105 research outputs found

    Exact joint density-current probability function for the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We study the asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries and derive the exact form of the joint probability function for the occupation number and the current through the system. We further consider the thermodynamic limit, showing that the resulting distribution is non-Gaussian and that the density fluctuations have a discontinuity at the continuous phase transition, while the current fluctuations are continuous. The derivations are performed by using the standard operator algebraic approach, and by the introduction of new operators satisfying a modified version of the original algebra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exact probability function for bulk density and current in the asymmetric exclusion process

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    We examine the asymmetric simple exclusion process with open boundaries, a paradigm of driven diffusive systems, having a nonequilibrium steady state transition. We provide a full derivation and expanded discussion and digression on results previously reported briefly in M. Depken and R. Stinchcombe, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 040602, (2004). In particular we derive an exact form for the joint probability function for the bulk density and current, both for finite systems, and also in the thermodynamic limit. The resulting distribution is non-Gaussian, and while the fluctuations in the current are continuous at the continuous phase transitions, the density fluctuations are discontinuous. The derivations are done by using the standard operator algebraic techniques, and by introducing a modified version of the original operator algebra. As a byproduct of these considerations we also arrive at a novel and very simple way of calculating the normalization constant appearing in the standard treatment with the operator algebra. Like the partition function in equilibrium systems, this normalization constant is shown to completely characterize the fluctuations, albeit in a very different manner.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Continuum approach to wide shear zones in quasi-static granular matter

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    Slow and dense granular flows often exhibit narrow shear bands, making them ill-suited for a continuum description. However, smooth granular flows have been shown to occur in specific geometries such as linear shear in the absence of gravity, slow inclined plane flows and, recently, flows in split-bottom Couette geometries. The wide shear regions in these systems should be amenable to a continuum description, and the theoretical challenge lies in finding constitutive relations between the internal stresses and the flow field. We propose a set of testable constitutive assumptions, including rate-independence, and investigate the additional restrictions on the constitutive relations imposed by the flow geometries. The wide shear layers in the highly symmetric linear shear and inclined plane flows are consistent with the simple constitutive assumption that, in analogy with solid friction, the effective-friction coefficient (ratio between shear and normal stresses) is a constant. However, this standard picture of granular flows is shown to be inconsistent with flows in the less symmetric split-bottom geometry - here the effective friction coefficient must vary throughout the shear zone, or else the shear zone localizes. We suggest that a subtle dependence of the effective-friction coefficient on the orientation of the sliding layers with respect to the bulk force is crucial for the understanding of slow granular flows.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    The Grand-Canonical Asymmetric Exclusion Process and the One-Transit Walk

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    The one-dimensional Asymmetric Exclusion Process (ASEP) is a paradigm for nonequilibrium dynamics, in particular driven diffusive processes. It is usually considered in a canonical ensemble in which the number of sites is fixed. We observe that the grand-canonical partition function for the ASEP is remarkably simple. It allows a simple direct derivation of the asymptotics of the canonical normalization in various phases and of the correspondence with One-Transit Walks recently observed by Brak et.al.Comment: Published versio

    Wide shear zones and the spot model: Implications from the split-bottom geometry

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    The spot model has been developed by Bazant and co-workers to describe quasistatic granular flows. It assumes that granular flow is caused by the opposing flow of so-called spots of excess free volume, with spots moving along the slip lines of Mohr-Coulomb plasticity. The model is two-dimensional and has been successfully applied to a number of different geometries. In this paper we investigate whether the spot model in its simplest form can describe the wide shear zones observed in experiments and simulations of a Couette cell with split bottom. We give a general argument that is independent of the particular description of the stresses, but which shows that the present formulation of the spot model in which diffusion and drift terms are postulated to balance on length scales of order of the spot diameter, i.e. of order 3-5 grain diameters, is difficult to reconcile with the observed wide shear zones. We also discuss the implications for the spot model of co-axiality of the stress and strain rate tensors found in these wide shear flows, and point to possible extensions of the model that might allow one to account for the existence of wide shear zones.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published in EPJ

    Dyck Paths, Motzkin Paths and Traffic Jams

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    It has recently been observed that the normalization of a one-dimensional out-of-equilibrium model, the Asymmetric Exclusion Process (ASEP) with random sequential dynamics, is exactly equivalent to the partition function of a two-dimensional lattice path model of one-transit walks, or equivalently Dyck paths. This explains the applicability of the Lee-Yang theory of partition function zeros to the ASEP normalization. In this paper we consider the exact solution of the parallel-update ASEP, a special case of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model for traffic flow, in which the ASEP phase transitions can be intepreted as jamming transitions, and find that Lee-Yang theory still applies. We show that the parallel-update ASEP normalization can be expressed as one of several equivalent two-dimensional lattice path problems involving weighted Dyck or Motzkin paths. We introduce the notion of thermodynamic equivalence for such paths and show that the robustness of the general form of the ASEP phase diagram under various update dynamics is a consequence of this thermodynamic equivalence.Comment: Version accepted for publicatio

    Nonequilibrium Steady States of Matrix Product Form: A Solver's Guide

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    We consider the general problem of determining the steady state of stochastic nonequilibrium systems such as those that have been used to model (among other things) biological transport and traffic flow. We begin with a broad overview of this class of driven diffusive systems - which includes exclusion processes - focusing on interesting physical properties, such as shocks and phase transitions. We then turn our attention specifically to those models for which the exact distribution of microstates in the steady state can be expressed in a matrix product form. In addition to a gentle introduction to this matrix product approach, how it works and how it relates to similar constructions that arise in other physical contexts, we present a unified, pedagogical account of the various means by which the statistical mechanical calculations of macroscopic physical quantities are actually performed. We also review a number of more advanced topics, including nonequilibrium free energy functionals, the classification of exclusion processes involving multiple particle species, existence proofs of a matrix product state for a given model and more complicated variants of the matrix product state that allow various types of parallel dynamics to be handled. We conclude with a brief discussion of open problems for future research.Comment: 127 pages, 31 figures, invited topical review for J. Phys. A (uses IOP class file

    Enforcement and Public Corruption: Evidence from US States

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    We use high-quality panel data on corruption convictions, new panels of assistant U.S. attorneys and relative public sector wages, and careful attention to the consequences of modeling endogeneity to estimate the impact of prosecutorial resources on criminal convictions of those who undertake corrupt acts. Consistent with system capacity arguments, we find that greater prosecutor resources result in more convictions for corruption, other things equal. We find more limited, recent evidence for the deterrent effect of increased prosecutions. We control for and confirm in a panel context the effects of many previously identified correlates and causes of corruption. By explicitly determining the allocation of prosecutorial resources endogenously from past corruption convictions and political considerations, we show that this specification leads to larger estimates of the effect of resources on convictions. The results are robust to various ways of measuring the number of convictions as well as to various estimators
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