217 research outputs found

    Extremely high room-temperature two-dimensional hole gas mobility in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures

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    To extract the room-temperature drift mobility and sheet carrier density of two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) that form in Ge strained channels of various thicknesses in Ge/Si0.33Ge0.67/Si(001) p-type modulation-doped heterostructures, the magnetic field dependences of the magnetoresistance and Hall resistance at temperature of 295 K were measured and the technique of maximum entropy mobility spectrum analysis was applied. This technique allows a unique determination of mobility and sheet carrier density of each group of carriers present in parallel conducting multilayers semiconductor heterostructures. Extremely high room-temperature drift mobility (at sheet carrier density) of 2DHG 2940 cm2 V–1 s–1 (5.11×1011 cm–2) was obtained in a sample with a 20 nm thick Ge strained channel

    Area-preserving dynamics of a long slender finger by curvature: a test case for the globally conserved phase ordering

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    A long and slender finger can serve as a simple ``test bed'' for different phase ordering models. In this work, the globally-conserved, interface-controlled dynamics of a long finger is investigated, analytically and numerically, in two dimensions. An important limit is considered when the finger dynamics are reducible to the area-preserving motion by curvature. A free boundary problem for the finger shape is formulated. An asymptotic perturbation theory is developed that uses the finger aspect ratio as a small parameter. The leading-order approximation is a modification of ``the Mullins finger" (a well-known analytic solution) which width is allowed to slowly vary with time. This time dependence is described, in the leading order, by an exponential law with the characteristic time proportional to the (constant) finger area. The subleading terms of the asymptotic theory are also calculated. Finally, the finger dynamics is investigated numerically, employing the Ginzburg-Landau equation with a global conservation law. The theory is in a very good agreement with the numerical solution.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Latex; corrected typo

    Hole density dependence of effective mass, mobility and transport time in strained Ge channel modulation-doped heterostructures

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    We performed systematic low-temperature (T = 350 mK–15 K) magnetotransport measurements on the two-dimensional hole gas with various sheet carrier densities Ps = (0.57–2.1)×1012 cm–2 formed in the strained Ge channel modulation-doped (MOD) SiGe heterostructures grown on Si substrates. It was found that the effective hole mass deduced by temperature dependent Shubnikov–de Hass oscillations increased monotonically from (0.087±0.05)m0 to (0.19±0.01)m0 with the increase of Ps, showing large band nonparabolicity in strained Ge. In contrast to this result, the increase of the mobility with increasing Ps (up to 29 000 cm2/V s) was observed, suggesting that Coulomb scattering played a dominant role in the transport of the Ge channel at low temperatures. In addition, the Dingle ratio of the transport time to the quantum lifetime was found to increase with increasing Ps, which was attributed to the increase of remote impurity scattering with the increase of the doping concentration in MOD SiGe layers

    Two Dimensional Nucleation Process by Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Two dimensional nucleation process on substrate is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation, and the critical nucleus size and its waiting time are measured with a high accuracy. In order to measure the critical nucleus with a high accuracy, we calculate the attachment and the detachment rate to the nucleus directly, and define the critical nucleus size when both rate are equal. Using the kinematical nucleation theory by Nishioka, it is found that, our obtained kinematical two dimensional critical nucleus size are about ten percent smaller than the thermodynamically defined one. The dependence on the chemical potentials for the critical nucleus size is good agreement with the classical nucleation theory. For the surface diffusion dependence of the critical nucleus size, it is found that the critical nucleus size increases as the surface diffusion length to long distance

    Breakdown of Scale Invariance in the Phase Ordering of Fractal Clusters

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    Our numerical simulations with the Cahn-Hilliard equation show that coarsening of fractal clusters (FCs) is not a scale-invariant process. On the other hand, a typical coarsening length scale and interfacial area of the FC exhibit power laws in time, while the mass fractal dimension remains invariant. The initial value of the lower cutoff is a relevant length scale. A sharp-interface model is formulated that can follow the whole dynamics of a diffusion controlled growth, coarsening, fragmentation and approach to equilibrium in a system with conserved order parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex, submitted to PR

    Anomalous Dynamic Scaling in Locally-Conserved Coarsening of Fractal Clusters

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    We report two-dimensional phase-field simulations of locally-conserved coarsening dynamics of random fractal clusters with fractal dimension D=1.7 and 1.5. The correlation function, cluster perimeter and solute mass are measured as functions of time. Analyzing the correlation function dynamics, we identify two different time-dependent length scales that exhibit power laws in time. The exponents of these power laws are independent of D, one of them is apparently the classic exponent 1/3. The solute mass versus time exhibits dynamic scaling with a D-dependent exponent, in agreement with a simple scaling theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Normal scaling in globally conserved interface-controlled coarsening of fractal clusters

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    Globally conserved interface-controlled coarsening of fractal clusters exhibits dynamic scale invariance and normal scaling. This is demonstrated by a numerical solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equation with a global conservation law. The sharp-interface limit of this equation is volume preserving motion by mean curvature. The scaled form of the correlation function has a power-law tail accommodating the fractal initial condition. The coarsening length exhibits normal scaling with time. Finally, shrinking of the fractal clusters with time is observed. The difference between global and local conservation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Scaling anomalies in the coarsening dynamics of fractal viscous fingering patterns

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    We analyze a recent experiment of Sharon \textit{et al.} (2003) on the coarsening, due to surface tension, of fractal viscous fingering patterns (FVFPs) grown in a radial Hele-Shaw cell. We argue that an unforced Hele-Shaw model, a natural model for that experiment, belongs to the same universality class as model B of phase ordering. Two series of numerical simulations with model B are performed, with the FVFPs grown in the experiment, and with Diffusion Limited Aggregates, as the initial conditions. We observed Lifshitz-Slyozov scaling t1/3t^{1/3} at intermediate distances and very slow convergence to this scaling at small distances. Dynamic scale invariance breaks down at large distances.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Instability driven fragmentation of nanoscale fractal islands

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    Formation and evolution of fragmentation instabilities in fractal islands, obtained by deposition of silver clusters on graphite, are studied. The fragmentation dynamics and subsequent relaxation to the equilibrium shapes are controlled by the deposition conditions and cluster composition. Sharing common features with other materials' breakup phenomena, the fragmentation instability is governed by the length-to-width ratio of the fractal arms.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Physical Review Letters in pres
