37 research outputs found

    Bionanomedicine: A “Panacea” In Medicine?

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    Recent advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, and materials science have prompted novel developments in the field of nanomedicine. Enhancements in the theranostics, computational information, and management of diseases/disorders are desperately required. It may now be conceivable to accomplish checked improvements in both of these areas utilising nanomedicine. This scientific and concise review concentrates on the fundamentals and potential of nanomedicine, particularly nanoparticles and their advantages, nanoparticles for siRNA conveyance, nanopores, nanodots, nanotheragnostics, nanodrugs and targeting mechanisms, and aptamer nanomedicine. The combination of various scientific fields is quickening these improvements, and these interdisciplinary endeavours to have significant progressively outstretching influences on different fields of research. The capacities of nanomedicine are immense, and nanotechnology could give medicine a completely new standpoint

    An inhibitory pull-push circuit in frontal cortex.

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    Push-pull is a canonical computation of excitatory cortical circuits. By contrast, we identify a pull-push inhibitory circuit in frontal cortex that originates in vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-expressing interneurons. During arousal, VIP cells rapidly and directly inhibit pyramidal neurons; VIP cells also indirectly excite these pyramidal neurons via parallel disinhibition. Thus, arousal exerts a feedback pull-push influence on excitatory neurons-an inversion of the canonical push-pull of feedforward input

    Neurophenomenology of Savant Syndrome

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    Savant syndrome is an enigmatic disorder. It is characterized by cluster of outstanding mental ability in otherwise handicapped individuals. People with savant syndrome exhibit exceptional-extraordinary abilities and demonstrate some specific talents or particular skills along with developmental disabilities. Their profound and prodigous abilities are far in excess of what are considered normal. There is a paradoxical presence of special skills and distinguished disabilities. The documented savant skills include “lightning-speed” numerical calculation, calendrical calculation, musical savants (exceptional musical abilities, especially perfect pitch), artistic skills, hyperlexics (Fast reading and understanding). Other types of talents and artistic skills involving three-dimensional drawing, map memory, poetry, painting, and sculpturing are also observed. The goal of this scientific article is to review savant syndrome, based on neurophenomenology framework and recent findings.Sindrom savant adalah gangguan yang misterius. Sindrom ini ditandai dengan adanya beberapa kemampuan mental yang menonjol pada individu dengan kelainan/cacat jasmani. Orang dengan sindrom savant menunjukkan beragam kemampuan luar-biasa serta memiliki beberapa bakat khusus atau keterampilan yang istimewa di samping gangguan perkembangan. Kemampuan yang dimilikinya melampaui kondisi normal. Ada paradoks dari kehebatan dan cacat yang dimilikinya. Beberapa keterampilan yang terdokumentasikan, misalnya: perhitungan numerik kilat, kalkulasi kalender, musik (kecuali kemampuan musikal, terutama pitch yang sempurna), keterampilan artistik, hiperleksia (kemampuan membaca dan memahami kilat). Jenis bakat dan kemampuan artistik lainnya antara lain menggambar tiga dimensi, ingatan tentang peta, puisi, lukisan, dan seni memahat. Tujuan artikel ilmiah ini adalah untuk meninjau sindrom savant berdasarkan pendekatan neurofenomenologi, dan kepustakaan serta riset terkini

    Applied Neuroleadership in Indonesia

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    The relationship between brain and behaviour has perplexed philosophers and recent technological advances have allowed neuroscience to flourish, alongside growing romanticism that reductionist studies will allow us to understand complex interpersonal behaviours. Organizational cognitive neuroscience and neuroleadership are newly established interdisciplinary fields that use neuroscientific techniques to answer questions about behaviours within organizations. Neuroleadership aims to discover screening tools for good leaders, to improve leadership skills, and to identify unconscious factors affecting behaviour in hopes of improving management and leadership practices. Indonesian democracy is currently in a positive developmental condition and deserves to be appreciated. This opinion refers to several political realities such as the implementation of elections that develop from the district /city, provincial level, and finally at the national level, which takes place in relatively safe and controlled environment, without causing turmoil or violence and does not cause chaos. A successful democracy and great leaders have brought Indonesia to have economic growth and has provided it the resources and clout to exercise a greater regional and global role

    Sindrom Asperger

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    Sindrom Asperger (AS) atau sindrom profesor kecil telah dikenal lebih dari 50 tahun yang lalu. Ditandai dengan adanya gangguan interaksi sosial, minat yang berulang, terbatas atau sempit, rutinitas yang repetitif, problematika komunikasi nonverbal, keunikan motorik, keanehan berbicara dan berbahasa disertai keterlambatan penguasaan bahasa dengan kecerdasan normal. Secara klinis dibedakan dari autisme dan high-functioning autism oleh ketiadaan keterlambatan berbicara. Tinjauan ini membahas mengenai sinonim, sejarah, definisi, epidemiologi, etiologi, potret klinis, karakteristik dan ciri khas, diagnosis, penyerta, diagnosis banding, pemeriksaan penunjang, penatalaksanaan, dan pencegahan sindrom Asperger.Asperger syndrome (AS) or little professor syndrome was described since over 50 years ago. It is characterized by social interaction impairments, narrow and restrictive or repetitive interests, repetitive routines, nonverbal communication problems, motor clumsiness, speech and language peculiarities with a lack of significant delays in language acquisition and with normal intelligence. It is clinically differentiated from autism and high-functioning autism by the absence of clinically delayed speech. This review discusses about synonyms, history, definition, epidemiology, etiology, clinical portraits, characteristics and pathognomonics, diagnostics, comorbidities, differential diagnosis, additional assessments, management, and prevention of AS