394 research outputs found

    Conversion of Waste Oil Into Fuel Oil :

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    Research has been conducted to convert waste lubrication oil into fuel oil. This work is the second part of a bigger work entittled “Conversion of Waste Oil into Fuel Oil”. The first part dealing with the production of catalyst and the effect of temperature, whilst this part studying the effect of catalyst ratio. This work was done with procedure similar with the first part of the work. Convertion of waste lubrication oil into fuel oil was done using hydrocracking process with catalyst of combination of chromium and activated natural zeolith (Cr/ZAA). Controlled variables used for this researh were the type of waste oil (lubrication oil), feed volume (40 ml), temperature (500°C), and hydrogen gas rate (20 ml/sec). The weight ratio of the catalyst and waste oil feed was varied at 1/8, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3. The parameters used to analyse the results were the amount of hydrocracking product, percentage of cracking fraction (gasoline, kerosene and solar) in the product and the heating value of the product. Analytic works were carried out with GC for cracking fraction and bomb calorimeter for heating value of the produced fuel oil. Results showed that the amount of hydrocracking product decreases with the increase of catalyst ratio. Increasing catalyst ratio increases gasoline fraction lineary, decreases kerosene and solar fractions. The heating value of the product lineary increases with catalyst ratio. Best catalyst ratio for this work was 1/8 to get maximum amount of product (13.16 ml for 40 ml feed), and 2/3 to get maximum gasoline fraction (56.70%), and highest heating value (44.92 kJ/gr)

    Developing Assessment Instrument Based Curriculum 2013 for Teaching Micro Teaching in English Education Department of Undiksha

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    The policy of implementing the 2013 curriculum (K-13) has brought about changes in terms of teaching paradigms leading to constructivistic which allows students to formulate their own knowledge from the experiences they built. To produce teachers with that competency, Microteaching as the course of practicing the pedagogical subjects needs to be redesigned and modified in order to suit the objective of the curriculum. This article is a part of bigger research which aimed at identifying and analyzing the most appropriate methods for teaching Microteaching course based K-13. The research designed used in this study was based on Sugiyono' model which was consist of 10 stages.  The result of the need analysis described the types of an assessment instrument that were needed to be developed for teaching Microteaching course of the English Education Department students of the Ganesha University of Education. By certain consideration and discussion, it was decided the three forms of assessment instruments needed to be developed in this study, namely: (1) written assessment instrument, (2) simulation 8 basic skills of Microteaching assessment instrument, and (3) writing lesson plan and performance 8 skills of Microteaching

    Ostracoda From Subsurface Sediments of Karimata Strait as Indicator of Environmental Changes

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    Karimata Strait is a part of Sunda Shelf connected South China Sea with Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean and Java Sea. This shelf was a large Sunda Land that has been detected by many evidences as records of various paleo-environments. The purpose of this study is to recognize the characteristic community of ostracoda related to the environmental history of this shelf. Three selected cores sediments represented east (A), middle (B) and west (C) parts of Karimata Strait were used for Ostracoda based on standard method on micropaleontology. Additional method was applied of SEM-EDX analysis to abnormal specimens. The result shows that there are 43 species of ostracoda belonging to 34 genera identified in the study area. The highest number of ostracoda is found in Core B, in the middle part of the strait, and the lowest value belongs to the Core A that close to the land of Kalimantan. Several genera of Ostracoda were documented in all cores: Actinocythereis, Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Keijia, Keijella, Hemicytheridea, Hemikrithe, Neocytheretta, Neomonoceratina, Loxoconcha, Pistocythereis, Stigmatocythere and Xestoleberis. Vertically, ostracoda are mostly found in the upper part of the cores and decrease or disappear in the lower part of Cores A and C where dominated by black organic materials. It may relate to a wide swampy area before the last sea level rise as part of the history of the SundaShelf about 15,000 years ago. Some major elements (C, CaO, Al2O4, FeO, SiO2, MgOdan SO3 covered or filled abnormal specimens that can provide additional information about environmental changes in the study area, such as Carbon may relate to charcoal from land of Kalimatan and Sumatera Keywords: Ostracoda, subsurface sediment, EDX, environmental changes, Karimata Strait Selat Karimata merupakan bagian dari Paparan Sunda menghubungkan Laut China Selatan dengan Selat Malaka, Samudera Hindia, dan Laut Jawa. Paparan ini merupakan sebuah Dataran Sunda yang luas yang terdeteksi dari bukti-bukti sebagai rekaman berbagai lingkungan purba

    Sebaran Spasial Foraminifera dalam Kaitannya dengan Kedalaman Laut dan Jenis Sedimen di Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Sebanyak 25 sampel sedimen dasar laut dari Teluk Bone bagian utara, Sulawesi Selatan telah digunakan untuk analisis foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan jenis sedimen dan kedalaman. Hasil analisis diperoleh 97 spesies foraminifera bentik dan beberapa genera diantaranya mendominasi titik lokasi tertentu, seperti Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium dan Quinqueloculina.Setiap genus mempunyai distribusi spasial tertentu sesuai habitatnya dengan beberapa anomali. Kisaran kedalaman daerah penelitian antara 23 dan 85 m dicirikan oleh kehadiran Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. Dalam kaitannya dengan kedalaman, sebaran foraminifera cenderung terakumulasi di sebelah timur daerah penelitian. Setiap satuan sedimen dicirikan oleh genus foraminifera tertentu. Kata kunci: foraminifera, distribusi spasial, kedalaman laut, jenis sedimen, Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan A total of twenty five surface sediment samples from the northern part of Bone Bay, South Sulawesi were selected for foraminiferal study. The purpose of this study is to recognize spatial distribution foraminifera in relation with water depth and sediment types. There are 97 identified species, some ot them are dominant at certain sites, such as Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium and Quinqueloculina. Each genus has certain spatial distribution as its habitat with some anomalies. The range of water depth is between 23 and 85 m that characterized by Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. In relation to water depth, the distribution of foraminifera tends to accumulate in the eastern part of the study area. Sediment unit is characterized by certain foraminifera genus. Keywords : Foraminifera, spatial distribution, water depth, sediment type, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi

    The Characteristic of Deep Sea Foraminiferal Community in Tomini Bay, Sulawesi

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    A total of 14 sediment samples from Tomini Bay, Sulawesi were used for this study as a component of sediment. The samples were carried out by using a gravity corer at water depth range between 600 and 1400 m. This study was a part of mapping activity on marine geology and geophysics during the first cruise of R/V Geomarin III in 2010. The purpose of this study was to examine the subsurface geology related to the potency of energy and mineral resources. Top core sediment samples were washed through 0.063mm opening sieve and then dried in an oven. About maximum 300 foraminiferal specimens were picked from every dried washed residue sample to separate them from other particles under a binocular microscope with brush and water. The result showed that most samples were dominated by planktonic foraminifera (>90%), such as Globorotalia menardii, Orbulina universa, Globigerinoides ruber and others as typical of deep sea sediments. On the other hand, benthic foraminifera was found less than 10% that was represented by Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Ceratobulimina pacifica, Pyrgo sp., Bolivinita quadralatera, Uvigerina peregrina, etc. The characteristic of deep sea foraminiferal community of this area may be used for interpreting environmental deposition in the adjacent areas that is useful for petroleum exploration

    Aplikasi Programmable Logic Controller (Plc) Omron Cp1e Na20 Dra Dalam Proses Pengaturan Sistem Kerja Mesin Pembuat Pelet Ikan

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    Tiar Kusuma Dewi, Priyo Sasmoko, in paper application of programmable logic controller (PLC) omron CP1E NA20 DRA in control system of fish pellets builders engine explain that better known as PLC or Programmable Logic Controller is an electronic apparatus that works digitally , has a programmable memory , save the commands to perform specific functions such as logic , timing , counting and arithmatik to control different types of machines or processes through modules input / output analog or digital . PLC will run the display module according to the mnemonic code is entered into the PLC via the Programming Console or the CX - Programmer programs . However , here are discussed PLC using the CX - Programmer . OMRON PLC used is CP1E NA20 DRA . PLC works by observing input ( via sensors related ) , then the process and take action as needed , ie turn on or turn off the output ( logic 0 or 1 ) . Users create a program that will then be executed by the PLC in question , so that the tool Fish Pellet Machine Manufacturers Automatic will work as desired

    Foraminifera Bentik Terkait dengan Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Sekitar Pulau Damar, Kepulauan Seribu

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    Secara umum, kondisi lingkungan perairan di bagian Selatan Kepulauan Seribu cenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bagian Utara karena pengaruh polusi dari daratan. Salah satu pulau yang terletak di bagian selatan tersebut adalah Pulau Damar Besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran foraminifera bentik di perairan Pulau Damar Besar, Kepulauan Seribu terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan setempat. Dari 12 stasiun pengambilan sampel, teridentifikasi 64 spesies dari 10968 individu foraminifera bentik. Beberapa spesies foraminifera yang dijumpai hidup bersimbiosis dengan terumbu karang, seperti Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Berdasarkan indeks keragaman, keseragaman dan dominansi, struktur komunitas di foraminifera bentik di Pulau Damar Besar cenderung seragam. Namun berdasarkan hierarchical cluster analysis diperoleh empat kelompok sebaran dengan penciri masing-masing yang berbeda. Nilai indeks diversitas sekitar 3,48-3,84 yang menunjukkan lingkungan perairan di sekitar pulau ini dalam kondisi bagus. Kata kunci sebaran, Foraminifera bentik, Pulau Damar Besar dan Kepulauan Seribu In general, the marine environment in the southern part of the Seribu Islands is less good condition than the northern part due to the influence of pollution from the mainland. One of the islands in this southern part is Damar Besar Island. The purpose of this study is to recognize foraminiferal distribution from this island related to its environmental condition. From 12 sampling stations, it can be identified 64 species from 10968 individuals of benthic foraminifera. Several species are associated with coral reef such as Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Based on the diversity, evenness and dominance indexes, it seems that the community structure of benthic foraminifera in the study area tends to be equal. However, based on hierarchical cluster analysis, it is resulted four groups of distribution that characterized by their own shallow waters species. The diversity index is 3,48-3,84 that shows good environmental condition in the study area
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