33 research outputs found

    Examples of Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization: Finite sets and Unit Interval

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    We present a quantization scheme of an arbitrary measure space based on overcomplete families of states and generalizing the Klauder and the Berezin-Toeplitz approaches. This scheme could reveal itself as an efficient tool for quantizing physical systems for which more traditional methods like geometric quantization are uneasy to implement. The procedure is illustrated by (mostly two-dimensional) elementary examples in which the measure space is a NN-element set and the unit interval. Spaces of states for the NN-element set and the unit interval are the 2-dimensional euclidean R2\R^2 and hermitian \C^2 planes

    One-loop approximation of Moller scattering in Krein-space quantization

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    It has been shown that the negative-norm states necessarily appear in a covariant quantization of the free minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter spacetime [1,2]. In this processes ultraviolet and infrared divergences have been automatically eliminated [3]. A natural renormalization of the one-loop interacting quantum field in Minkowski spacetime (λϕ4\lambda\phi^4) has been achieved through the consideration of the negative-norm states defined in Krein space. It has been shown that the combination of quantum field theory in Krein space together with consideration of quantum metric fluctuation, results in quantum field theory without any divergences [4]. Pursuing this approach, we express Wick's theorem and calculate M{\o}ller scattering in the one-loop approximation in Krein space. The mathematical consequence of this method is the disappearance of the ultraviolet divergence in the one-loop approximation.Comment: 10 page

    "Massless" vector field in de Sitter Universe

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    In the present work the massless vector field in the de Sitter (dS) space has been quantized. "Massless" is used here by reference to conformal invariance and propagation on the dS light-cone whereas "massive" refers to those dS fields which contract at zero curvature unambiguously to massive fields in Minkowski space. Due to the gauge invariance of the massless vector field, its covariant quantization requires an indecomposable representation of the de Sitter group and an indefinite metric quantization. We will work with a specific gauge fixing which leads to the simplest one among all possible related Gupta-Bleuler structures. The field operator will be defined with the help of coordinate independent de Sitter waves (the modes) which are simple to manipulate and most adapted to group theoretical matters. The physical states characterized by the divergencelessness condition will for instance be easy to identify. The whole construction is based on analyticity requirements in the complexified pseudo-Riemanian manifold for the modes and the two-point function.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    Tree-level Scattering Amplitude in de Sitter Space

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    In previous papers [1,2], it was proved that a covariant quantization of the minimally coupled scalar field in de Sitter space is achieved through addition of the negative norm states. This causal approach which eliminates the infrared divergence, was generalized further to the calculation of the graviton propagator in de Sitter space [3] and one-loop effective action for scalar field in a general curved space-time [4]. This method gives a natural renormalization of the above problems. Pursuing this approach, in the present paper the tree-level scattering amplitudes of the scalar field, with one graviton exchange, has been calculated in de Sitter space. It is shown that the infrared divergence disappears and the theory automatically reaches a renormalized solution of the problem.Comment: 6 page

    De Sitter Waves and the Zero Curvature Limit

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    We show that a particular set of global modes for the massive de Sitter scalar field (the de Sitter waves) allows to manage the group representations and the Fourier transform in the flat (Minkowskian) limit. This is in opposition to the usual acceptance based on a previous result, suggesting the appearance of negative energy in the limit process. This method also confirms that the Euclidean vacuum, in de Sitter spacetime, has to be preferred as far as one wishes to recover ordinary QFT in the flat limit.Comment: 9 pages, latex no figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Power Spectrum in Krein Space Quantization

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    The power spectrum of scalar field and space-time metric perturbations produced in the process of inflation of universe, have been presented in this paper by an alternative approach to field quantization namely, Krein space quantization [1,2]. Auxiliary negative norm states, the modes of which do not interact with the physical world, have been utilized in this method. Presence of negative norm states play the role of an automatic renormalization device for the theory.Comment: 8 pages, appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    A natural fuzzyness of de Sitter space-time

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    A non-commutative structure for de Sitter spacetime is naturally introduced by replacing ("fuzzyfication") the classical variables of the bulk in terms of the dS analogs of the Pauli-Lubanski operators. The dimensionality of the fuzzy variables is determined by a Compton length and the commutative limit is recovered for distances much larger than the Compton distance. The choice of the Compton length determines different scenarios. In scenario I the Compton length is determined by the limiting Minkowski spacetime. A fuzzy dS in scenario I implies a lower bound (of the order of the Hubble mass) for the observed masses of all massive particles (including massive neutrinos) of spin s>0. In scenario II the Compton length is fixed in the de Sitter spacetime itself and grossly determines the number of finite elements ("pixels" or "granularity") of a de Sitter spacetime of a given curvature.Comment: 16 page

    Auxiliary "massless" spin-2 field in de Sitter universe

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    For the tensor field of rank-2 there are two unitary irreducible representation (UIR) in de Sitter (dS) space denoted by Π2,2±\Pi^{\pm}_{2,2} and Π2,1±\Pi^{\pm}_{2,1} [1]. In the flat limit only the Π2,2±\Pi^{\pm}_{2,2} coincides to the UIR of Poincar\'e group, the second one becomes important in the study of conformal gravity. In the pervious work, Dirac's six-cone formalism has been utilized to obtain conformally invariant (CI) field equation for the "massless" spin-2 field in dS space [2]. This equation results in a field which transformed according to Π2,1±\Pi^{\pm}_{2,1}, we name this field the auxiliary field. In this paper this auxiliary field is considered and also related two-point function is calculated as a product of a polarization tensor and "massless" conformally coupled scalar field. This two-point function is de Sitter invariant.Comment: 16 page