185 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Earning Per Share (Eps), Price Earning Rasio (Per), Ukuran Perusahaan (Firm Size) dan Risiko Sistematis (Beta) terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Real Estate & Property yang Terdaftar di Bei Tahun 2006-2009

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    This research was undertaken to test and provide empirical evidence of the influence of Earning Per Share (EPS), Earning Price Ratio (PER), company size (Firm Size) and Systematic Risk (BETA) on stock returns of real estate & property companies listed on the Stock Exchange . Population is the number of whole objects (entities or individuals) whose characteristic are about to suspected. In this study population were observed and all Real Estate & Property companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2006 to 2009 as many as 139 companies.Based on the research results which indicate that EPS significantly influence stock returns. The effect that is positive, namely the level of EPS can certainly improve the quality of the audit. PER significant effect on stock returns. This showed that the effect was significant. PER models that based on the ratio between the stock price per share with EPS which can increase stock returns. Firm size have a significant effect on stock returns, the company size (Firm Size) is a large scale which can be classified as big and small firms, systematic risk has no effect on stock returns.Recommendations can be submitted at the next study is should add a longer observation period to obtain more accurate results. With add the period in the next research by using more samples to be more accurate

    Pengaruh Profesionalisme, Independensi, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Budaya Kerja terhadap Kinerja Internal Auditor di Bpkp Provinsi

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    This Research is aimed to know the effect of profesionalism , independence, organizational commitment and work culture to performance of internal auditors. This research is held at BPKP Riau province, The population of this study are internal auditors of BPKP. The data of this study are collected by using questionaires, and analyzed by using multiple regression. The result of this study shows that the professionalism, independence, organizational commitment and work culture have the possitive to the performent of internal auditors. The results also showed the contribution of independent variable influence on the dependent variable is equal to 82.1%. While the remaining 17.9% is influenced by other variables not included in this regression model

    Aplikasi Diagnosa Kebutaan Warna Menggunakan Metode Ishihara Untuk Android

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    One disorder that occurs in the eye is color blind. Color blindness is a condition in which a person can not distinguish certain colors that can be distinguished by people with normal eye. The development of Medical Science progress is color blind test using Ishihara book. Color Blind Test current is needed for the world of industry, education, and government. It is caused by human dependence in work or education closely related to color. Not only that, the use of paper that is easily torn and color fading when the long-unused makes testing no longer be perfect. For that reason the author makes the Color Blind Test applications that run on smartphone Android. Selection of the Android operating system because the operating system is open source. The author makes an application Color Blind Test this by referring to the book Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, so the rule is in use in accordance with the procedure

    Analisis Kinerja BPS Dalam Penyusunan PDRB Melalui Survei Nerwilis Di Kota Semarang

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    Performance is a parameter by which the extent of implementation of particular activity/program/policy can be achieved in order to obtain particular target, objective, vision, and mission of an organization, which has been predetermined in the organizational planning strategy. Performance can be assessed and measured if individuals or group of individuals have already had criteria or standard by which a successful work can be achieved. Therefore, organizational success cannot be obtained without clear target and objective. This study applied a public administration and five performance indicators, i.e. productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. The study performed a descriptive, qualitative method to expose the findings from the field observation. Data were collected by means of interview, observation, and documentation, involving key informants from the Semarang Municipal Office of the Center for Statistic Bureau as well as concerned stakeholders. The study resulted in as the followings: poor performance of the Center for Statistic Bureau in developing the Gross Regional Income report as it might be evidenced from the Nerwilis survey. There were still lacking productivity, poor data quality, and inadequate human resources. However, the Semarang Municipal Office of the Center for Statistic Bureau had been supported by good organizational vision and mission, staff competency, experience, and technological advance. All of these aspects helped the Center to present the data required by the governmental institutions as well as the stakeholders. In other words, performance transparency had been achieved. This study recommended an incidental field staff recruit and socialization of the importance of the statistics in the modern era

    Analisis Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Campuran Bensin Premium Dengan “Cap-tikus” Pada Sepeda Motor Suzuki Smash 110 Cc

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    Mixing gasoline (premium) with a "Cap-Tikus" is one solution to reduce the consumption of conventional fuels. In this study, testing was conducted on a Suzuki Smash 110 CC motorcycles made ​​in 2003 to analyze the fuel consumption for the 2.5 km mileage on gear ratio-2, 3, 4, and velocity 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 km / h with volume mixture of 15% "Cap-Tikus" and 75% gasoline. "Cap-Tikus" used is containing 65% - 90% alcohol (ethanol). Trial of using the gasoline mixed with "Cap-Tikus" is fail to start the engine. Replacing “Cap-Tikus” with “Spiritus” successfully run the engine. It is found that the consumption of the mixture fuel is reducing the consumption of gasoline. The most efficient consumption fuel obtained in the 4th gear using the fuel mixtures are 20.43; 28.64; 38.15; 40.50, and 51.20 g / hr respectively for speed 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 km / h


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    Kemajuan teknologi digital telah membawa pengaruh perubahan yang sangat signifikan disegala sendi kehidupan. Cara berkomunikasi melalui Internet dapat membantu aktivitas manusia menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien baik dari segi waktu, tenaga, biaya dan hal lainnya. Sosial media adalah salah satu dari inovasi perkembangan teknologi digital yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi oleh seseorang dengan yang lainnya. Sudah puluhan juta masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan sosial media untuk berkomunikasi. Alasan nya menggunakan sosial media bukan Cuma karena kemudahannya tapi juga karena untuk hiburan dan gratis. Kemudahan ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam mengenalkan produk atau kegiatannya dengan cepat dan mudah tentunya melalui promosi menggunakan media sosial ini. Tetapi sayangnya tidak banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui ini. Untuk itu menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi semua pihak, tidak terkecuali dikalangan pengusaha dan pengurus organisasi karena mereka hidup di zaman yang sudah serba mudah dan serba canggih. maka dari itu diperlukannya edukasi yang dapat membimbing mereka lebih mampu dalam memanfaatkan internet khususnya di media sosial, harapan kami setelah adanya kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat mengenai “pemanfaatan dan implementasi sosial media sebagai sarana promosi kepada masyarakat di SMP ISLAM AL ISRA , mereka dapat menerapkan pengetahuannya dalam aktivitas sehari-hari baik itu dalam kegiatan promosi ataupun dalam kepentingan lainnya, branding organisasi/kelompok masyarakat dan lain lainnya. Ilmu yang diperoleh pada Pengabdian Masyarakat kali ini diharapkan mampu memberikan semangat baru bagi kita dalam berbagi pengetahuan dan motivasi serta berkontribusi bagi generasi muda, baik dilingkungan masyarakat dan keluarga