594 research outputs found

    Piericiden A Sensitivity, Site 1 Phosphorylation, and Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Dehydrogenase during Iron-limited Growth of Candida utilis

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    It has been reported that cells of Candida utilis, grown in continuous culture under iron-limited conditions, develop site 1 phosphorylation, without the appearance of piericidin sensitivity and without changes in the iron-sulfur centers of NADH dehydrogenase, on aeration in the presence of cycloheximide, as well as on increasing the supply of iron during growth. These findings were reinvestigated in the present study. The parameters and properties followed during these transitions were sensitivity of NADH oxidation to piericidin, presence or absence of coupling site 1, EPR signals appearing on reduction with NADH or dithionite, the specific activities of NADH oxidase, NADH-ferricyanide reductase, and NADH-5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (juglone) reductase, and the kinetic behavior of NADH dehydrogenase in the ferricyanide assay. Monitoring the rates of oxidation of NADH in submitochondrial particles with artificial oxidants, observing the kinetics of the ferricyanide assay, and measuring the concentration of iron-sulfur centers elicited by EPR permitted ascertaining the type of NADH dehydrogenase present and its relative concentration in different experimental situations. It was found that on gradually increasing the concentration of iron during continuous culture (transition from ironlimited to iron- and substrate-limited growth), as well as on aeration of iron-limited cells, coupling site 1, piericidin sensitivity, NADH-ferricyanide activity, and iron-sulfur centers 1 and 2 increased concurrently, with concomitant decline of NADH-juglone reductase activity. Cycloheximide prevented all these changes. Iron-sulfur centers 3 plus 4 underwent relatively little increase during these transitions. It is concluded that in both of these experimental conditions a replacement of the type of NADH dehydrogenase present in exponential phase cells by that characteristic of stationary phase cells occurs and that the appearance of site 1 phosphorylation, piercidin sensitivity, and iron-sulfur centers 1 plus 2, all associated with the latter enzyme, is a consequence of this replacement. No evidence was found for the development of coupling site 1 without the appearance of piericidin sensir t

    Reduced Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Dehydrogenase, Piericidin Sensitivity, and Site 1 Phosphorylation in Different Growth Phases of Candida utilis

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    Reports in the literature indicate that during the exponential phase of growth of Candida utilis NADH oxidation is insensitive to rotenone, that rotenone sensitivity is acquired during the transition to the late stationary phase and is again lost on catabolite repression. The acquisition and loss of rotenone sensitivity appears to be accompanied by similar changes in Site 1 phosphorylation but does not appear to be reflected in the rate of oxidation of NADH (by mitochondria) or of NAD-linked substrates (by mitochondria or whole cells). In the present paper evidence is presented that these fluctuations in sensitivity to inhibitors of NADH oxidation reflect the presence of different types of inner membrane-bound NADH dehydrogenases in different phases of growth. Thus inner membrane preparations from exponential phase cells contain an NADH dehydrogenase which reacts equally well with ferricyanide and juglone as electron acceptor, appears to be very labile, and lacks EPR signals corresponding to iron-sulfur Centers 1 and 2, whereas a new species, probably an iron-sulfur protein, with resonances at g|| = 2.01, and g⊥ = 1.92 in the reduced state, is present. This species is not significantly reduced by NADH. In corresponding preparations from late stationary phase cells NADH-ferricyanide activity is high, juglone reductase activity is low, and the enzyme is stable and exhibits the EPR signals of iron-sulfur Centers 1 and 2, whereas the EPR signals of iron-sulfur Centers 3 + 4 change very little on transition from exponential to stationary phase cells. There is also a decrease in cytochrome concentration. Most prominent among these is a b-type cytochrome (g = 2.54; 2.23; 1.87) which decreases 2- to 3-fold. The EPR detectable species with g|| = 2.01 and g⊥ = 1.92 in the reduced state is no longer detected. On catabolite repression of late stationary phase cells there is an 80 to 90% decline in NADH-ferricyanide activity, of iron-sulfur Centers 1 and 2, a 50 to 60% decrease of Centers 3 + 4, and an increase in a b cytochrome, but the specific activity in NADH-juglone reductase and NADH oxidase assays increases, the enzyme becomes once again labile, and the EPR detectable species with g|| = 2.01 and g⊥ = 1.92 appears on reduction with dithionite. All these changes are prevented by cycloheximide. The data suggest that sensitivity to piericidin A and coupling to energy conservation Site 1 are properties of the type of NADH dehydrogenase present in late stationary phase cells but not in exponential phase or of catabolite-repressed cells

    Di- and Trinuclear Mixed-Valence Copper Amidinate Complexes from Reduction of Iodine

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    Molecular examples of mixed-valence copper complexes through chemical oxidation are rare but invoked in the mechanism of substrate activation, especially oxygen, in copper-containing enzymes. To examine the cooperative chemistry between two metals in close proximity to each other we began studying the reactivity of a dinuclear Cu(I) amidinate complex. The reaction of [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2, 1, with I2 in tetrahydrofuran (THF), CH3CN, and toluene affords three new mixed-valence copper complexes [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2(μ2-I3)(THF)2, 2, [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]2Cu2(μ2-I) (NCMe)2, 3, and [(2,6-Me2C6H3N)2C(H)]3Cu3(μ3-I)2, 4, respectively. The first two compounds were characterized by UV-vis and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies, and their molecular structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. Both di- and trinuclear mixed-valence intermediates were characterized for the reaction of compound 1 to compound 4, and the molecular structure of 4 was determined by X-ray crystallography. The electronic structure of each of these complexes was also investigated using density functional theory

    Resonance Raman spectroscopy of cytochrome oxidase and electron transport particles with excitation near the Soret band

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    We report the resonance Raman spectra of cytochrome oxidase, both solubilized and in electron transport particles using laser excitation near the Soret band. As in the spectra of other hemoproteins, such as cytochrome , the shape and intensity of a number of bands change when the oxidation state is varied. However, one of the hemes of solubilized cytochrome oxidase shows redox behavior which is anomalous. Spectra of electron transport particles are dominated by cytochrome oxidase. There are, however, definite differences between spectra of solubilized cytochrome oxidase and electron transport particles in the oxidized states.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33860/1/0000121.pd

    Structure and Molecular Evolution of CDGSH Iron-Sulfur Domains

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    The recently discovered CDGSH iron-sulfur domains (CISDs) are classified into seven major types with a wide distribution throughout the three domains of life. The type 1 protein mitoNEET has been shown to fold into a dimer with the signature CDGSH motif binding to a [2Fe-2S] cluster. However, the structures of all other types of CISDs were unknown. Here we report the crystal structures of type 3, 4, and 6 CISDs determined at 1.5 Å, 1.8 Å and 1.15 Å resolution, respectively. The type 3 and 4 CISD each contain one CDGSH motif and adopt a dimeric structure. Although similar to each other, the two structures have permutated topologies, and both are distinct from the type 1 structure. The type 6 CISD contains tandem CDGSH motifs and adopts a monomeric structure with an internal pseudo dyad symmetry. All currently known CISD structures share dual iron-sulfur binding modules and a β-sandwich for either intermolecular or intramolecular dimerization. The iron-sulfur binding module, the β-strand N-terminal to the module and a proline motif are conserved among different type structures, but the dimerization module and the interface and orientation between the two iron-sulfur binding modules are divergent. Sequence analysis further shows resemblance between CISD types 4 and 7 and between 1 and 2. Our findings suggest that all CISDs share common ancestry and diverged into three primary folds with a characteristic phylogenetic distribution: a eukaryote-specific fold adopted by types 1 and 2 proteins, a prokaryote-specific fold adopted by types 3, 4 and 7 proteins, and a tandem-motif fold adopted by types 5 and 6 proteins. Our comprehensive structural, sequential and phylogenetic analysis provides significant insight into the assembly principles and evolutionary relationship of CISDs

    The two-iron ferredoxins in spinach, parsley, pig adrenal cortex, Azotobacter vinelandii, and Clostridium pasteurianum: Studies by magnetic field Mossbauer spectroscopy

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    The two-iron ferredoxins from spinach, parsley, Azotobacter vinelandii, Clostridium pasteurianum and the pig adrenal cortex were investigated by Mossbauer spectroscopy at temperatures from 4 to 256[deg]K and in magnetic fields up to 46 kGauss. Computational programs were devised to allow comparison of the experimental data with computer-simulated spectra in order to facilitate identification of the experimental spectral detail with specific Mossbauer spectroscopic parameters (quadrupole splittings, isomer shifts and nuclear hyperfine and nuclear Zeeman interactions). The results of the analysis permit the following properties of the active center to be established directly as the result of these experiments: 1. 1. In the oxidized forms of the proteins, each iron is in the high spin (S = 5/2) ferric state, spin-coupled to produce a resultant molecular diamagnetism for the protein at temperatures below 100[deg]K.2. 2. In the reduced state of the protein, the active center contains a single ferric site, retaining many properties of the ferric iron in the oxidized protein, but spincoupled to a high spin (S = 2) ferrous site, producing a molecular paramagnetism due to a net electron spin of one half at low temperatures (S = 1/2).3. 3. In spinach and parsley ferredoxins, the ligand symmetry around the ferrous site in the reduced form of the proteins is tetrahedral with measurable axial and rhombic distortions.4. 4. The iron sites in both the oxidized and reduced forms of all the proteins studied are similar, with the possible exception that the ligand symmetry at the ferrous site in the reduced form of the two-iron ferredoxins from C. pasteurianum, A. vinelandii (Azotobacter I and II), and pig adrenal cortex has not been characterized as being square planar or tetrahedral, although octahedral symmetry has been excluded.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33534/1/0000033.pd

    The CCG-domain-containing subunit SdhE of succinate:quinone oxidoreductase from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 binds a [4Fe–4S] cluster

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    In type E succinate:quinone reductase (SQR), subunit SdhE (formerly SdhC) is thought to function as monotopic membrane anchor of the enzyme. SdhE contains two copies of a cysteine-rich sequence motif (CXnCCGXmCXXC), designated as the CCG domain in the Pfam database and conserved in many proteins. On the basis of the spectroscopic characterization of heterologously produced SdhE from Sulfolobus tokodaii, the protein was proposed in a previous study to contain a labile [2Fe–2S] cluster ligated by cysteine residues of the CCG domains. Using UV/vis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 57Fe electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and Mössbauer spectroscopies, we show that after an in vitro cluster reconstitution, SdhE from S. solfataricus P2 contains a [4Fe–4S] cluster in reduced (2+) and oxidized (3+) states. The reduced form of the [4Fe–4S]2+ cluster is diamagnetic. The individual iron sites of the reduced cluster are noticeably heterogeneous and show partial valence localization, which is particularly strong for one unique ferrous site. In contrast, the paramagnetic form of the cluster exhibits a characteristic rhombic EPR signal with gzyx = 2.015, 2.008, and 1.947. This EPR signal is reminiscent of a signal observed previously in intact SQR from S. tokodaii with gzyx = 2.016, 2.00, and 1.957. In addition, zinc K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated the presence of an isolated zinc site with an S3(O/N)1 coordination in reconstituted SdhE. Since cysteine residues in SdhE are restricted to the two CCG domains, we conclude that these domains provide the ligands to both the iron–sulfur cluster and the zinc site

    Global analysis of gene expression in response to L-Cysteine deprivation in the anaerobic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Entamoeba histolytica</it>, an enteric protozoan parasite, causes amebic colitis and extra intestinal abscesses in millions of inhabitants of endemic areas. <it>E. histolytica </it>completely lacks glutathione metabolism but possesses L-cysteine as the principle low molecular weight thiol. L-Cysteine is essential for the structure, stability, and various protein functions, including catalysis, electron transfer, redox regulation, nitrogen fixation, and sensing for regulatory processes. Recently, we demonstrated that in <it>E. histolytica</it>, L-cysteine regulates various metabolic pathways including energy, amino acid, and phospholipid metabolism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, employing custom-made Affymetrix microarrays, we performed time course (3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h) gene expression analysis upon L-cysteine deprivation. We identified that out of 9,327 genes represented on the array, 290 genes encoding proteins with functions in metabolism, signalling, DNA/RNA regulation, electron transport, stress response, membrane transport, vesicular trafficking/secretion, and cytoskeleton were differentially expressed (≥3 fold) at one or more time points upon L-cysteine deprivation. Approximately 60% of these modulated genes encoded proteins of no known function and annotated as hypothetical proteins. We also attempted further functional analysis of some of the most highly modulated genes by L-cysteine depletion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our surprise, L-cysteine depletion caused only limited changes in the expression of genes involved in sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism and oxidative stress defense. In contrast, we observed significant changes in the expression of several genes encoding iron sulfur flavoproteins, a major facilitator super-family transporter, regulator of nonsense transcripts, NADPH-dependent oxido-reductase, short chain dehydrogenase, acetyltransferases, and various other genes involved in diverse cellular functions. This study represents the first genome-wide analysis of transcriptional changes induced by L-cysteine deprivation in protozoan parasites, and in eukaryotic organisms where L-cysteine represents the major intracellular thiol.</p

    In vivo Bioimaging as a Novel Strategy to Detect Doxorubicin-Induced Damage to Gonadal Blood Vessels

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    INTRODUCTION: Chemotherapy may induce deleterious effects in normal tissues, leading to organ damage. Direct vascular injury is the least characterized side effect. Our aim was to establish a real-time, in vivo molecular imaging platform for evaluating the potential vascular toxicity of doxorubicin in mice. METHODS: Mice gonads served as reference organs. Mouse ovarian or testicular blood volume and femoral arterial blood flow were measured in real-time during and after doxorubicin (8 mg/kg intravenously) or paclitaxel (1.2 mg/kg) administration. Ovarian blood volume was imaged by ultrasound biomicroscopy (Vevo2100) with microbubbles as a contrast agent whereas testicular blood volume and blood flow as well as femoral arterial blood flow was imaged by pulse wave Doppler ultrasound. Visualization of ovarian and femoral microvasculature was obtained by fluorescence optical imaging system, equipped with a confocal fiber microscope (Cell-viZio). RESULTS: Using microbubbles as a contrast agent revealed a 33% (P<0.01) decrease in ovarian blood volume already 3 minutes after doxorubicin injection. Doppler ultrasound depicted the same phenomenon in testicular blood volume and blood flow. The femoral arterial blood flow was impaired in the same fashion. Cell-viZio imaging depicted a pattern of vessels' injury at around the same time after doxorubicin injection: the wall of the blood vessels became irregular and the fluorescence signal displayed in the small vessels was gradually diminished. Paclitaxel had no vascular effect. CONCLUSION: We have established a platform of innovative high-resolution molecular imaging, suitable for in vivo imaging of vessels' characteristics, arterial blood flow and organs blood volume that enable prolonged real-time detection of chemotherapy-induced effects in the same individuals. The acute reduction in gonadal and femoral blood flow and the impairment of the blood vessels wall may represent an acute universal doxorubicin-related vascular toxicity, an initial event in organ injury

    Engineering the Redox Potential over a Wide Range within a New Class of FeS Proteins

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    Abstract: MitoNEET is a newly discovered mitochondrial protein and a target of the TZD class of antidiabetes drugs. MitoNEET is homodimeric with each protomer binding a [2Fe-2S] center through a rare 3-Cys and 1-His coordination geometry. Both the fold and the coordination of the [2Fe-2S] centers suggest that it could have novel properties compared to other known [2Fe-2S] proteins. We tested the robustness of mitoNEET to mutation and the range over which the redox potential (EM) could be tuned. We found that the protein could tolerate an array of mutations that modified the EM of the [2Fe-2S] center over a range of ∼700 mV, which is the largest EM range engineered in an FeS protein and, importantly, spans the cellular redox range (+200 to-300 mV). These properties make mitoNEET potentially useful for both physiological studies and industrial applications as a stable, water-soluble, redox agent
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