20,195 research outputs found

    Resonant and Non-Resonant Effects in Photon-Technipion Production at Lepton Colliders

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    Lepton collider experiments can search for light technipions in final states made striking by the presence of an energetic photon: e+e- \to \photon\technipion. To date, searches have focused on either production through anomalous coupling of the technipions to electroweak gauge bosons or on production through a technivector meson (\technirho, \techniomega) resonance. This paper creates a combined framework in which both contributions are included. This will allow stronger and more accurate limits on technipion production to be set using existing data from LEP or future data from a higher-energy linear collider. We provide explicit formulas and sample calculations (analytic and Pythia) in the framework of the Technicolor Straw Man Model, a model that includes light technihadrons.Comment: 11 pages, including title page, 3 figures; version 2: references adde

    Pseudo-Goldstone Boson Effects in Top-Antitop Productions at High Energy Hadron Colliders and Testing Technicolor Models

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    We study the top quark pair production process p+p(anti-p)-->top+antitop in various kinds of technicolor (TC) models at the Fermilab Tevatron Run II and the CERN LHC. The s-channel neutral pseudo-Goldstone bosons (PGB's) contribute dominately to the production amplitudes from its coupling to the gluons through the triangle loops of techniquarks and the top quark. Cross sections in different TC models with s-channel PGB contributions are calculated. It is shown that the PGB effects can be experimentally tested and different TC models under consideration can be distinguished at the LHC. Therefore, the p+p-->top+antitop process at the LHC provides feasible tests of the TC models.Comment: 10 pages in RevTex and 4 PS-files for the figures. Paramemter range is changed, and some references are added. Version for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Collider Phenomenology of Technihadrons in the Technicolor Straw Man Model

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    We discuss the phenomenology of the lightest SU(3)_C singlet and non-singlet technihadrons in the Straw Man Model of low-scale technicolor (TCSM). The technihadrons are assumed to be those arising in topcolor--assisted technicolor models in which topcolor is broken by technifermion condensates. We improve upon the description of the color--singlet sector presented in our earlier paper introducing the TCSM (hep-ph/9903369). These improvements are most important for subprocess energies well below the masses of the technirho and techniomega, and, therefore, apply especially to e+e- colliders such as LEP and a low--energy linear collider. In the color--octet sector, we consider mixing of the gluon, the coloron V_8 from topcolor breaking, and four isosinglet color--octet technirho mesons. We assume, as expected in walking technicolor, that these technirhos decay into qbar-q, gg, and g-technipion final states, but not into technipion pairs. All the TCSM production and decay processes discussed here are included in the event generator Pythia. We present several simulations appropriate for the Tevatron Collider, and suggest benchmark model lines for further experimental investigation.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figure

    Lagrangian Trajectory Modeling of Lunar Dust Particles

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    Apollo landing videos shot from inside the right LEM window, provide a quantitative measure of the characteristics and dynamics of the ejecta spray of lunar regolith particles beneath the Lander during the final 10 [m] or so of descent. Photogrammetry analysis gives an estimate of the thickness of the dust layer and angle of trajectory. In addition, Apollo landing video analysis divulges valuable information on the regolith ejecta interactions with lunar surface topography. For example, dense dust streaks are seen to originate at the outer rims of craters within a critical radius of the Lander during descent. The primary intent of this work was to develop a mathematical model and software implementation for the trajectory simulation of lunar dust particles acted on by gas jets originating from the nozzle of a lunar Lander, where the particle sizes typically range from 10 micron to 500 micron. The high temperature, supersonic jet of gas that is exhausted from a rocket engine can propel dust, soil, gravel, as well as small rocks to high velocities. The lunar vacuum allows ejected particles to travel great distances unimpeded, and in the case of smaller particles, escape velocities may be reached. The particle size distributions and kinetic energies of ejected particles can lead to damage to the landing spacecraft or to other hardware that has previously been deployed in the vicinity. Thus the primary motivation behind this work is to seek a better understanding for the purpose of modeling and predicting the behavior of regolith dust particle trajectories during powered rocket descent and ascent

    Composite Scalars at LEP: Constraining Technicolor Theories

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    LEPI and LEPII data can be used to constrain technicolor models with light, neutral pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons, Pa. We use published limits on branching ratios and cross sections for final states with photons, large missing energy, jet pairs, and b bbar pairs to constrain the anomalous Pa Z0 Z0, Pa Z0 photon, and Pa photon photon couplings. From these results, we derive bounds on the size of the technicolor gauge group and the number of technifermion doublets in models such as Low-scale Technicolor.Comment: 27 pages (including title page), 15 figures, 6 tables. version 2: In addressing PRD referee comments, we have significantly expanded our manuscript, to include detailed discussion of limits from LEP II data, as well as expanding the number or specific models to which we apply our results. As a result, we have changed the title from "Z0 decays to composite scalars: constraining technicolor theories

    Direct radiative capture of p-wave neutrons

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    The neutron direct radiative capture (DRC) process is investigated, highlighting the role of incident p-wave neutrons. A set of calculations is shown for the 12-C(n,gamma) process at incoming neutron energies up to 500 keV, a crucial region for astrophysics. The cross section for neutron capture leading to loosely bound s, p and d orbits of 13-C is well reproduced by the DRC model demonstrating the feasibility of using this reaction channel to study the properties of nuclear wave functions on and outside the nuclear surface. A sensitivity analysis of the results on the neutron-nucleus interaction is performed for incident s- as well as p-waves. It turned out that the DRC cross section for p-wave neutrons is insensitive to this interaction, contrary to the case of incident s-wave neutrons. PACS number(s): 25.40Lw,21.10Gv,23.40.HcComment: 16 pages, REVTeX file, PostScript file, .dvi fil

    Modification of Roberts' Theory for Rocket Exhaust Plumes Eroding Lunar Soil

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    In preparation for the Apollo program, Leonard Roberts developed a remarkable analytical theory that predicts the blowing of lunar soil and dust beneath a rocket exhaust plume. Roberts' assumed that the erosion rate is determined by the "excess shear stress" in the gas (the amount of shear stress greater than what causes grains to roll). The acceleration of particles to their final velocity in the gas consumed a portion of the shear stress. The erosion rate continues to increase until the excess shear stress is exactly consumed, thus determining the erosion rate. He calculated the largest and smallest particles that could be eroded based on forces at the particle scale, but the erosion rate equation assumes that only one particle size exists in the soil. He assumed that particle ejection angles are determined entirely by the shape of the terrain, which acts like a ballistic ramp, the particle aerodynamics being negligible. The predicted erosion rate and particle upper size limit appeared to be within an order of magnitude of small-scale terrestrial experiments, but could not be tested more quantitatively at the time. The lower particle size limit and ejection angle predictions were not tested

    Rigid C^*-tensor categories of bimodules over interpolated free group factors

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    Given a countably generated rigid C^*-tensor category C, we construct a planar algebra P whose category of projections Pro is equivalent to C. From P, we use methods of Guionnet-Jones-Shlyakhtenko-Walker to construct a rigid C^*-tensor category Bim whose objects are bifinite bimodules over an interpolated free group factor, and we show Bim is equivalent to Pro. We use these constructions to show C is equivalent to a category of bifinite bimodules over L(F_infty).Comment: 50 pages, many figure