1,374 research outputs found

    Chandra Observations of SN 2004et and the X-ray Emission of Type IIp Supernovae

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    We report the X-ray detection of the Type II-plateau supernova SN 2004et in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946, using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. The position of the X-ray source was found to agree with the optical position within ~0.4 arcsec. Chandra also surveyed the region before the 2004 event, finding no X-ray emission at the location of the progenitor. For the post-explosion observations, a total of 202, 151, and 158 photons were detected in three pointings, each ~29 ks in length, on 2004 October 22, November 6, and December 3, respectively. The spectrum of the first observation is best fit by a thermal model with a temperature of kT=1.3 keV and a line-of-sight absorption of N_H=1.0 x 10^{22} cm^{-2}. The inferred unabsorbed luminosity (0.4-8 keV) is ~4x10^{38} erg/s, adopting a distance of 5.5 Mpc. A comparison between hard and soft counts on the first and third epochs indicates a softening over this time, although there is an insufficient number of photons to constrain the variation of temperature and absorption by spectral fitting. We model the emission as arising from the reverse shock region in the interaction between the supernova ejecta and the progenitor wind. For a Type IIP supernova with an extended progenitor, the cool shell formed at the time of shock wave breakout from the star can affect the initial evolution of the interaction shell and the absorption of radiation from the reverse shock. The observed spectral softening might be due to decreasing shell absorption. We find a pre-supernova mass loss rate of (2-2.5)x 10^{-6} M_{\odot} /yr for a wind velocity of 10 kms, which is in line with expectations for a Type IIP supernova.Comment: total 19 pages including 7 figures. ApJ, in press. See http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/rho/preprint/SN2004etms.ps for the paper including full resolution image

    Radiative neutron capture on a proton at BBN energies

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    The total cross section for radiative neutron capture on a proton, npdγnp \to d \gamma, is evaluated at big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) energies. The electromagnetic transition amplitudes are calculated up to next-to leading order within the framework of pionless effective field theory with dibaryon fields. We also calculate the dγnpd\gamma\to np cross section and the photon analyzing power for the dγnpd\vec{\gamma}\to np process from the amplitudes. The values of low energy constants that appear in the amplitudes are estimated by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis using the relevant low energy experimental data. Our result agrees well with those of other theoretical calculations except for the npdγnp\to d\gamma cross section at some energies estimated by an R-matrix analysis. We also study the uncertainties in our estimation of the npdγnp\to d\gamma cross section at relevant BBN energies and find that the estimated cross section is reliable to within \sim1% error.Comment: 21 pages and 12 eps figures; 6 eps figures and 2 references added, and accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Lattice dynamics and the electron-phonon interaction in Ca2_2RuO4_4

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    We present a Raman scattering study of Ca2_2RuO4_4, in which we investigate the temperature-dependence of the lattice dynamics and the electron-phonon interaction below the metal-insulator transition temperature ({\it T}MI_{\rm MI}). Raman spectra obtained in a backscattering geometry with light polarized in the ab-plane reveal 9 B1g_{1g} phonon modes (140, 215, 265, 269, 292, 388, 459, 534, and 683 cm1^{-1}) and 9 Ag_g phonon modes (126, 192, 204, 251, 304, 322, 356, 395, and 607 cm1^{-1}) for the orthorhombic crystal structure (Pbca-D2h15_{2h}^{15}). With increasing temperature toward {\it T}MI_{\rm MI}, the observed phonon modes shift to lower energies and exhibit reduced spectral weights, reflecting structural changes associated with the elongation of the RuO6_6 octahedra. Interestingly, the phonons exhibit significant increases in linewidths and asymmetries for {\it T} >> {\it T}N_{\rm N}. These results indicate that there is an increase in the effective number of electrons and the electron-phonon interaction strengths as the temperature is raised through {\it T}N_{\rm N}, suggesting the presence of orbital fluctuations in the temperature regime {\it T}N_{\rm N} << {\it T} << {\it T}MI_{\rm MI}.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Instanton Molecule Liquid and "Sticky Molasses" Above T_c

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    The main objective of this work is to explore the evolution in the structure of the quark-antiquark bound states in going down in the chirally restored phase from the so-called "zero binding points" T_zb to the QCD critical temperature T_c at which the Nambu-Goldstone and Wigner-Weyl modes meet. In doing this, we adopt the idea recently introduced by Shuryak and Zahed for charmed cˉc\bar c c, light-quark qˉq\bar q q mesons π,σ,ρ,A1\pi, \sigma, \rho, A_1 and gluons that at T_zb, the quark-antiquark scattering length goes through infinity at which conformal invariance is restored, thereby transforming the matter into a near perfect fluid behaving hydrodynamically, as found at RHIC. We show that the binding of these states is accomplished by the combination of (i) the color Coulomb interaction, (ii) the relativistic effects, and (iii) the interaction induced by the instanton-anti-instanton molecules. The spin-spin forces turned out to be small. While near T_zb all mesons are large-size nonrelativistic objects bound by Coulomb attraction, near T_c they get much more tightly bound, with many-body collective interactions becoming important and making the σ\sigma and π\pi masses approach zero (in the chiral limit). The wave function at the origin grows strongly with binding, and the near-local four-Fermi interactions induced by the instanton molecules play an increasingly more important role as the temperature moves downward toward T_c.Comment: Contribution to QM2004 proceedings, 4 page

    Properties of Protostars in the Elephant Trunk in the Globule IC 1396A

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    Extremely red objects, identified in the early Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the bright-rimmed globule IC 1396A and photometrically classified as Class I protostars and Class II T Tauri stars based on their mid-infrared (mid-IR) colors, were spectroscopically observed at 5.5-38 μm (Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph), at the 22 GHz water maser frequency (National Radio Astronomy Observatory Green Bank Telescope), and in the optical (Palomar Hale 5 m) to confirm their nature and further elucidate their properties. The sources photometrically identified as Class I, including IC 1396A:α, γ, δ, ε, and ζ, are confirmed as objects dominated by accretion luminosity from dense envelopes, with accretion rates 1-10 × 10^–6 M☉ yr^–1 and present stellar masses 0.1-2 M☉. The Class I sources have extremely red continua, still rising at 38 μm, with a deep silicate absorption at 9-11 μm, weaker silicate absorption around 18 μm, and weak ice features including CO2 at 15.2 μm and H2O at 6 μm. The ice/silicate absorption ratio in the envelope is exceptionally low for the IC 1396A protostars, compared to those in nearby star-forming regions, suggesting that the envelope chemistry is altered by the radiation field or globule pressure. Only one 22 GHz water maser was detected in IC 1396A; it is coincident with a faint mid-IR source, offset from near the luminous Class I protostar IC 1396A:γ. The maser source, IC 1396A:γb, has luminosity less than 0.1 L☉, the first H2O maser from such a low-luminosity object. Two near-infrared (NIR) H2 knots on opposite sides of IC 1396A:γ reveal a jet, with an axis clearly distinct from the H2O maser of IC 1396A:γb. The objects photometrically classified as Class II, including IC 1396A:β, θ, Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)J 21364964+5722270, 2MASSJ 21362507+5727502, LkHα 349c, Tr 37 11-2146, and Tr 37 11-2037, are confirmed as stars with warm, luminous disks, with a silicate emission feature at 9-11 μm, and bright Hα emission; therefore, they are young, disk-bearing, classical T Tauri stars. The disk properties change significantly with source luminosity: low-mass (G-K) stars have prominent 9-11 emission features due to amorphous silicates while higher-mass (A-F) stars have weaker features requiring abundant crystalline silicates. A mineralogical model that fits the wide- and low-amplitude silicate feature of IC 1396A:θ requires small grains of crystalline olivine (11.3 μm peak) and another material to to explain its 9.1 μm peak; reasonable fits are obtained with a phyllosilicate, quartz, or relatively large (greater than 10 μm) amorphous olivine grains. The distribution of Class I sources is concentrated within the molecular globule, while the Class II sources are more widely scattered. Combined with the spectral results, this suggests two phases of star formation, the first (4 Myr ago) leading to the widespread Class II sources and the central O star of IC 1396 and the second (less than 1 Myr ago) occurring within the globule. The recent phase was likely triggered by the wind and radiation of the central O star of the IC 1396 H II region

    Carbon Monoxide in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant

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    We report the likely detection of near-infrared 2.29 μ\mum first overtone Carbon Monoxide (CO) emission from the young supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A). The continuum-subtracted CO filter map reveals CO knots within the ejecta-rich reverse shock. We compare the first overtone CO emission with that found in the well-studied supernova, SN 1987A and find \sim30 times less CO in Cas A. The presence of CO suggests that molecule mixing is small in the SN ejecta and that astrochemical processes and molecule formation may continue at least ~300 years after the initial explosion.Comment: Accepted for the publication in ApJ Lette

    Freshly Formed Dust in the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant as Revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    We performed Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph mapping observations covering nearly the entire extent of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant (SNR), producing mid-infrared (5.5-35 micron) spectra every 5-10". Gas lines of Ar, Ne, O, Si, S and Fe, and dust continua were strong for most positions. We identify three distinct ejecta dust populations based on their continuum shapes. The dominant dust continuum shape exhibits a strong peak at 21 micron. A line-free map of 21 micron-peak dust made from the 19-23 micron range closely resembles the [Ar II], [O IV], and [Ne II] ejecta-line maps implying that dust is freshly formed in the ejecta. Spectral fitting implies the presence of SiO2, Mg protosilicates, and FeO grains in these regions. The second dust type exhibits a rising continuum up to 21 micron and then flattens thereafter. This ``weak 21 micron'' dust is likely composed of Al2O3 and C grains. The third dust continuum shape is featureless with a gently rising spectrum and is likely composed of MgSiO3 and either Al2O3 or Fe grains. Using the least massive composition for each of the three dust classes yields a total mass of 0.02 Msun. Using the most-massive composition yields a total mass of 0.054 Msun. The primary uncertainty in the total dust mass stems from the selection of the dust composition necessary for fitting the featureless dust as well as 70 micron flux. The freshly formed dust mass derived from Cas A is sufficient from SNe to explain the lower limit on the dust masses in high redshift galaxies.Comment: 8 figures: Accepted for the publication in Ap

    Radiative Neutron-Proton Capture in Effective Chiral Lagrangians

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    We calculate the cross-section for the thermal n+pd+γn+p\rightarrow d+\gamma process in chiral perturbation theory to next-to-next-to-leading order using heavy-fermion formalism. The exchange current correction is found to be (4.5±0.3) %(4.5\pm 0.3)~\% in amplitude and the chiral perturbation at one-loop order gives the cross section \sigma_{th}^{np}=(334\pm 2)\ {\mbox mb} which is in agreement with the experimental value (334.2\pm 0.5)\ {\mbox mb}. Together with the axial charge transitions, this provides a strong support for the power of chiral Lagrangians for nuclear physics.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, uses epsfig.sty, 2 uuencoded figure