4,525 research outputs found

    Stuck in the Present: Gaps in the Theoretical Past and Applied Future of the Psychology of Men and Masculinities

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    Over 30 years of research in the psychology of men and masculinities (PMM) has relied primarily on social constructionist and social learning theoretical perspectives. Social constructionism applied to gender and masculinity is much older than is often claimed in the psychology of men and masculinities literature. By paying a deeper homage to the feminist and social science researchers throughout the 20th century that influenced social constructionist theory applied to gender, PMM theory can grow and more effective clinical and prevention interventions can be designed for men. This is especially important considering the hundreds of problematic outcomes associated with how masculine norms have been defined and measured in the psychology of men and masculinities literature. Strict adherence to problematic masculine norms has been identified as a crisis in the U.S. Progress in the psychology of men and masculinities relies on the deepening of its theoretical past and the broadening of its clinical future. Concrete suggestions for doing so are addressed in this manuscript

    A piloted simulator study on augmentation systems to improve helicopter flying qualities in terrain flight

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    Four basic single-rotor helicopters, one teetering, on articulated, and two hingeless, which were found to have a variety of major deficiencies in a previous fixed-based simulator study, were selected as baseline configurations. The stability and control augmentation systems (SCAS) include simple control augmentation systems to decouple pitch and yaw responses due to collective input and to quicken the pitch and roll control responses; SCAS of rate-command type designed to optimize the sensitivity and damping and to decouple the pitch-roll due to aircraft angular tate; and attitude-command type SCAS. Pilot ratings and commentary are presented as well as performance data related to the task. SCAS control usages and their gain levels associated with specific rotor types are also discussed

    Effects of rotor parameter variations on handling qualities of unaugmented helicopters in simulated terrain flight

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    A coordinated analysis and ground simulator experiment was performed to investigate the effects on single rotor helicopter handling qualities of systematic variations in the main rotor hinge restraint, hub hinge offset, pitch-flap coupling, and blade lock number. Teetering rotor, articulated rotor, and hingeless rotor helicopters were evaluated by research pilots in special low level flying tasks involving obstacle avoidance at 60 to 100 knots airspeed. The results of the experiment are in the form of pilot ratings, pilot commentary, and some objective performance measures. Criteria for damping and sensitivity are reexamined when combined with the additional factors of cross coupling due to pitch and roll rates, pitch coupling with collective pitch, and longitudinal static stability. Ratings obtained with and without motion are compared. Acceptable flying qualities were obtained within each rotor type by suitable adjustment of the hub parameters, however, pure teetering rotors were found to lack control power for the tasks. A limit for the coupling parameter L sub q/L sub p of 0.35 is suggested

    The use of an aircraft test stand for VTOL handling qualities studies

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    The VTOL flight tests stand for testing control concepts on the X-14B VSS aircraft in hover, is described. This stand permits realistic and safe piloted evaluation and checkout of various control systems and of parameter variations within each system to determine acceptability to the pilot. Pilots can use it as a practical training tool to practice procedures and flying techniques and become familiar with the aircraft characteristics. Some examples of test experience are given. The test stand allows the X14B to maneuver in hover from centered position + or - 9.7 deg in roll and + or - 9.3 deg in pitch, about + or - 6 deg in yaw, and + or - 15 cm in vertical translation. The unique vertical free flight freedom enables study of liftoffs and landings with power conditions duplicated. The response on the stand agrees well with that measured in free hovering flight, and pilot comments confirm this

    Hydrogels based on polymerized ionic Liquids as innovative Drug Carriers in controllable and individualized Dosage Forms

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    Novel Polymerized Ionic Liquids (PILs)-based Hydrogels as Innovative Drug Delivery Systems are presented. The embedding of drugs in hydrogels enables the “smart” delivery of bioactive molecules from drugs for an oral route of administration. Therefore, a high mechanical strength as well as a favorable pH-dependent swelling behavior is required which is shown in this study. A mechanical compression of PILs-based hydrogels up to 98.5% and a high swelling behavior of poly(VEImBr) hydrogels in a solution with a high pH value is achieved. A significant lower swelling is achieved in a solution with a lower pH value

    Results of NASA/FAA ground and flight simulation experiments concerning helicopter IFR airworthiness criteria

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    A sequence of ground and flight simulation experiments was conducted to investigate helicopter instrument-flight-rules airworthiness criteria. The first six of these experiments and major results are summarized. Five of the experiments were conducted on large-amplitude motion base simulators. The NASA-Army V/STOLAND UH-1H variable-stability helicopter was used in the flight experiment. Artificial stability and control augmentation, longitudinal and lateral control, and in pitch and roll attitude augmentation were investigated

    The time-dependent localization of Ki 67 antigen-positive cells in human skin wounds

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    A total of 77 human skin wounds with a post-infliction interval between 3 h and 7 months were investigated and the proliferation marker antigen Ki 67 was visualized in paraffin sections using a specific monoclonal antibody (MIB). The re-built epidermal layer covering the former lesional area showed only a few basal cells positively staining for Ki 67 antigen. No enhanced reactivity was found when compared to uninjured skin. In basal cells of the epidermis adjacent to the wound area, however, varying numbers of positive cells occurred, but no information useful for a reliable time estimation of skin wounds could be obtained due to the considerable variability in the number of Ki 67 positive epidermal basal cells found in non-damaged skin. Fibroblastic cells in the wound area revealed an increased number of Ki 67-positive sites which could first be detected in a 1.5-day-old skin lesion. Positive results could be obtained in every specimen investigated after a post-infliction interval of 6 days up to 1.5 months. Only the scar tissue of the oldest wound examined (wound age 7 months) revealed no increase in the number of positively staining fibroblasts. Therefore, positive results indicate a wound age of at least approximately 1.5 days and the lack of an increased number of positive fibroblastic cells in a sufficient number of specimens indicates at a wound age of less than 6 days, but cannot totally exclude longer post-infliction intervals

    Introduction of Forage Legumes into Pastures of Three Different Grasses

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    It was evaluated the introduction of a mixture of calopo, galaxia, perennial soybean, guata and stylo broadcsted into marandu, setaria and tanzania half-plots already established in three cafeterias, each one located inside a paddock of each grass. The legumes were seeded in the end of the Spring (12/07/98), after the plots had been cut down and fertilized. The cafeterias were grazed intermittently by buffaloes maintained in the three paddocks. The occurrence of the five legume plants was avaluated by countings (#/m2) effected in the middle of Autumn, Winter and Spring of 1999 and Summer of 2000. Along with this last counting it was evaluated the forage remained after grazing and its N%. Marandu-grass presented the higher amount of forage remained after grazing but the lower presence of legumes along all countings. The contrary happened with Tanzania-grass. Significantly higher N% was found in the mixed grass half-plots compared with them without legumes