2,445 research outputs found

    A critical examination of five poems by ImruĘĽ al-Qays

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    This dissertation is a critical examination of five poems taken from the diwan of Imru' al-Qays. I have availed myself of the numbering of the poems as given in the Cairo Edition though the text I have used is that of the Dar Sadir Beirut Edition. There are five sections to my dissertation. 1. The Text and Translation. 2. Variant Readings. 3. Structural Analyses of the Poems. 4. A Thematic Thesaurus to the five poems from the diwan of Imru' al-Qays. 5. Appendix: Arabic Text of the Poems. My aim throughout has been to present a critical examination of the poems in a manner which would be readily accessible to anyone interested. I have always thought that a glossary of the themes of pre-Islamic poetry would be of great benefit to our study of this period and Section Four is intended as a preliminary canter of sorts, as an experiment in the feasibility of preparing such a lexicon

    Generic Fibrational Induction

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    This paper provides an induction rule that can be used to prove properties of data structures whose types are inductive, i.e., are carriers of initial algebras of functors. Our results are semantic in nature and are inspired by Hermida and Jacobs' elegant algebraic formulation of induction for polynomial data types. Our contribution is to derive, under slightly different assumptions, a sound induction rule that is generic over all inductive types, polynomial or not. Our induction rule is generic over the kinds of properties to be proved as well: like Hermida and Jacobs, we work in a general fibrational setting and so can accommodate very general notions of properties on inductive types rather than just those of a particular syntactic form. We establish the soundness of our generic induction rule by reducing induction to iteration. We then show how our generic induction rule can be instantiated to give induction rules for the data types of rose trees, finite hereditary sets, and hyperfunctions. The first of these lies outside the scope of Hermida and Jacobs' work because it is not polynomial, and as far as we are aware, no induction rules have been known to exist for the second and third in a general fibrational framework. Our instantiation for hyperfunctions underscores the value of working in the general fibrational setting since this data type cannot be interpreted as a set.Comment: For Special Issue from CSL 201

    Pemeriksaan Karies Gigi pada Beberapa Kelompok Usia oleh Petugas dengan Latar Belakang Berbeda di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

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    The main indicators of dental caries measurement according to the WHO is DMF - T . This study aimed to compare the results of the DMF - T between the dentist and not a dentist . The study design was the mean difference test. The study was conducted in the province of West Kalimantan , and conducted in March to October 2010. The subject of the study of 90 people , each consisting of 30 men and women aged 18 year , 35-44 year and aged 60 year and older . DMF - T the age of 18 year were examined dentist is 4.11 , while the dentist was checked instead of 2.51. At the age of 35-44 year were examined by a dentist is 9.82 , while that examined not the dentist is 7.79 . For ages 60 year and older , who examined the dentist was 24.13 being the result of the examination was not a dentist 23.80 . Conclusion : The results of measurements not lower dentists ( significant difference ) of the measurement dentist at the age of respondents aged adults and the elderly. It is advisable to do a better perception and a more detailed inter- examiner , to obtain a better examination results and more acurate.Keywords: caries , DMF- T , teens, adults, elderlyAbstrakIndikator utama pengukuran karies gigi menurut WHO adalah DMF-T. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan DMF-T antara dokter gigi dan bukan dokter gigi. Desain penelitian adalah uji beda Mean. Penelitian dilakukan di Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2010. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 90 orang, terdiri dari masingmasing 30 orang laki-laki dan perempuan usia 18 tahun, 35-44 tahun dan 60 tahun keatas. DMF-T usia 18 tahun yang diperiksa dokter gigi adalah 4,11, sedang yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi adalah 2,51. Pada usia 35-44 tahun yang diperiksa oleh dokter gigi memiliki tingkat keparahan cukup yaitu 9,82 , sedangkan yang diperiksa bukan dokter gigi yaitu 7,79. Untuk usia lansia yang diperiksa dokter gigi yaitu 24,13 demikian juga hasil pemeriksaan bukan dokter gigi 23,80. Kesimpulan: Hasil pengukuran bukan dokter gigi lebih rendah (berbeda bermakna) dari pada pengukuran dokter gigi pada responden usia dewasa maupun usia lansia. Semakin tinggi usia responden, semakin tinggi pula tingkat keparahan karies nya ( nilai DMF-T nya meningkat). Disarankan untuk melakukan penyamaan persepsi yang lebih baik dan lebih rinci antar pemeriksa, sehingga didapatkan hasil pemeriksaan yang lebih baik dan lebih akurat.Kata kunci: karies, DMF-T, usia remaja, usia dewasa dan usia lansi

    Status dan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Ditinjuau dari Faktor Individu Pengunjung Puskesmas DKI Jakarta Tahun 2007

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    . Dental and oral health status is expressed in dental caries and periodontal diseases prevelance, which generally caused by poor oral hygiene, i.e. plaque accumulation containing various bacteria. tendency of plaque formation exists in every people in every age. The fact in the fields showed that there are many dental and oral diseases were in advanced condition, resulting in impossibility in endodontic treatment (Rahardjo A., 2006). It was the results of the lack of public awareness and knowledge about the importance of dental and oral health, high dental care cost, and passive attitude of dentists who delivered only curative treatment. The study used Cross Sectional study design and conducted on selected sub district primary health centers in DKI Jakarta. On August 23rd - October 2nd 2007. The amount of people were 828 persons conducted both gender with 15 years age and ever lived in Jakarta. They participated in this study which were affirmed by informed consent. Data analyses were using Chi Square and Logistic Regression by SPSS version 11.5. The result of this study showed related significant between variable age with dental and oral health status (p:0.0001)

    Quantifying the direct and indirect protection provided by insecticide treated bed nets against malaria

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    Long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) provide both direct and indirect protection against malaria. As pyrethroid resistance evolves in mosquito vectors, it will be useful to understand how the specific benefits LLINs afford individuals and communities may be affected. Here we use modelling to show that there is no minimum LLIN usage needed for users and non-users to benefit from community protection. Modelling results also indicate that pyrethroid resistance in local mosquitoes will likely diminish the direct and indirect benefits from insecticides, leaving the barrier effects intact, but LLINs are still expected to provide enhanced benefit over untreated nets even at high levels of pyrethroid resistance

    Estimating the public health impact of the effect of herpes simplex virus suppressive therapy on plasma HIV-1 viral load.

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    OBJECTIVE: Trials of herpes simplex virus (HSV) suppressive therapy among HSV-2/HIV-1-infected individuals have reported an impact on plasma HIV-1 viral loads (PVLs). Our aim was to estimate the population-level impact of suppressive therapy on female-to-male HIV-1 sexual transmission. DESIGN AND METHODS: By comparing prerandomization and postrandomization individual-level PVL data from the first two HSV suppressive therapy randomized controlled trials in sub-Saharan Africa, we estimated the effect of treatment on duration of asymptomatic infection and number of HIV-1 transmission events for each trial. RESULTS: Assuming that a reduction in PVL is accompanied by an increased duration of HIV-1 asymptomatic infection, 4-6 years of HSV suppressive therapy produce a 1-year increase in the duration of this stage. To avert one HIV-1 transmission requires 8.8 [95% confidence interval (CI), 5.9-14.9] and 11.4 (95% CI, 7.8-27.5) women to be treated from halfway through their HIV-1 asymptomatic period, using results from Burkina Faso and South African trials, respectively. Regardless of the timing of treatment initiation, 51.6 (95% CI, 30.4-137.0) and 66.5 (95% CI, 36.7-222.6) treatment-years are required to avert one HIV-1 infection. Distributions of set-point PVL values from sub-Saharan African populations suggest that unintended adverse consequences of therapy at the population level (i.e. increased HIV-1 transmission due to increased duration of infection) are unlikely to occur in these settings. CONCLUSION: HSV suppressive therapy may avert relatively few HIV-1 transmission events per person-year of treatment. Its use as a prevention intervention may be limited; however, further research into its effect on rate of CD4 cell count decline and the impact of higher dosing schedules is warranted
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