486 research outputs found

    Single crystal field-effect transistors based on an organic selenium-containing semiconductor

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of single crystal field-effect transistors (FETs) based on diphenylbenzo diselenophene (DPh-BDSe). These organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) function as p-channel accumulation-mode devices. At room temperature, for the best devices, the threshold voltage is less than -7V and charge carrier mobility is nearly gate bias independent, ranging from 1cm2/Vs to 1.5 cm2/Vs depending on the source-drain bias. Mobility is increased slightly by cooling below room temperature and decreases below 280 K


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    The functional attributes of minor subpopulations of mouse thymus cells derived by bovine serum albumin density gradient centrifugation, cortisone treatment, or selective depletion by anti-TL or anti-θ treatment have been examined. A subpopulation derived in each fashion contains the cells required to evoke graft-versus-host reactions in neonatal F1 hybrid recipients and to be stimulated by alloantigens in vitro in one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures and by phytohemagglutinin. The functions of this subpopulation are abrogated by treatment with anti-H-2 plus complement and by high concentrations of anti-θ. A tentative ordering of the various thymus cell subpopulations, on the basis of these and other data, is described

    Effects of monthly feedback of VFA measured by dual BIA method in Japanese patients with obesity: a randomized controlled study

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    Objective: To investigate the effects of monthly feedback of changes in visceral fat area (VFA) as measured by dual bioelectrical impedance analysis method and the importance of VFA in individuals with obesity. Methods: Thirty‐eight Japanese patients with obesity underwent VFA measurements. The feedback group was given feedback on VFA measurements each month for 4 months. The control group underwent VFA measurements at the beginning and end of the study but was not informed of the results. All the study participants completed eating behaviour and weight efficacy lifestyle questionnaires. Results: Mean age was 53.9 (14.3) years; mean body mass index was 30.6 (4.3) kg m⁻². At the 4‐month follow‐up, there was no significant difference in VFA reduction between the control and feedback groups (−4.4% vs. −3.0%; 95% CI, −3.8 to 5.5). In post‐hoc analysis using the overall group irrespective of allocation, changes of eating style were significantly associated with a reduction in VFA at 4 months (p = 0.034). Conclusions: Monthly feedback on changes in VFA does not reduce VFA. More frequent feedback may be required. In post‐hoc analysis, changes of eating style were associated with a reduction in VFA

    The role of smoking and body mass index in mortality risk assessment for geriatric hip fracture patients

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    Background Smoking, obesity, and being below a healthy body weight are known to increase all-cause mortality rates and are considered modifiable risk factors. The purpose of this study is to assess whether adding these risk factors to a validated geriatric inpatient mortality risk tool will improve the predictive capacity for hip fracture patients. We hypothesize that the predictive capacity of the Score for Trauma Triage in the Geriatric and Middle-Aged (STTGMA) tool will improve. Methodology Between October 2014 and August 2021, 2,421 patients \u3e55-years-old treated for hip fractures caused by low-energy mechanisms were analyzed for demographics, injury details, hospital quality measures, and mortality. Smoking status was recorded as a current every-day smoker, former smoker, or never smoker. Smokers (current and former) were compared to non-smokers (never smokers). Body mass index (BMI) was defined as underweight (\u3c18.5 kg/

    Trichomonas vaginalis Infection and Associated Risk Factors in a Socially-Marginalized Female Population in Coastal Peru

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    Objective. The epidemiology of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among sexually active socially-marginalized women in three urban, coastal Peruvian cities was examined in order to quantify the prevalence of trichomonas infection and identify associated risk factors. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional, venue-based study of women from socially-marginalized populations in three coastal Peruvian cities. Results. Among the 319 women enrolled, the overall prevalence of trichomonal infection was 9.1% (95% CI, 5.9%–12.3%). The mean age was 26.3 years, and 35.5% reported having had unprotected intercourse with nonprimary partners and 19.8% reported two or more sex partners in the last three months. Trichomonal infection was associated with increased number of sex partners (PR 2.5, 95% CI 1.4–4.6) and unprotected sex with nonprimary partner in the last three months (PR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1–4.9). Conclusions. A moderately high prevalence of trichomonal infection was found among women in our study. Trichomonal infection was associated with unprotected sex and multiple sex partners. Efforts to control the continued spread of trichomonal infection are warranted

    Aplicação da radiação ultravioleta-C para controle da podridão peduncular do mamão.

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    A podridão peduncular em mamão é fator limitante na comercialização, principalmente para exportação. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram definir doses de luz ultravioleta C (UV-C) que inibem a germinação de esporos dos fungos do complexo causador da podridão peduncular, bem como avaliar doses de UV-C no controle da doença nos frutos. Suspensões de esporos foram irradiadas com doses variando de 0,25 a 2,00 kJ m -2 plaqueadas e após 72h avaliou-se a inibição na germinação pela contagem de Unidade Formadora de Colônias (UFC). Em teste in vivo irradiou-se a região peduncular do fruto com doses de 0,5 a 2,0 kJ m -2 . Após irradiados, os mamões foram armazenados durante sete dias em câmara fria e oito dias em temperatura ambiente, avaliando-se, diariamente, a incidência e a severidade da doença. A dose de UV-C necessária para inibir os esporos variou em função da sensibilidade da espécie fúngica. Em frutos, doses ? 0,5 kJ m -2 prolongaram o período de incubação dos frutos e diminuíram a taxa de progresso da podridão peduncular, sendo ótima a dose considerada entre 0,5 e 1,5 kJ m -2 . A epiderme do mamão é sensível à radiação UV-C, portanto a aplicação desta radiação deve ser direcionada apenas ao pedúnculo, e o restante do fruto dever ser protegido. -- Abstract: Fruit stem-end rot in papaya is a limiting factor in commercialization, mainly for exportation. The aims of this work were to determine the ultraviolet C light (UV-C) doses to inhibit the spore germination of the fungi complex causing papaya stem-end rot, and to evaluate doses for controlling the disease. Spore suspensions were irradiated with different doses ranging from 0.25 to 2.0 kJ m -2 , plated, and after 72h, the inhibition on germination was evaluated. For in vivo tests, the peduncle region of the fruit was irradiated with doses from 0.5 to 2.0 kJ m -2 . After irradiation, the papayas were stored for 7 days in a cold room and 8 days at room temperature, evaluating daily the incidence and severity of the disease. The dose of UV-C required to inhibit fungal spores germination varied according to the sensitivity of the fungal species. On fruit, UV-C radiation presented an effective result from the dose of 0.5 kJ m -2 , which significantly increased the incubation period and lowered the progression rate of peduncle rot, as the optimal dose falling within the range from 0.5 to 1.5 kJ m -2 . The epidermis of papaya was found to be very sensitive to UV-C, therefore the radiation should be directed only to the peduncle, protecting the rest of the fruit.bitstream/item/201090/1/RadiacaoUltravioletaMamaoTerao2019.pd

    Radiação ultravioleta C no controle de Aspergillus flavus Link e de outros contaminantes da castanha-do-brasil.

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    Ação da temperatura no controle de fungos causadores de doenças pós-colheita em mamão.

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    As doenças pós-colheita são fatores limitantes para estocagem e exportação de mamão e é crescente o interesse por métodos alternativos de controle. O tratamento hidrotérmico tem se mostrado como método promissor podendo ser integrado a outros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito in vitro do tratamento térmico nos principais fungos causadores de podridão na pós-colheita do mamão: Fusarium solani, Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phoma caricae-papayae e Lasiodiplodia theobromae, bem como determinar os binômios temperaturas e tempos letais de cada um deles. Discos de micélio foram colocados em bolsas de gaze simples e estéril, depois foram imersas em água destilada estéril em um balão de três bocas contendo um agitador e um termômetro digital, para cada combinação de tempo e temperatura. Após o tratamento térmico os discos de micélio, foram imersos em água gelada, plaqueados em meio BDA e incubados a 25°C. Avaliou-se diariamente o crescimento micelial dos fungos. Observou-se que P. caricae-papayae é o mais sensível deles, com letalidade nas combinações 52°C/60s, 54°C/40s, 56°C/25s, 58°C/20s e 60°C/15s. A. alternata apresenta letalidade nas combinações 52°C/150s, 54°C/100s, 56°C/40s, 58°C/30s e 60°C/10s. C. gloesporioides apresenta termoresistência intermediária sendo letais os seguintes binômios: 52°C/280s, 54°C/150s, 56°C/80s, 58°C/40s e 60°C/30s. L. theobromae apresenta elevada termoresistência com letalidade nas combinações: 52°C/350s, 54°C/140s, 56°C/80s, 58°C/60s, 60°C/30s e 62°C/20s. F. solani é o mais termoresistente dentre eles com letalidade nas combinações: 60°C/300s, 65°C/200s, 70°C/100s e 75°C/80s. Observou-se que, para a maioria dos fungos estudados, em temperaturas mais altas, a partir de 60°C, curtos periodos de tempos (de 10 a 30 segundos) são letais. Postharvest diseases are limiting factors for the storage and export of papaya, and the interest for alternative methods of control is increasing. Hydrothermal treatment has shown to be a promising method and can be integrated with others. The objective of this work was to evalute the in vitro effect of the heat treatment on the main papaya post-harvest rotting fungi: Fusarium solani, Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Phoma caricae-papayae and Lasiodiplodia theobromae, as well as to determine the lethal time and temperature binomials for each of them. Mycelial discs were placed into sterile and simple gauze bags, and then immersed in sterile distilled water in a three-necked flask containing a stirrer and a digital thermometer, for each time and temperature combination. After the heat treatment, the disks were immersed in cold water, plated in BDA medium and incubated at 25°C. Mycelial growth was measured daily. It was observed that P. caricae-papayae is the most sensitive of them, with lethality on the combinations 52°C/60s, 54°C/40s, 56°C/25s, 58°C/20s and 60°C/15s. A. alternata shows lethality in the combinations 52°C/150s, 54°C/100s, 56°C/40s, 58°C/30s and 60°C/10s. C. gloesporioides shows intermediate thermoresistance being lethal in the following binomials: 52°C/280s, 54°C/150s, 56°C/80s, 58°C/40s and 60°C/30s. L. theobromae has a high thermoresistance with lethality in the combinations: 52°C/350s, 54°C/140, 56°C/80s, 58°C/60, 60°C/30s and 62°C/20s. F. solani is the most thermoresistant among them with lethality in the combinations: 60°C/300s, 65°C/200s, 70°C/100s and 75°C/80s. It was observed that for all of fungi studied, at higher temperatures, from 60 °C, short periods (from 10 to 30 s) are lethal