3,616 research outputs found

    Formulation of additional observables for ENTREE

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    The S-band X and Y angles, SAMS, and TACAN range and bearing were incorporated into the ENTREE software for use by experimenters at LaRC for entry trajectory reconstruction purposes. Background discussions present the need for this added capability. Formulations for the various observables are presented. Both north-south and east-west antenna mounts were provided for in the S-band angle computations. Sub-vehicle terrain height variations are included in the SAMS model. Local magnetic variations were incorporated for the TACAN bearing computations. Observable formulations are discussed in detail along with the partial computations

    Inertial measurement unit pre-processors and post-flight STS-1 comparisons

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    The flight results show that the relative tri-redundant Inertial Measurement Unit IMU performance throughout the entire entry flight was within the expected accuracy. Comparisons are presented which show differences in the accumulated sensed velocity changes as measured by the tri-redundant IMUs (in Mean Equator and Equinox of 1950.0), differences in the equivalent inertial Euler angles as measured with respect to the M50 system, and finally, preliminary instrument calibrations determined relative to the ensemble average measurement set. Also, differences in the derived body axes rates and accelerations are presented. Because of the excellent performance of the IMUs during the STS-1 entry, the selection as to which particular IMU would best serve as the dynamic data source for entry reconstruction is arbitrary

    Final shuttle-derived atmospheric database: Development and results from thirty-two flights

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    The final Shuttle-derived atmospheric data base is presented. The relational data base is comprised of data from 32 Space Transportation System (STS) descent flights, to include available meteorology data taken in support of each flight. For the most part, the available data are restricted to the middle atmosphere. In situ accelerations, sensed by the tri-redundant Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to an accuracy better than 1 mg, are combined with post-flight Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) information and predicted, flight-substantiated Orbiter aerodynamics to provide determinations up to altitudes of 95 km. In some instances, alternate accelerometry data with micro-g resolution were utilized to extend the data base well into the thermosphere. Though somewhat limited, the ensemble of flights permit a reasonable sampling of monthly, seasonal, and latitudinal variations which can be utilized for atmospheric science investigations and model evaluations and upgrades as appropriate. More significantly, the unparallel vertical resolution in the Shuttle-derived results indicate density shears normally associated with internal gravity waves or local atmospheric instabilities. Consequently, these atmospheres can also be used as stress-atmospheres for Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN and C) system development and analysis as part of any advanced space vehicle design activities

    Shuttle derived atmospheric density model. Part 2: STS atmospheric implications for AOTV trajectory analysis, a proposed GRAM perturbation density model

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    A perturbation model to the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Global Reference Atmosphere Model (GRAM) was developed for use in the Aeroassist Orbital Transfer Vehicle (AOTV) trajectory and analysis. The model reflects NASA Space Shuttle experience over the first twelve entry flights. The GRAM was selected over the Air Force 1978 Reference Model because of its more general formulation and wider use throughout NASA. The add-on model, a simple scaling with altitude to reflect density structure encountered by the Shuttle Orbiter was selected principally to simplify implementation. Perturbations, by season, can be utilized to minimize the number of required simulations, however, exact Shuttle flight history can be exercised using the same model if desired. Such a perturbation model, though not meteorologically motivated, enables inclusion of High Resolution Accelerometer Package (HiRAP) results in the thermosphere. Provision is made to incorporate differing perturbations during the AOTV entry and exit phases of the aero-asist maneuver to account for trajectory displacement (geographic) along the ground track

    STS-40 descent BET products: Development and results

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    Descent Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) Data were generated for the final Orbiter Experiments Flight, STS-40. This report discusses the actual development of these post-flight products: the inertial BET, the Extended BET, and the Aerodynamic BET. Summary results are also included. The inertial BET was determined based on processing Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRSS) coherent Doppler data in conjunction with observations from eleven C-band stations, to include data from the Kwajalein Atoll and the usual California coastal radars, as well as data from five cinetheodolite cameras in the vicinity of the runways at EAFB. The anchor epoch utilized for the trajectory reconstruction was 53,904 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) seconds which corresponds to an altitude at epoch of approximately 708 kft. Atmospheric data to enable development of an Extended BET for this mission were upsurped from the JSC operational post-flight BET. These data were evaluated based on Space Shuttle-derived considerations as well as model comparisons. The Aerodynamic BET includes configuration information, final mass properties, and both flight-determined and predicted aerodynamic performance estimates. The predicted data were based on the final pre-operational databook, updated to include flight determined incrementals based on an earlier ensemble of flights. Aerodynamic performance comparisons are presented and correlated versus statistical results based on twenty-two previous missions

    Shuttle derived atmospheric density model. Part 1: Comparisons of the various ambient atmospheric source data with derived parameters from the first twelve STS entry flights, a data package for AOTV atmospheric development

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    The ambient atmospheric parameter comparisons versus derived values from the first twelve Space Shuttle Orbiter entry flights are presented. Available flights, flight data products, and data sources utilized are reviewed. Comparisons are presented based on remote meteorological measurements as well as two comprehensive models which incorporate latitudinal and seasonal effects. These are the Air Force 1978 Reference Atmosphere and the Marshall Space Flight Center Global Reference Model (GRAM). Atmospheric structure sensible in the Shuttle flight data is shown and discussed. A model for consideration in Aero-assisted Orbital Transfer Vehicle (AOTV) trajectory analysis, proposed to modify the GRAM data to emulate Shuttle experiments

    Reconstruction of the 1st Space Shuttle (STS-1) entry trajectory

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    A discussion of the generation of the best estimate trajectory (BET) of the first Space Shuttle Orbiter entry flight is presented. The BET defines a time history of the state, attitude, and atmospheric relative parameters throughout the Shuttle entry from an altitude of approximately 183 km to rollout. The inertial parameters were estimated utilizing a weighted least squares batch filter algorithm. Spacecraft angular rate and acceleration data derived from the Inertial Measurement Unit were utilized to predict the state and attitude which was constrained in a weighted least squares process to fit external tracking data consisting of ground based S-band and C-band data. Refined spacecraft altitude and velocity during and post rollout were obtained by processing artificial altimeter and Doppler data. The BET generation process is discussed. Software and data interface discussions are included. The variables and coordinate systems utilized are defined. STS-1 mission peculiar inputs are summarized. A listing of the contents of the actual BET is provided

    OEXP Analysis Tools Workshop

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    This publication summarizes the software needs and available analysis tools presented at the OEXP Analysis Tools Workshop held at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia on June 21 to 22, 1988. The objective of the workshop was to identify available spacecraft system (and subsystem) analysis and engineering design tools, and mission planning and analysis software that could be used for various NASA Office of Exploration (code Z) studies, specifically lunar and Mars missions

    Summary of shuttle data processing and aerodynamic performance comparisons for the first 11 flights

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    NASA Space Shuttle aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic research is but one part of the most comprehensive end-to-end flight test program ever undertaken considering: the extensive pre-flight experimental data base development; the multitude of spacecraft and remote measurements taken during entry flight; the complexity of the Orbiter aerodynamic configuration; the variety of flight conditions available across the entire speed regime; and the efforts devoted to flight data reduction throughout the aerospace community. Shuttle entry flights provide a wealth of research quality data, in essence a veritable flying wind tunnel, for use by researchers to verify and improve the operational capability of the Orbiter and provide data for evaluations of experimental facilities as well as computational methods. This final report merely summarizes the major activities conducted by the AMA, Inc. under NASA Contract NAS1-16087 as part of that interesting research. Investigators desiring more detailed information can refer to the glossary of AMA publications attached herein as Appendix A. Section I provides background discussion of software and methodology development to enable Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) generation. Actual products generated are summarized in Section II as tables which completely describe the post-flight products available from the first three-year Shuttle flight history. Summary results are presented in Section III, with longitudinal performance comparisons included as Appendices for each of the flights

    STS-8 bet results

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    The final Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) products, i.e., the reconstructed trajectory, the Extended BET, AEROBET and MMLE input files, generated for the eighth NASA Space Shuttle flight are documented. The reconstructed trajectory (inertial BET) for this Challenger flight, the first night landing is discussed. State (position, velocity, and attitude) plus three accelerometer scale factors were determined from fitting the Guam S-band data, seven C-band passes, and pseudo Doppler and altimeter during rollout on Runway 22. The anchor epoch utilized for the batch weighted-least-squares determination was Sept. 5, 1983 7h1m50s.0 (25310 GMT seconds). The spacecraft altitude at epoch is approx. 617 kft. IMU2 data were selected for the reconstruction