1,071 research outputs found
Efeito do tipo de poda de formação na produtividade do cajueiro anão precoce em plantio adensado.
Alternativas tecnológicas para o controle de pragas do fruto da gravioleira.
Estratégias para o controle de pragas do fruto da gravioleira.
Levantamento e identificação das principais pragas do sapotizeiro.
Este trabalho objetiva preliminarmente, levantar, identificar e conhecer o grau de severidade de dano, bem como a epoca de ocorrencia das principais pragas e insetos beneficos associados ao sapotizeiro e, a partir dai, tracar estrategias ...bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5384/1/Pa-073.pd
Pragas associadas à aceroleira.
A incidencia de algumas pragas de maior ou menor interesse economica tem sido observada com frequencia em areas irrigadas, destacando-se os pulgoes como a de maior severidade. Esss insetos atacam geralmente a extremidade tenra dos ramos, causando murchamento e morte, o que forca a emitir brotacoes laterais.bitstream/item/33820/1/Ct-038.pd
Ocorrência e grau de severidade de dano das principais pragas da aceroleira.
Arquitetura de copa em cajueiro anão precoce, através da poda de formação, e sua influência na produtividade das plantas.
Structured networks and coarse-grained descriptions: a dynamical perspective
This chapter discusses the interplay between structure and dynamics in complex networks. Given a particular network with an endowed dynamics, our goal is to find partitions aligned with the dynamical process acting on top of the network. We thus aim to gain a reduced description of the system that takes into account both its structure and dynamics. In the first part, we introduce the general mathematical setup for the types of dynamics we consider throughout the chapter. We provide two guiding examples, namely consensus dynamics and diffusion processes (random walks), motivating their connection to social network analysis, and provide a brief discussion on the general dynamical framework and its possible extensions. In the second part, we focus on the influence of graph structure on the dynamics taking place on the network, focusing on three concepts that allow us to gain insight into this notion. First, we describe how time scale separation can appear in the dynamics on a network as a consequence of graph structure. Second, we discuss how the presence of particular symmetries in the network give rise to invariant dynamical subspaces that can be precisely described by graph partitions. Third, we show how this dynamical viewpoint can be extended to study dynamics on networks with signed edges, which allow us to discuss connections to concepts in social network analysis, such as structural balance. In the third part, we discuss how to use dynamical processes unfolding on the network to detect meaningful network substructures. We then show how such dynamical measures can be related to seemingly different algorithm for community detection and coarse-graining proposed in the literature. We conclude with a brief summary and highlight interesting open future directions
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