27 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Tender Karet Desa Jungai Menggunakan Metode Waterfall

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    KUD Mufakat Jaya adalah suatu koperasi unit desa yang mengelola penjualan karet yang beralamat di desa jungai kecamatan rambang kapak tengah kota prabumulih Sumatera Selatan. Dalam kesehariannya koperasi ini masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam mengolah data dan melakukan sistem tender, sehingga memakan waktu yang lama untuk menyelesaikan proses tender atau lelang harga jual karet. berdasarkan hal tersebut maka peneliti tertarik untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan terhadap masyarakat dengan membangun sebuah sistem informasi tender karet pada KUD Mufakat Jay

    Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Penyamakan Kulit Secara Biol9ogi Dengan Aerasi

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    Yogyakarta has many leather industries. To process a hide, these industries use many chemicals such as natrium salt, dyes, and other organic materials. Some of these chemicals will be wasted and will become an environmental pollution-problem. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of time, air flow rate, the amount of nutrition and sludge to the effectiveness of leather wastewater treatment. Waste was added with an amount of NPK, TSP and sludge, and then bubbled with air continuously. Sample of waste was taken every 2 hour, then its pH, BOD and COD were analyzed. The result of the experiments showed that the decrease of BOD and COD were influenced by air flow rate, the amount of nutrition and sludge. For 1200 mL of wastewater with the BOD about 170 mg/L and COD 410 mg/L, the optimum condition of air flow rate, NPK, TSP, and sludge are 2776 mL/min, 2 g, 1 g, and 500 mL respectively. After the treatment has been operated during 8 hours, the BOD of product was about 45 mg/L and COD about 137 mg/L. The rate equation for this biological process was also obtained. Keywords: leather wastewater, effectiveness, BOD, COD, biological proces

    Developing a Wellbeing Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Living with Chronic Disease (Wellbeing Study)

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    Addressing a need identified by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their primary healthcare providers, this study developed a Wellbeing Framework for managing chronic disease in a manner that also supports wellbeing. Chronic care models that are currently in use usually focus upon the systems, resources and policies that are required to deliver care. The important roles of culture, spirituality, Country and family in maintaining health and wellbeing are notably absent from such models. Re-defining the way in which care is delivered to reflect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ needs and values is essential for improving the accessibility and acceptability of primary healthcare services.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy

    Pengaruh Latihan Split Kiri, Split Kanan dan Split Tengah terhadap Peningkatan Kelentukan (Flexibility) Atlet Pemula Senam Ritmik Banjarbaru

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of left split, right split, and center split training on increasing flexibility for beginner athletes in Banjarbaru Rhythmic Gymnastics. The method used in this research is a quasi-experimental method. The purpose of a quasi-experiment is to obtain information that is an approximation to the information that can be obtained with the actual experiment under conditions where it is not possible to control and manipulate all relevant variables. The results of this study (1) there is a significant effect between the left split, right split, and center split to increase flexibility (flexibility) of beginner athletes in Banjarbaru Rhythmic Gymnastics. From the calculations that have been carried out for the left split training group, a t value of 4.5 was obtained, the right split exercise group obtained a t value of 1.360, and the middle split exercise group obtained a t value of 27.8, it was greater than 5%, namely 4.303. (2) Right split exercise has a better effect on increasing flexibility for beginner athletes in Banjarbaru Rhythmic Gymnastics

    Age and significance of voluminous mafic-ultramafic magmatic events in the Murchison Domain, Yilgarn Craton

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    Mafic-ultramafic rocks in structurally dismembered layered intrusions comprise approximately 40% by volume of greenstones in the Murchison Domain of the Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton. Mafic- ultramafic rocks in the Murchison Domain may be divided into five components: (i) the ~2810 Ma Meeline Suite, which includes the large Windimurra Igneous Complex; (ii) the 2800±6 Ma Boodanoo Suite, which includes the Narndee Igneous Complex; (iii) the 2792±5 Ma Little Gap Suite; (iv) ~2750 Ma Gnanagooragoo Igneous Complex; and (v) the 2735-2710 Ma Yalgowra Suite of layered gabbroic sills. The intrusions are typically layered, tabular bodies of gabbroic rock with ultramafic basal units which, in places, are more than 6 km thick and up to 2500 km2 in areal extent. However, these are minimum dimensions as the intrusions have been dismembered by younger deformation. In the Windimurra and Narndee Igneous Complexes, discordant features and geochemical fractionation trends indicate multiple pulses of magma. These pulses produced several megacyclic units, each ~200 m thick. The suites are anhydrous except for the Boodanoo Suite, which contains a large volume of hornblende gabbro. They also host significant vanadium mineralisation, and at least minor Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation. Collectively, the areal distribution, thickness and volume of mafic-ultramafic magma in these complexes is similar to that in the 2.06 Ga Bushveld Igneous Complex, and represents a major addition of mantle-derived magma to Murchison Domain crust over a 100 Ma period. All suites are demonstrably contemporaneous with packages of high-Mg tholeiitic lavas and/or felsic volcanic rocks in greenstone belts. The distribution, ages and compositions of the earlier mafic-ultramafic rocks are most consistent with genesis in a mantle plume setting. © 2010 Geological Society of Australia