation, although in a "flipped-down" ring position. The experimental and computational data suggested that in glycoside recognition and substrate specificity of Os3BGlu7 and HvBII, a combination of the following determinants is likely to play key roles: (i) the inherent conformational and spatial flexibilities of gluco- and manno-configured substrates in the enzymes' active sites, (ii) the subtle differences in the spatial disposition of active site residues and their capacities to form interactions with specific groups of substrates, and (iii) the small variations in the charge distributions and shapes of the catalytic sites.Teerachai Kuntothom, Michal Raab, Igor Tvaroska, Sebastien Fort, Salila Pengthaisong, Javier Cañada, Luis Calle, Jesús Jiménez-Barbero, James R. Ketudat Cairns, and Maria Hrmov