168 research outputs found

    Approche méthodologique de la modélisation du transport des HAP dans les sols et les eaux

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    Afin de préciser le cadre d'utilisation de codes de transport de polluants dans les sols et les eaux, un programme d'intercomparaison de méthodes et de codes a été mis en oeuvre avec la collaboration de huit équipes appartenant à des instituts de recherche ou des bureaux d'études. Parmi les types de polluants étudiés, les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) ont fait l'objet de simulations par deux groupes de travail. Le premier groupe, composé de cinq équipes, s'est intéressé à leur comportement en phase dissoute à partir d'un cas réel de pollution. Disposant des mêmes données d'étude, chaque équipe avait pour mission de concevoir un modèle conceptuel (description géologique, définition de la source, paramètres d'écoulement et de transport) et de simuler la pollution de la nappe avec le code de son choix. Les résultats obtenus montrent des différences significatives qui trouvent leur explication dans les paramètres des modèles conceptuels adoptés plus que dans les simulateurs choisis. Cet exercice a confirmé l'importance des paramètres suivants qui sont souvent incertains mais justifieraient d'être mieux appréciés lors de diagnostics : paramètres hydrodynamiques (détermination du champ de vitesse), coefficient de partition (pour chaque horizon géologique), temps de demi-vie du ou des polluants, extension de la source de pollution. Le second groupe a étudié les écoulements en phase libre (phase liquide non aqueuse) sur un cas théorique inspiré d'un cas réel de déversement massif de naphtalène. La modélisation a été conduite par trois équipes avec trois codes polyphasiques différents (SIMUSCOPP, TOUGH/T2VOC, UTCHEM). Cet exercice comprend le suivi du déversement et de la migration du naphtalène sous formes liquide et dissoute sur une distance de 300 m et une durée de 10 ans. Le naphtalène révèle un comportement d'hydrocarbure " lourd " avec une phase huile (partiellement miscible) qui tend à descendre à travers la nappe. Ce comportement a été reproduit par chacune des équipes, de manière plus ou moins complète en fonction des possibilités de modélisation offertes par les codes. Les résultats obtenus permettent de vérifier la cohérence des différentes approches polyphasiques entre elles. Bien que plus complexe (paramètres plus nombreux, difficulté numérique accrue), l'approche polyphasique se justifie pour mieux comprendre et déterminer la répartition spatiale de HAP en profondeur dans une nappe

    The High-Superior-Tension Technique: Evolution of Lipoabdominoplasty

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    Because abdominoplasty is associated with complications such as seroma and necrosis as well as epigastric bulging and a suprapubic scar located too high, the demand for this procedure is not as high as it otherwise might be. However, although these negative effects were common many years ago, their incidence has decreased dramatically with modern abdominoplastic techniques. One approach using a combination of abdominoplasty and liposuction or lipoabdominoplasty has resolved many of the problems faced with earlier techniques, offering aesthetically pleasing results and excellent reliability. The keys to successful lipoabdominoplasty, first developed as the high-superior-tension technique, are extensive liposuction, preservation of lymphatic trunks, preaponeurotic epigastric dissection, major muscle fascia plication, two high-tension paraumbilical sutures, hypogastric tension sutures, and closure of the dead spaces. The most recent updates to this technique are described in this article

    Cavity optomechanics on a microfluidic resonator with water and viscous liquids

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    Currently, optical- or mechanical-resonances are commonly used in microfluidic research. However, optomechanical oscillations by light pressure were not shown with liquids. This is because replacing the surrounding air with water inherently increases the acoustical impedance and hence the associated acoustical radiation-losses. Here, we bridge between microfluidics and optomechanics by fabricating hollow bubble resonators with liquid inside and optically exciting 100-MHz vibrations with only mW optical-input power. This constitutes the first time that any microfluidic system is optomechanically actuated. We further prove the feasibility of microfluidic optomechanics on liquids by demonstrating vibrations on organic fluids with viscous-dissipation higher than blood viscosity while measuring density changes in the liquid via the vibration frequency shift. Our device will enable using cavity optomechanics for studying non-solid phases of matter

    What Every Business Student Needs to Know About Information Systems

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    Whether Information Systems should or should not be part of the core business school curriculum is a recurring discussion in many universities. In this article, a task force of 40 prominent information systems scholars address the issue. They conclude that information systems is absolutely an essential body of knowledge for business school students to acquire as well as a key element of the business school\u27s long-run strategic positioning within the university. Originally prepared in response to draft accreditation guidelines prepared by AACSB International, the article includes a compilation of the concepts that the authors believe to be the core information systems knowledge that all business school students should be familiar with

    Atrial arrhythmogenicity in aged Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice modeling long QT type 3 syndrome and its relationship to Na+ channel expression and cardiac conduction

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    Recent studies have reported that human mutations in Nav1.5 predispose to early age onset atrial arrhythmia. The present experiments accordingly assess atrial arrhythmogenicity in aging Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice modeling long QT3 syndrome in relationship to cardiac Na+ channel, Nav1.5, expression. Atrial electrophysiological properties in isolated Langendorff-perfused hearts from 3- and 12-month-old wild type (WT), and Scn5a+/∆KPQ mice were assessed using programmed electrical stimulation and their Nav1.5 expression assessed by Western blot. Cardiac conduction properties were assessed electrocardiographically in intact anesthetized animals. Monophasic action potential recordings demonstrated increased atrial arrhythmogenicity specifically in aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts. These showed greater action potential duration/refractory period ratios but lower atrial Nav1.5 expression levels than aged WT mice. Atrial Nav1.5 levels were higher in young Scn5a+/ΔKPQ than young WT. These levels increased with age in WT but not Scn5a+/ΔKPQ. Both young and aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice showed lower heart rates and longer PR intervals than their WT counterparts. Young Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice showed longer QT and QTc intervals than young WT. Aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ showed longer QRS durations than aged WT. PR intervals were prolonged and QT intervals were shortened in young relative to aged WT. In contrast, ECG parameters were similar between young and aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ. Aged murine Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts thus exhibit an increased atrial arrhythmogenicity. The differing Nav1.5 expression and electrocardiographic indicators of slowed cardiac conduction between Scn5a+/ΔKPQ and WT, which show further variations associated with aging, may contribute toward atrial arrhythmia in aged Scn5a+/ΔKPQ hearts

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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