161 research outputs found

    Network harness: bundles of routes in public transport networks

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    Public transport routes sharing the same grid of streets and tracks are often found to proceed in parallel along shorter or longer sequences of stations. Similar phenomena are observed in other networks built with space consuming links such as cables, vessels, pipes, neurons, etc. In the case of public transport networks (PTNs) this behavior may be easily worked out on the basis of sequences of stations serviced by each route. To quantify this behavior we use the recently introduced notion of network harness. It is described by the harness distribution P(r,s): the number of sequences of s consecutive stations that are serviced by r parallel routes. For certain PTNs that we have analyzed we observe that the harness distribution may be described by power laws. These power laws observed indicate a certain level of organization and planning which may be driven by the need to minimize the costs of infrastructure and secondly by the fact that points of interest tend to be clustered in certain locations of a city. This effect may be seen as a result of the strong interdependence of the evolutions of both the city and its PTN. To further investigate the significance of the empirical results we have studied one- and two-dimensional models of randomly placed routes modeled by different types of walks. While in one dimension an analytic treatment was successful, the two dimensional case was studied by simulations showing that the empirical results for real PTNs deviate significantly from those expected for randomly placed routes.Comment: 12 pages, 24 figures, paper presented at the Conference ``Statistical Physics: Modern Trends and Applications'' (23-25 June 2009, Lviv, Ukaine) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mykola Bogolyubov (1909-1992

    The McCoy-Wu Model in the Mean-field Approximation

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    We consider a system with randomly layered ferromagnetic bonds (McCoy-Wu model) and study its critical properties in the frame of mean-field theory. In the low-temperature phase there is an average spontaneous magnetization in the system, which vanishes as a power law at the critical point with the critical exponents β3.6\beta \approx 3.6 and β14.1\beta_1 \approx 4.1 in the bulk and at the surface of the system, respectively. The singularity of the specific heat is characterized by an exponent α3.1\alpha \approx -3.1. The samples reduced critical temperature tc=TcavTct_c=T_c^{av}-T_c has a power law distribution P(tc)tcωP(t_c) \sim t_c^{\omega} and we show that the difference between the values of the critical exponents in the pure and in the random system is just ω3.1\omega \approx 3.1. Above the critical temperature the thermodynamic quantities behave analytically, thus the system does not exhibit Griffiths singularities.Comment: LaTeX file with iop macros, 13 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys.

    Historical and interpretative aspects of quantum mechanics: a physicists' naive approach

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    Many theoretical predictions derived from quantum mechanics have been confirmed experimentally during the last 80 years. However, interpretative aspects have long been subject to debate. Among them, the question of the existence of hidden variables is still open. We review these questions, paying special attention to historical aspects, and argue that one may definitively exclude local realism on the basis of present experimental outcomes. Other interpretations of Quantum Mechanics are nevertheless not excluded.Comment: 30 page

    Finite temperature behavior of strongly disordered quantum magnets coupled to a dissipative bath

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    We study the effect of dissipation on the infinite randomness fixed point and the Griffiths-McCoy singularities of random transverse Ising systems in chains, ladders and in two-dimensions. A strong disorder renormalization group scheme is presented that allows the computation of the finite temperature behavior of the magnetic susceptibility and the spin specific heat. In the case of Ohmic dissipation the susceptibility displays a crossover from Griffiths-McCoy behavior (with a continuously varying dynamical exponent) to classical Curie behavior at some temperature TT^*. The specific heat displays Griffiths-McCoy singularities over the whole temperature range. For super-Ohmic dissipation we find an infinite randomness fixed point within the same universality class as the transverse Ising system without dissipation. In this case the phase diagram and the parameter dependence of the dynamical exponent in the Griffiths-McCoy phase can be determined analytically.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Quasi-long-range ordering in a finite-size 2D Heisenberg model

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    We analyse the low-temperature behaviour of the Heisenberg model on a two-dimensional lattice of finite size. Presence of a residual magnetisation in a finite-size system enables us to use the spin wave approximation, which is known to give reliable results for the XY model at low temperatures T. For the system considered, we find that the spin-spin correlation function decays as 1/r^eta(T) for large separations r bringing about presence of a quasi-long-range ordering. We give analytic estimates for the exponent eta(T) in different regimes and support our findings by Monte Carlo simulations of the model on lattices of different sizes at different temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, 3 postscript figs, style files include

    The Fate of Ernst Ising and the Fate of his Model

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    On this, the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the "Ising Lectures" in Lviv (Ukraine), we give some personal reflections about the famous model that was suggested by Wilhelm Lenz for ferromagnetism in 1920 and solved in one dimension by his PhD student, Ernst Ising, in 1924. That work of Lenz and Ising marked the start of a scientific direction that, over nearly 100 years, delivered extraordinary successes in explaining collective behaviour in a vast variety of systems, both within and beyond the natural sciences. The broadness of the appeal of the Ising model is reflected in the variety of talks presented at the Ising lectures ( http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/ising/ ) over the past two decades but requires that we restrict this report to a small selection of topics. The paper starts with some personal memoirs of Thomas Ising (Ernst's son). We then discuss the history of the model, exact solutions, experimental realisations, and its extension to other fields.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    Transportation Network Stability: a Case Study of City Traffic

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    The goals of this paper are to present criteria, that allow to a priori quantify the attack stability of real world correlated networks of finite size and to check how these criteria correspond to analytic results available for infinite uncorrelated networks. As a case study, we consider public transportation networks (PTN) of several major cities of the world. To analyze their resilience against attacks either the network nodes or edges are removed in specific sequences (attack scenarios). During each scenario the size S(c) of the largest remaining network component is observed as function of the removed share c of nodes or edges. To quantify the PTN stability with respect to different attack scenarios we use the area below the curve described by S(c) for c \in [0,1] recently introduced (Schneider, C. M, et al., PNAS 108 (2011) 3838) as a numerical measure of network robustness. This measure captures the network reaction over the whole attack sequence. We present results of the analysis of PTN stability against node and link-targeted attacks.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to the topical issue of the journal 'Advances in Complex Systems

    Surface Properties of Aperiodic Ising Quantum Chains

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    We consider Ising quantum chains with quenched aperiodic disorder of the coupling constants given through general substitution rules. The critical scaling behaviour of several bulk and surface quantities is obtained by exact real space renormalization.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, reference update

    Marginal Extended Perturbations in Two Dimensions and Gap-Exponent Relations

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    The most general form of a marginal extended perturbation in a two-dimensional system is deduced from scaling considerations. It includes as particular cases extended perturbations decaying either from a surface, a line or a point for which exact results have been previously obtained. The first-order corrections to the local exponents, which are functions of the amplitude of the defect, are deduced from a perturbation expansion of the two-point correlation functions. Assuming covariance under conformal transformation, the perturbed system is mapped onto a cylinder. Working in the Hamiltonian limit, the first-order corrections to the lowest gaps are calculated for the Ising model. The results confirm the validity of the gap-exponent relations for the perturbed system.Comment: 11 pages, Plain TeX, eps

    Critical behaviour near multiple junctions and dirty surfaces in the two-dimensional Ising model

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    We consider m two-dimensional semi-infinite planes of Ising spins joined together through surface spins and study the critical behaviour near to the junction. The m=0 limit of the model - according to the replica trick - corresponds to the semi-infinite Ising model in the presence of a random surface field (RSFI). Using conformal mapping, second-order perturbation expansion around the weakly- and strongly-coupled planes limits and differential renormalization group, we show that the surface critical behaviour of the RSFI model is described by Ising critical exponents with logarithmic corrections to scaling, while at multiple junctions (m>2) the transition is first order. There is a spontaneous junction magnetization at the bulk critical point.Comment: Old paper, for archiving. 6 pages, 1 figure, IOP macro, eps