11 research outputs found

    The first case of Brucella canis in Sweden: background, case report and recommendations from a northern European perspective

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    Infection with Brucella canis has been diagnosed in Sweden for the first time. It was diagnosed in a three-year-old breeding bitch with reproductive disturbances. Fifteen in-contact dogs were tested repeatedly and all of them were negative for B. canis. The source of infection could not be defined. The present article describes the case and the measures undertaken and gives a short review over B. canis. Recommendations on how to avoid the infection in non-endemic countries are given

    Possibilities for the use of biometric data in security systems

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    Possibilities for the use of biometric data are growing and hence their practical application is also increasing. Therefore, an important element to be considered in the design, construction and exploitation of systems using biometrics is the question of identifying a specific person and assigning him or her to the relevant data contained in the documents or databases. The ability and, in some cases, the need to use biometric data results from the growing use of information technology in everyday life and the ever increasing attempts to steal the identity of those using these technologies. Modern IT systems often have a high level of security in terms of protection and access to data, and in particular the management of security systems. The article presents an outline of the theory related to the possibility of using and applying biometric data to provide security and have the ability to inspect officers of various departments. The subject of analysis also considered the possibility of using security measures in the form of biometric data identification for the purpose of securing the security services

    Innovation of logistics companies in relation to information security

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemów związanych z zarządzaniem informacją oraz poszukiwanie zrównoważonych relacji i właściwych proporcji pomiędzy rozwojem innowacji przedsiębiorstw logistycznych a bezpieczeństwem przetwarzanych przez nie informacji. Informacja, jako jeden z najcenniejszych zasobów przedsiębiorstwa, powinna być obiektem szczególnej troski. Dlatego też, w artykule omówiono takie kwestie związane z zarządzaniem informacją jak: rola informacji w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem, a w tym składowe systemu informatycznego, normalizacja i standaryzacja analizowanych procesów, bezpieczeństwo informacji - jego składowe i organizacja oraz zarządzanie ryzykiem w systemie bezpieczeństwa informacji. Przeanalizowane zagadnienia pozwoliły wyłuszczyć najistotniejsze kwestie związane z bezpieczeństwem informacji w relacji do funkcjonowania i rozwoju przedsiębiorstw logistycznych.The aim of the article is to present the problems associated with management of information and searching for balanced relationship and an appropriate balance between the development of innovation, logistics companies and security they process information. Information, as one of the most valuable corporate resources, should be the object of particular concern. Therefore, this article discusses such issues connected with management of information as: the role of information management, including components of an information system, normalization and standardization of the analyzed processes, information security - its components and the organization and management of risk in the system of information security. The analyzed materials helped to conclude the most important issues related to information security in relation to the opera-tion and development of logistic companies