33 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Penyimpanan Informasi Rahasia Pada Mobile Device Android Dengan Metode Kriptografi Serpent Cipher

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    Keamanan informasi merupakan salah satuaspek penting dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Namunpenyimpanan informasi pada tempat yang kurang tepat,misalnya pada sebuah catatan (baik yang merupakan catatanfisik ataupun software) seringkali dinilai tidak aman. Karenaselama informasi yang disimpan masih dapat terbaca (humanreadable), maka tidak tertutup kemungkinan informasitersebut suatu saat ditemukan ataupun dibongkar sehinggaterbaca.Aplikasi yang dibuat mampu menyimpan sekaligusmengamankan informasi rahasia dari penggunanya. Selaindiamankan oleh password, aplikasi juga diamankan olehpseudorandom number melalui fitur shake, sehinggakeamanannya terjamin.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, aplikasi mampumengimplementasikan fitur untuk meng-edit dan menghapusinformasi yang tersimpan, mengirim informasi melalui SMSatau e-mail, melakukan enkripsi/dekripsi terhadap file padaexternal storage device, mengubah password yang tersimpan,melakukan backup ke Google Drive, dan melakukan restore

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Wisata Trowulan Berbasis Android

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    There are many locations - the historic tourist sites in the area Trowulan very unlikely to miss. Site - historic sites, such as the temple - the temple, goods - goods or equipment - equipment daily life - the era of the Majapahit kingdom, sleeping Buddha statue, the tombs of the ancestors of Majapahit, as well as the ruins of the house - houses kingdom of Majapahit era. Lots of locations - the historic location very missed by the tourists. Even generally in Trowulan location history is not widely known by many people. In general, the tourists searching for information - information through various media, such as on the internet before making a visit. The information obtained is often poorly organized to illustrate the existing tourist sites in Trowulan. With the use of smartphones are widely used today, an application designed to assist travelers in finding the location and information about the location - the tourist sites in Trowulan.This application provides information about tourist sites in Trowulan, referral services for the user to a location, other services is access to information on the location, description of the location, location photo gallery, a list of locations you have visited, running games, and update content. This application is designed to operate on smartphones with Android operating system.Based on testing result, this application is running all functionts that have been mentioned properly, such as login, map, game, stamping, and also content update

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sales Berbasis Mobile Device Menggunakan Phonegap

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    Penggunaan smartphone dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Smartphone dengan system operasi Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, IOS, dan beberapa system operasi lainya berkembang dengan pesat dan banyak orang yang sudah dapat menggunakan smartphone tersebut. Perkembangan ini dapat dimanfaatkan juga dalam dunia kerja seperti untuk pekerjaan memasarkan barang. Dengan membuat aplikasi pada smartphone maka pekerjaan yang biasanya membutuhkan catatan-catatan dapat dimasukan ke dalam smartphone sehingga menjadi lebih praktis. Seperti daftar barang, nota pemesanan, dan data customer dapat dimasukan ke dalam smartphone dan dapat diakses oleh sales yang membawa smartphone.Aplikasi yang dikembangkan menggunakan PhoneGap yang dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman HTML 5, Javascript, dan CSS. Untuk komunikasi data antara device dengan data pusat Perusahaan menggunakan JSON. Untuk bagian server tidak memiliki tampilan sama sekali karena hanya berfungsi untuk menghubungkan device dengan data Perusahaan.Aplikasi ini dapat memberi kemudahan kepada sales untuk dapat melakukan penjualan pada customer. Sales dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan data barang yang akan dijual, sales juga dapat mengenal customer dengan lebih baik, dan juga sales juga akan lebih terbantu dengan adanya fitur upload data transaksi yang dapat memudahkan sales untuk dapat mengumpulkan data pemesanan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya tanpa antri pada kantor Perusahaan

    Aplikasi Seniors Assistance System Berbasis Android

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    Seniors have a weak immune system and susceptible to disease. Therefore, the elderly require special attention from their families and caregivers. The number of elderly in the world is increasing by one million per month. There are concerns on the cost and quality of care to the elderly with increasing number of elderly. These problems can be solved by using technology which is an assistive technologies that help caregivers and families monitor the daily life and maintain the health of the elderly.Seniors Assistance System applications using Android as the media of assistive technology for caregivers and families. This application helps caregivers to monitor the location of the elderly and hospital search using Google Maps technology in the application. This application can also be connected directly to the smartphone seniors with Google Cloud Messaging technology that is useful for setting automatically answer the phone, sending a warning or setting a reminder on medicine, and doctor visits.There are two applications which are seniors Android-based application and caregiver Android-based application. Caregiver's application can monitor the location of senior's smartphone, set reminders to take medicine as well as visits to the doctor, and send a warning to senior's application. Senior's application have speed dialing, search the nearest hospital, and sends SOS notification. Based on the application test, nine out of ten respondents rate the app was good overall

    Testing of aspheric surfaces with computer generated holograms

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    Aspherical surfaces are becoming more important and can even be mass producted. There is a need for flexible test methods of high accuracy. The paper describes the combination of a computer generated holograms with a partially compensating lens as a powerful tool. An example for testing a steep aspheric surface will be given

    Evaluation of the Widal tube agglutination test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever among children admitted to a rural hdospital in Tanzania and a comparison with previous studies

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of typhoid fever is confirmed by culture of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi (S. typhi). However, a more rapid, simpler, and cheaper diagnostic method would be very useful especially in developing countries. The Widal test is widely used in Africa but little information exists about its reliability. METHODS: We assessed the performance of the Widal tube agglutination test among febrile hospitalized Tanzanian children. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of various anti-TH and -TO titers using culture-confirmed typhoid fever cases as the "true positives" and all other febrile children with blood culture negative for S. typhi as the "true negatives." RESULTS: We found that 16 (1%) of 1,680 children had culture-proven typhoid fever. A single anti-TH titer of 1:80 and higher was the optimal indicator of typhoid fever. This had a sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 98%, NPV of 100%, but PPV was only 26%. We compared our main findings with those from previous studies. CONCLUSION: Among febrile hospitalized Tanzanian children with a low prevalence of typhoid fever, a Widal titer of > or = 1:80 performed well in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and NPV. However a test with improved PPV that is similarly easy to apply and cost-efficient is desirable

    Karakteristik Penderita Sindroma Terowongan Karpal (STK) di Poliklinik Instalasi Rehabilitasi Medik RS Dr. Kariadi Semarang 2006

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    The characteristics of carpal tunnel syndrome of patients in the medical rehabilitation (PMR) outpatient clinic Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang 2006 Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common clinical disorder in daily practice, especially in the PMR outpatient clinic Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang. However it seems there is no pattern of patient characteristic and medical rehabilitation programs applied for the CTS patients. The objective of this study was to explore patient characteristics and the medical rehabilitation programs. Methods: The study was an observational descriptive study. Data were collected from medical records of new patients diagnosed with CTS in PMR Department Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang in 2006. Results: There were 34 patients (4% of 838 new patients) diagnosed with CTS, 32 (94,1%) were female and 2 (5,9%) were male, 18 (53%) with unilateral CTS and 16 (47%) with bilateral CTS. Most of them were 41-50 (38,2%) and 51-60 years old (35,3%) and dominantly were house wife (61,8%). The most frequent clinical manifestations were numbness (97%), with positive Tinel’s sign (88,2%). Electrodiagnostic examination was done in 17 subjects (50%). The most frequent medical rehabilitation program is ultrasound therapy (76,5%), six times a week. Conclusion: CTS patients are predominantly women with positive Tinel sign, and therapy given is mostly ultrasound and ortotic prosthetic with splint

    The sensitivity of PCR screening on <em>S. typhi</em> examination

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    Penerapan Produk Daylighting Untuk Pencahayaan Ruang Di Rumah Susun

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    Pemanfaatan energi cahaya matahari dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif utama pengganti lampu listrik untuk pencahayaan ruang di kawasan rumah susun padat pada pagi hingga sore hari. Demi kemudahan bagi penghuni ruangan, penerapan daylighting dalam bentuk elemen bangunan dengan fungsi operasional yang statis berupa light tube horizontal dapat memberikan penerangan yang relatif menyebar ke segala arah. Dengan potensi penerangan matahari di Indonesia yang berlimpah, transmisi cahaya melalui tabung bermaterial reflektif akan memberikan difusi cahaya yang konsisten. Dengan menggunakan material yang bersifat tahan lama, light tube horizontal tetap berfungsi optimal di cuaca yang ekstrem