2,539 research outputs found

    CP asymmetry and branching ratio of B -> pi pi

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    We investigate the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the B -> pi pi processes measured in B factory experiments. Fits to the experimental data of this process indicate a large ratio of color-suppressed (C) to color-allowed (T) tree contributions. We investigate whether the large C/T can be explained within the QCD based model computation with i) a large effect from the end-point singularity or with ii) large final-state-interaction phase between two different isospin amplitudes. We show that the current experimental data do not exclude either possibility but we may be able to distinguish these two effects in future measurements of direct CP asymmetry of B -> pi^0 pi^0.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Influence of chemical and magnetic interface properties of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B tunnel junctions on the annealing temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance

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    The knowledge of chemical and magnetic conditions at the Co40Fe40B20 / MgO interface is important to interpret the strong annealing temperature dependence of tunnel magnetoresistance of Co-Fe-B / MgO / Co-Fe-B magnetic tunnel junctions, which increases with annealing temperature from 20% after annealing at 200C up to a maximum value of 112% after annealing at 350C. While the well defined nearest neighbor ordering indicating crystallinity of the MgO barrier does not change by the annealing, a small amount of interfacial Fe-O at the lower Co-Fe-B / MgO interface is found in the as grown samples, which is completely reduced after annealing at 275C. This is accompanied by a simultaneous increase of the Fe magnetic moment and the tunnel magnetoresistance. However, the TMR of the MgO based junctions increases further for higher annealing temperature which can not be caused by Fe-O reduction. The occurrence of an x-ray absorption near-edge structure above the Fe and Co L-edges after annealing at 350C indicates the recrystallization of the Co-Fe-B electrode. This is prerequisite for coherent tunneling and has been suggested to be responsible for the further increase of the TMR above 275C. Simultaneously, the B concentration in the Co-Fe-B decreases with increasing annealing temperature, at least some of the B diffuses towards or into the MgO barrier and forms a B2O3 oxide

    Quench dynamics of topological quantum phase transition in Wen-plaquette model

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    We study the quench dynamics of the topological quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional transverse Wen-plaquette model, which has a phase transition from a Z2 topologically ordered to a spin-polarized state. By mapping the Wen-plaquette model onto a one-dimensional quantum Ising model, we calculate the expectation value of the plaquette operator Fi during a slowly quenching process from a topologically ordered state. A logarithmic scaling law of quench dynamics near the quantum phase transition is found, which is analogous to the well-known static critical behavior of the specific heat in the one-dimensional quantum Ising model.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures,add new conten

    Top EW couplings at Linear Colliders

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    In this talk, we present the latest study of e+e− → t¯t, based on a detailed simulation of the ILD detector concept, which assumes a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 500 GeV and a luminosity of L = 500fb−1, equality shared between the incoming beam polarisations of P e−,e+ = (±0.8,∓0.3). The study comprises the cross sections, the forward-backward asymmetry and the slope of the helicity angle asymmetry. The vector and axial vector couplings are separately determined for the photon and the Z component. The tensorial CP-conserving coupling can be also extracted by assuming the other couplings to be the SM values. We show that the sensitivity to new physics would be dramatically improved with respect to what is expected from LHC for electroweak couplings

    Coexistence of Itinerant Electrons and Local Moments in Iron-Based Superconductors

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    In view of the recent experimental facts in the iron-pnictides, we make a proposal that the itinerant electrons and local moments are simultaneously present in such multiband materials. We study a minimal model composed of coupled itinerant electrons and local moments to illustrate how a consistent explanation of the experimental measurements can be obtained in the leading order approximation. In this mean-field approach, the spin-density-wave (SDW) order and superconducting pairing of the itinerant electrons are not directly driven by the Fermi surface nesting, but are mainly induced by their coupling to the local moments. The presence of the local moments as independent degrees of freedom naturally provides strong pairing strength for superconductivity and also explains the normal-state linear-temperature magnetic susceptibility above the SDW transition temperature. We show that this simple model is supported by various anomalous magnetic properties and isotope effect which are in quantitative agreement with experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; an expanded versio

    Study of color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)}

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    The color suppressed modes B0Dˉ()0η()B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta^{(\prime)} are analyzed in perturbative QCD approach. We find that the dominant contribution is from the non-factorizable diagrams. The branching ratios calculated in our approach for B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta agree with current experiments. By neglecting the gluonic contribution, we predict the branching ratios of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta' are at the comparable size of B0Dˉ()0π0B^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \pi^0, but smaller than that of B0Dˉ()0ηB^0 \to \bar D^{(*)0} \eta .Comment: revtex, 5 pages, axodraw.st

    Exact results of the mixed-spin Ising model on a decorated square lattice with two different decorating spins of integer magnitudes

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    The mixed-spin Ising model on a decorated square lattice with two different decorating spins of the integer magnitudes S_B = 1 and S_C = 2 placed on horizontal and vertical bonds of the lattice, respectively, is examined within an exact analytical approach based on the generalized decoration-iteration mapping transformation. Besides the ground-state analysis, finite-temperature properties of the system are also investigated in detail. The most interesting numerical result to emerge from our study relates to a striking critical behaviour of the spontaneously ordered 'quasi-1D' spin system. It was found that this quite remarkable spontaneous order arises when one sub-lattice of the decorating spins (either S_B or S_C) tends towards their 'non-magnetic' spin state S = 0 and the system becomes disordered only upon further single-ion anisotropy strengthening. The effect of single-ion anisotropy upon the temperature dependence of the total and sub-lattice magnetization is also particularly investigated.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    BDνB \to D^*\ell\nu_\ell semileptonic form factors from lattice QCD with M\"obius domain-wall quarks

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    We calculate the form factors for the BDνB \to D^*\ell\nu_\ell decay in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD. For all quark flavors, we employ the M\"obius domain-wall action, which preserves chiral symmetry to a good precision. Our gauge ensembles are generated at three lattice cutoffs a12.5a^{-1} \sim 2.5, 3.6 and 4.5 GeV with pion masses as low as Mπ230M_\pi \sim 230 MeV. The physical lattice size LL satisfies the condition MπL4M_\pi L \geq 4 to control finite volume effects (FVEs), while we simulate a smaller size at the smallest MπM_\pi to directly examine FVEs. The bottom quark masses are chosen in a range from the physical charm quark mass to 0.7a10.7 a^{-1} to control discretization effects. We extrapolate the form factors to the continuum limit and physical quark masses based on heavy meson chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order. Then the recoil parameter dependence is parametrized using a model independent form leading to our estimate of the decay rate ratio between the tau (=τ\ell = \tau) and light lepton (=e,μ\ell = e,\mu) channels R(D)=0.252(22)R(D^*) = 0.252(22) in the Standard Model. A simultaneous fit with recent data from the Belle experiment yields Vcb=39.19(90)×103|V_{cb}| = 39.19(90)\times 10^{-3}, which is consistent with previous exclusive determinations, and shows good consistency in the kinematical distribution of the differential decay rate between the lattice and experimental data.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure