10 research outputs found

    Ethnonursing for Utilizing Complementary Therapy at Using Tribes in Banyuwangi

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    Introduction: Using Tribe in Banyuwangi until today still using natural resources as a traditional treatment or care. This study was purposed to gain value and meaning of Using Tribe experience for utilizing complementary therapies in traditional healing practice. Method: Phenomenology study with qualitative methods based on ethnonursing models was used for this research. There were 13 respondents gathered by purposive sampling from three districts: Glagah, Rogojampi and Banyuwangi Kota. The data were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews on respondents and field observations as well as observations while interview. The analysis carried out by sorting and selecting a word or phrase that has value and meaning to the goal related with sub-themes grouped into themes and categories. Result: The results had showed that Using Tribe\u27s characteristic were social cohesion, appreciate arts, performing daily activities on the river, consume foods of animal and vegetable, not too close with health service, the myth factor was a strong factor in health and physical maintenance\u27s behavior, the the use of herbs and shaman to treat health problems. Conclusion and discussion: The use of herbs is suitable with modern health science as a complementary therapy, but this point almost faded because it tends to rarely performed. So, the Using Tribe need positive reinforcement from nurses, as an effort to improve their health status

    Kinematics and dynamics for computer animation

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    This tutorial will focus on the physical principles of kinematics and dynamics. After explaining the basic equations for point masses and rigid bodies a new approach for the dynamic simulation of multi-linked models with wobbling mass is presented, which has led to new insight in the field of biomechanics, but which has not been used in computer animation so far

    Stigma Against People with Severe Mental Disorder (PSMD) with Confinement “Pemasungan”

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      Pasung adalah tindakan pengekangan atau pembatasan aktivitas secara fisik untuk mengendalikan Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) yang tidak terkontrol oleh masyarakat biasa atau non profesional. Masalah yang dijumpai pada ODGJ yang dipasung adalah stigma dari masyarakat. Stigma merupakan salah satu faktor penghambat dalam penyembuhan ODGJ. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran stigma masyarakat terhadap ODGJ yang dipasung. Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel 150 responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Community Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 50.7 % masyarakat pro stigma sedangkan 49.3 % kontra stigma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih terdapat stigma tentang ODGJ yang dipasung. Stigma terhadap ODGJ yang dipasung memiliki dampak negatif pada seluruh aspek kehidupan. ODGJ sering menjadi korban pada tindakan – tindakan kriminal, didiskriminasikan, dan dikucilkan. Pemasungan pada ODGJ dapat dicegah dan diatasi dengan melibatkan peran aktif semua pihak secara komprehensif.     Kata kunci : Gangguan Jiwa, Pasung, Stigma. &nbsp