54 research outputs found

    Annexin V disruption impairs mechanically induced calcium signaling in osteoblastic cells

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    Abstract The mechanical environment of the skeleton plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of structurally competent bone. Biophysical signals induced by mechanical loading elicit a variety of cellular responses in bone cells, however, little is known about the underlying mechanotransduction mechanism. We hypothesized that bone cells detect and transduce biophysical signals into biological responses via a mechanism requiring annexin V (AnxV). AnxV, a calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein, has several attributes, which suggest it is ideally suited for a role as a mechanosensor, possibly a mechanosensitive ion channel. These include the ability to function as a Ca 2+ selective ion channel, and the ability to interact with both extracellular matrix proteins and cytoskeletal elements. To test the hypothesis that AnxV has a role in mechanosensing, we studied the response of osteoblastic cells to oscillating fluid flow, a physiologically relevant physical signal in bone, in the presence and absence of AnxV inhibitors. In addition, we investigated the effects of oscillating flow on the cellular location of AnxV. Oscillating fluid flow increased both [Ca 2+ ] i levels and c-fos protein levels in osteoblasts. Disruption of AnxV with blocking antibodies or a pharmacological inhibitor, K201 (JTV-519), significantly inhibited both responses. Additionally, our data show that the cellular location of AnxV was modulated by oscillating fluid flow. Exposure to oscillating fluid flow resulted in a significant increase in AnxV at both the cell and nuclear membranes. In summary, our data suggest that AnxV mediates flow-induced Ca 2+ signaling in osteoblastic cells. These data support the idea of AnxV as a Ca 2+ channel, or a component of the signaling pathway, in the mechanism by which mechanical signals are transduced into cellular responses in the osteoblast. Furthermore, the presence of a highly mobile pool of AnxV may provide cells with a powerful mechanism by which cellular responses to mechanical loading might be amplified and regulated.

    Osteochondral Grafting: Effect of Graft Alignment, Material Properties, and Articular Geometry

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    Osteochondral grafting for cartilage lesions is an attractive surgical procedure; however, the clinical results have not always been successful. Surgical recommendations differ with respect to donor site and graft placement technique. No clear biomechanical analysis of these surgical options has been reported. We hypothesized that differences in graft placement, graft biomechanical properties, and graft topography affect cartilage stresses and strains. A finite element model of articular cartilage and meniscus in a normal knee was constructed. The model was used to analyze the magnitude and the distribution of contact stresses, von Mises stresses, and compressive strains in the intact knee, after creation of an 8-mm diameter osteochondral defect, and after osteochondral grafting of the defect. The effects of graft placement, articular surface topography, and biomechanical properties were evaluated. The osteochondral defect generated minimal changes in peak contact stress (3.6 MPa) relative to the intact condition (3.4 MPa) but significantly increased peak von Mises stress (by 110%) and peak compressive strain (by 63%). A perfectly matched graft restored stresses and strains to near intact conditions. Leaving the graft proud by 0.5 mm generated the greatest increase in local stresses (peak contact stresses = 6.7 MPa). Reducing graft stiffness and curvature of articular surface had lesser effects on local stresses. Graft alignment, graft biomechanical properties, and graft topography all affected cartilage stresses and strains. Contact stresses, von Mises stresses, and compressive strains are biomechanical markers for potential tissue damage and cell death. Leaving the graft proud tends to jeopardize the graft by increasing the stresses and strains on the graft. From a biomechanical perspective, the ideal surgical procedure is a perfectly aligned graft with reasonably matched articular cartilage surface from a lower load-bearing region of the knee

    Custom-designed orthopedic implants evaluated using finite element analysis of patient-specific computed tomography data: femoral-component case study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Conventional knee and hip implant systems have been in use for many years with good success. However, the custom design of implant components based on patient-specific anatomy has been attempted to overcome existing shortcomings of current designs. The longevity of cementless implant components is highly dependent on the initial fit between the bone surface and the implant. The bone-implant interface design has historically been limited by the surgical tools and cutting guides available; and the cost of fabricating custom-designed implant components has been prohibitive.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper describes an approach where the custom design is based on a Computed Tomography scan of the patient's joint. The proposed design will customize both the articulating surface and the bone-implant interface to address the most common problems found with conventional knee-implant components. Finite Element Analysis is used to evaluate and compare the proposed design of a custom femoral component with a conventional design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proposed design shows a more even stress distribution on the bone-implant interface surface, which will reduce the uneven bone remodeling that can lead to premature loosening.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed custom femoral component design has the following advantages compared with a conventional femoral component. (i) Since the articulating surface closely mimics the shape of the distal femur, there is no need for resurfacing of the patella or gait change. (ii) Owing to the resulting stress distribution, bone remodeling is even and the risk of premature loosening might be reduced. (iii) Because the bone-implant interface can accommodate anatomical abnormalities at the distal femur, the need for surgical interventions and fitting of filler components is reduced. (iv) Given that the bone-implant interface is customized, about 40% less bone must be removed. The primary disadvantages are the time and cost required for the design and the possible need for a surgical robot to perform the bone resection. Some of these disadvantages may be eliminated by the use of rapid prototyping technologies, especially the use of Electron Beam Melting technology for quick and economical fabrication of custom implant components.</p

    Proteoglycan Breakdown of Meniscal Explants Following Dynamic Compression Using a Novel Bioreactor

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    Motivated by our interest in examining meniscal mechanotransduction processes, we report on the validation of a new tissue engineering bioreactor. This paper describes the design and performance capabilities of a tissue engineering bioreactor for cyclic compression of meniscal explants. We showed that the system maintains a tissue culture environment equivalent to that provided by conventional incubators and that its strain output was uniform and reproducible. The system incorporates a linear actuator and load cell aligned together in a frame that is contained within an incubator and allows for large loads and small displacements. A plunger with six Teflon-filled Delrin compression rods is attached to the actuator compressing up to six tissue explants simultaneously and with even pressure. The bioreactor system was used to study proteoglycan (PG) breakdown in porcine meniscal explants following various input loading tests (0–20% strain, 0–0.1 MPa). The greatest PG breakdown was measured following 20% compressive strain. These strain and stress levels have been shown to correspond to partial meniscectomy. Thus, these data suggest that removing 30–60% of meniscal tissue will result in the breakdown of meniscal tissue proteoglycans

    IL-1 and iNOS gene expression and NO synthesis in the superior region of meniscal explants are dependent on the magnitude of compressive strains

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    OBJECTIVE: Partial meniscectomy is known to cause osteoarthritis (OA) of the underlying cartilage as well as alter the load on the remaining meniscus. Removal of 30-60% of the medial meniscus increases compressive strains from a maximum of approximately 10% to almost 20%. The goal of this study is to determine if meniscal cells produce catabolic molecules in response to the altered loading that results from a partial meniscectomy. METHOD: Relative changes in gene expression of interleukin-1 (IL-1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and subsequent changes in the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) released by meniscal tissue in response to compression were measured. Porcine meniscal explants were dynamically compressed for 2 h at 1 Hz to simulate physiological stimulation at either 10% strain or 0.05 MPa stress. Additional explants were pathologically stimulated to either 0% strain, 20% strain or, 0.1 MPa stress. RESULTS: iNOS and IL-1 gene expression and NO release into the surrounding media were increased at 20% compressive strain compared to other conditions. Pathological unloading (0% compressive strain) of meniscal explants did not significantly change expression of IL-1 or iNOS genes, but did result in an increased amount of NO released compared to physiological strain of 10%. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that meniscectomies which reduce the surface area of the meniscus by 30-60% will increase the catabolic activity of the meniscus which may contribute to the progression of OA

    Biomechanical spinal growth modulation and progressive adolescent scoliosis – a test of the 'vicious cycle' pathogenetic hypothesis: Summary of an electronic focus group debate of the IBSE

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    There is no generally accepted scientific theory for the causes of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). As part of its mission to widen understanding of scoliosis etiology, the International Federated Body on Scoliosis Etiology (IBSE) introduced the electronic focus group (EFG) as a means of increasing debate on knowledge of important topics. This has been designated as an on-line Delphi discussion. The text for this debate was written by Dr Ian A Stokes. It evaluates the hypothesis that in progressive scoliosis vertebral body wedging during adolescent growth results from asymmetric muscular loading in a "vicious cycle" (vicious cycle hypothesis of pathogenesis) by affecting vertebral body growth plates (endplate physes). A frontal plane mathematical simulation tested whether the calculated loading asymmetry created by muscles in a scoliotic spine could explain the observed rate of scoliosis increase by measuring the vertebral growth modulation by altered compression. The model deals only with vertebral (not disc) wedging. It assumes that a pre-existing scoliosis curve initiates the mechanically-modulated alteration of vertebral body growth that in turn causes worsening of the scoliosis, while everything else is anatomically and physiologically 'normal' The results provide quantitative data consistent with the vicious cycle hypothesis. Dr Stokes' biomechanical research engenders controversy. A new speculative concept is proposed of vertebral symphyseal dysplasia with implications for Dr Stokes' research and the etiology of AIS. What is not controversial is the need to test this hypothesis using additional factors in his current model and in three-dimensional quantitative models that incorporate intervertebral discs and simulate thoracic as well as lumbar scoliosis. The growth modulation process in the vertebral body can be viewed as one type of the biologic phenomenon of mechanotransduction. In certain connective tissues this involves the effects of mechanical strain on chondrocytic metabolism a possible target for novel therapeutic intervention

    Bone-meniscus interface

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    This chapter discusses the interface of the knee joint menisci with the tibial plateau. Each meniscus is secured to the underlying bone via two primary root attachments, as well as through several peripheral attachments. The primary root attachments possess complex structural, biochemical, and mechanical properties, and their integrity is vital for proper joint mechanics. The degradation of these meniscal attachment interfaces that occur in arthritic knees further implicates their importance in knee functionality. In addition to bone-meniscus interface composition, structure, and pathophysiology, the chapter also discusses the need to develop engineering strategies for bone-meniscus interface regeneration

    The role of IL-1 in meniscal tissue breakdown following simulated partial meniscectomy

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    In a healthy meniscus, the compressive strains are approximately 2–10%. [1] When 30% or more of the tissue is removed during partial meniscectomy, strains increase to approximately 18%. [1] We have previously shown that dynamic compressive strains of 20% to meniscal explants results in an increase in proteoglycan (PG) breakdown, nitric oxide (NO) production, metalloproteinases 1, 3, and 13 (MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13) compared to 0, 5, and 10% compressive strain. [2,3,4] The objective of this study was to determine if interruption of the IL-1 pathway would alter this biochemical response to dynamic mechanical compression.</jats:p

    Time dependent properties of bovine meniscal attachments: Stress relaxation and creep

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    It has been suggested that the success of a meniscal replacement is dependent on several factors, one of which is the secure fixation and firm attachment of the replacement to the tibial plateau [Chen, M.I., Branch, T.P., et al., 1996. Is it important to secure the horns during lateral meniscal transplantation? A cadaveric study. Arthroscopy 12(2), 174-181; Alhalki, M.M., et al., 1999. How three methods for fixing a medial meniscal autograft affect tibial contact mechanics. American Journal of Sports Medicine 27(3), 320-328; Haut Donahue, T.L., et al., 2003. How the stiffness of meniscal attachments and meniscal material properties affect tibio-femoral contact pressure computed using a validated finite element model of the human knee joint. Journal of Biomechanics 36(1), 19-34]. The complex loading environment in the knee lends itself to different loading environments for each meniscal attachment. We hypothesize that the creep and stress relaxation characteristics of the horn attachments will be different for the anterior versus posterior, and medial versus lateral attachments. To test this hypothesis, the stress relaxation and creep characteristics of the meniscal horn attachments were determined. The stress relaxation properties of load/stress at the end of the test, and the load/stress relaxation rate demonstrated no significant statistical differences between the attachments. Unlike the stress relaxation properties, the creep properties demonstrated some significant differences amongst the attachments. The normalized displacement at the end of the test, normalized creep rate and strain creep rate for the lateral anterior attachment were significantly different than those of the medial posterior attachment (p \u3c 0.0 5). The two anterior attachments had significantly different strains at the end of the test, as well as significantly different creep strain rates (p \u3c 0.0 5). The two attachments of the medial meniscus revealed no significant differences between any of the creep properties measured (p \u3e 0.0 5). The time dependent properties obtained in this experiment provide insight into the behavior of meniscal horn attachments under various loading situations. The results indicate that a suitable meniscal replacement may require different properties for the lateral and medial horns. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved