123 research outputs found

    Constraint-based sequence mining using constraint programming

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    The goal of constraint-based sequence mining is to find sequences of symbols that are included in a large number of input sequences and that satisfy some constraints specified by the user. Many constraints have been proposed in the literature, but a general framework is still missing. We investigate the use of constraint programming as general framework for this task. We first identify four categories of constraints that are applicable to sequence mining. We then propose two constraint programming formulations. The first formulation introduces a new global constraint called exists-embedding. This formulation is the most efficient but does not support one type of constraint. To support such constraints, we develop a second formulation that is more general but incurs more overhead. Both formulations can use the projected database technique used in specialised algorithms. Experiments demonstrate the flexibility towards constraint-based settings and compare the approach to existing methods.Comment: In Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR), 201

    A Density Matrix Algorithm for 3D Classical Models

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    We generalize the corner transfer matrix renormalization group, which consists of White's density matrix algorithm and Baxter's method of the corner transfer matrix, to three dimensional (3D) classical models. The renormalization group transformation is obtained through the diagonalization of density matrices for a cubic cluster. A trial application for 3D Ising model with m=2 is shown as the simplest case.Comment: 15 pages, Latex(JPSJ style files are included), 8 ps figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., some references are correcte

    Snapshot Observation for 2D Classical Lattice Models by Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group

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    We report a way of obtaining a spin configuration snapshot, which is one of the representative spin configurations in canonical ensemble, in a finite area of infinite size two-dimensional (2D) classical lattice models. The corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG), a variant of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), is used for the numerical calculation. The matrix product structure of the variational state in CTMRG makes it possible to stochastically fix spins each by each according to the conditional probability with respect to its environment.Comment: 4 pages, 8figure

    Symmetric States of Composite Systems

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    Størmer proved a theorem on the integral decomposition of symmetric states on a C*-algebra ⊗B. Motivated by problems in statistical mechanics, we define symmetric states on a composite algebra A⊗(⊗B) and extend Størmer’s theorem to this situation. Applications to spin-boson models are sketched

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group of Gapless Systems

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    We investigate convergence of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) in the thermodynamic limit for gapless systems. Although the DMRG correlations always decay exponentially in the thermodynamic limit, the correlation length at the DMRG fixed-point scales as ξm1.3\xi \sim m^{1.3}, where mm is the number of kept states, indicating the existence of algebraic order for the exact system. The single-particle excitation spectrum is calculated, using a Bloch-wave ansatz, and we prove that the Bloch-wave ansatz leads to the symmetry E(k)=E(πk)E(k)=E(\pi -k) for translationally invariant half-integer spin-systems with local interactions. Finally, we provide a method to compute overlaps between ground states obtained from different DMRG calculations.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 5 figure

    Energy Versus Magnetic-Field Diagram of the Spin-1 Haldane System with an Impurity

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    Energy versus magnetic-field diagram of the spin-11 Haldane system with an impurity bond is studied in terms of spin-1/2 degree of freedom at the sites neighboring the impurity bond by means of analytical method. We examine the equivalence between the realistic Hamiltonian and the phenomenological Hamiltonian which is composed two spin-1/2 spins representing the spin-1/2 degree of freedom. It is proved that when the strength of the impurity bond is sufficiently weak, the two Hamiltonians are equivalent to each other, as far as the energies of the low-lying states are concerned. We determine the correspondence between the interaction constants in the phenomenological Hamiltonian and those in the realistic Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, plain TeX (Postscript figures are included), KU-CCS-93-00

    Effect of a Spin-1/2 Impurity on the Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain

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    Low-lying excited states as well as the ground state of the spin-1 antiferro- magnetic Heisenberg chain with a spin-1/2 impurity are investigated by means of a variational method and a method of numerical diagonalization. It is shown that 1) the impurity spin brings about massive modes in the Haldane gap, 2) when the the impurity-host coupling is sufficiently weak, the phenomenological Hamiltonian used by Hagiwara {\it et al.} in the analysis of ESR experimental results for NENP containing a small amount of spin-1/2 Cu impurities is equivalent to a more realistic Hamiltonian, as far as the energies of the low-lying states are concerned, 3) the results obtained by the variational method are in semi-quantitatively good agreement with those obtained by the numerical diagonalization.Comment: 11 pages, plain TeX (Postscript figures are included), KU-CCS-93-00

    Connectivity transition in the frustrated S=1 chain revisited

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    The phase transition in the antiferromagnetic isotropic Heisenberg S=1 chain with frustrating next-nearest neighbor coupling alpha is reconsidered. We identify the order parameter of the large-alpha phase as describing two intertwined strings, each possessing a usual string order. The transition has a topological nature determined by the change in the string connectivity. Numerical evidence from the DMRG results is supported by the effective theory based on soliton states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex 4, submitted to PR

    One-site density matrix renormalization group and alternating minimum energy algorithm

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    Given in the title are two algorithms to compute the extreme eigenstate of a high-dimensional Hermitian matrix using the tensor train (TT) / matrix product states (MPS) representation. Both methods empower the traditional alternating direction scheme with the auxiliary (e.g. gradient) information, which substantially improves the convergence in many difficult cases. Being conceptually close, these methods have different derivation, implementation, theoretical and practical properties. We emphasize the differences, and reproduce the numerical example to compare the performance of two algorithms.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of ENUMATH 201

    The spectral gap for some spin chains with discrete symmetry breaking

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    We prove that for any finite set of generalized valence bond solid (GVBS) states of a quantum spin chain there exists a translation invariant finite-range Hamiltonian for which this set is the set of ground states. This result implies that there are GVBS models with arbitrary broken discrete symmetries that are described as combinations of lattice translations, lattice reflections, and local unitary or anti-unitary transformations. We also show that all GVBS models that satisfy some natural conditions have a spectral gap. The existence of a spectral gap is obtained by applying a simple and quite general strategy for proving lower bounds on the spectral gap of the generator of a classical or quantum spin dynamics. This general scheme is interesting in its own right and therefore, although the basic idea is not new, we present it in a system-independent setting. The results are illustrated with an number of examples.Comment: 48 pages, Plain TeX, BN26/Oct/9