110 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pemeriksaan Jentik Berkala Rumah Warga Di Wilayah Puskesmas Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya

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    During of January 2015 Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) took place in 37 County city in East Java province, which the number of cases were 3136 and mortality rate were 52 cases. Surabaya reached 59 cases of DHF. The number of Larva Free Index in Tanah Kalikedinding Public Health Center bas around 86–88.7% in 2015, so haven\u27t reached the specified target which is 95%. One of the activities conducted to improve Larve Free Index was performing Periodic Larva Inspection of houses. Therefore, need to evaluation the implementation of Periodic Larva Inspection of houses included implementer, activities, time of implementation, reporting, and instrument of Periodic Larva Inspection. The Research design observational with study evaluation by descriptive.Technique of collecting data were included interviews, and documents collected. Analyze data by compared data obtained with the existing regulations and guidelines. Evaluation of implementer were in accordance with the regulation. However, if possible have to do advocacy for human resources addition from outside the posyandu cadres and dasawisma groups. Activities aspect underway in accordance with the guidelines. Time of implementation by Larva Monitoring Mother appropriate to standard, while it by Public Health Center offi cers more routine because it is adapted to conditions.Reporting aspect was in accordance with the regulation. Instruments that carried when implementation were accordingly. However, need to use Larva Card in each houses/buildings to facilitate the Inspection and data collecting. In addition, can be apply the Larva Free Village Contest to motivate cadres and citizens

    Industrialisasi di Kabupaten Pasuruan Tahun 1992-2007

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang proses industrialisasi di Kabupaten Pasuruan, utamanya Pasuruan Industrial EstateRembang (PIER). Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam artikel ini adalah sejarah berdirinya kawasan industri PIER,bagaimana kondisi kawasan PIER dari tahun 1992-2007 dan dampak adanya industri PIER terhadap masyarakatdan Pemda. Data yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah data-data hasil studi pustaka berupa buku,laporan, terbitan khusus, survey lapangan, dan wawancara. Adapun hasil dari analisis data adalah Kenyataanbahwa keberadaan kawasan industri PIER berdampak positif baik terhadap masyarakat sekitar kawasan PIERkhususnya maupun masyarakat Pasuruan pada umumnya serta terhadap Pemerintah daerah setempat. Dampakterhadap masyarakat adalah munculnya pusat-pusat ekonomi baru, terserapnya tenaga kerja dan perkembangankota. Sementara dampak bagi Pemerintah daerah adalah peningkatan PAD, baik dari sektor pajak maupun sektoryang lain

    The Effect of Chitosan Concentration and Storage TIME on the Quality of Salted-dried Anchovy (Stolephorus Heterolobus)

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    The use of chitosan as preservative agent in fish processing had been conducted for some reasons for example its USAge as food additive that can prevent microbial growth, as antioxidative agent, and, to some extent to produce safe food. This research studied the application of chitosan on salted-dried anchovy (S. heterolobus) preservation during storage at room temperature. The aims of this research were to know the effect of treatment (chitosan concentration and storage time) on the quality of salted-dried anchovy (bacterial count and organoleptic test). The experimental design used was Split plot in time design and using Randomized Complete Block with two factors. The first factor was chitosan concentrations (0,0%; 0,5%; 1,0%) while the second factor storage time (0; 2; 4; 6; 8 weeks). The results indicated that chitosan concentration and storage time significantly reduced the total bacterial count (p0,05) for organoleptic test. The interaction of chitosan concentration and storage time significantly influenced the total bacterial count (p<0,01)

    Analisa Hubungan Jumlah Kendaraan Dan Faktor Meteorologi (Suhu, Kelembaban Udara Dan Kecepatan Angin) Terhadap Peningkatan Konsentrasi So2 Pada Persimpangan Jalan Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus : Jl. Karangrejo Raya, Jl. Sukun Raya Dan Jl. Ngesrep Timur V)

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    Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas, non-flammable and has odour can cause irritate respiration. Sources of SO2 come from anthropogenic and natural source. One of anthropogenic source from vehicles gas emissions, and that source estimated can contribute 1/3 of SO2 in atmosphere. Ammount of SO2 in excessive consentrations (20 ppm) can cause negative impacts for human health, especially cause irritation of respiration system and sight. Motor vehicles that passing and queuing at the intersection due to traffic lights can increase the concentration of SO2. This is because when the queue happens, incomplete combustion occurs resulting in a much larger emissions. The purposes of this study are to analiysis ammount of vehicle, meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity and wind speed to concentration of SO2 and comparing SO2 concentration in Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road. SO2 concentration measurements carried out at the junction of Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road with two sampling points, are points near the traffic lights and 150 meters from the traffic lights. SO2 sampling and calculation of the number of passing vehicles is done 3 times a day : at morning (07:00 to 08:00), daytime (13:00 to 14:00) and afternoon (16:00 to 17:00). Based on the results of the study, the concentration of SO2 produced by Karangrejo Raya Road was 15-21 μg/Nm3, the concentration of SO2 in the Sukun Raya Road was 14-18 μg/Nm3 and SO2 concentrations in East Ngesrep V Road was 0.4 to 6 V μg/Nm3. From the results of research and analysis, the concentration of SO2 in the Karangrejo Raya roads is the highest concentration, compared with Sukun Raya roads and East Ngesrep V roads. This is because more types of motor vehicle diesel fuel passing the Karangrejo Raya roads

    Peran Perceived Quality Memediasi Price dengan Perceived Value

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    This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the effect of variable price (the price) and perceived quality (perceived quality) of the perceived value (perception niali), as well as the role of perceived quality (perceived quality) in mediating the effects of price (the price) of the perceived value (perceived value). The method used to determine the sample is non-probability sampling form of purposive random sampling with a sample size of 77 respondents. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires directly in Denpasar and Badung. Data analysis techniques used adalan Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that the price (the price) significant and positive impact on the perceived quality (perceived quality) and berepengaruh significantly and positively to the perceived value (perceived value), as well as the perceived quality (perceived quality) significant and positive impact on the perceived value (perception niali) and positive and significant effect on the price (the price). Perceived quality (perceived quality) play a significant role in mediating the relationship between price (the price) and perceived value (perceived value)

    Association of Lokan Shell Geloina Erosa, Solander 1786 and Mangrove at Kahyapu Coastal Area of Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province

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    Lokan shell Geloina erosa closely related to mangrove ecosystem in Enggano island. Mangrove is one supplier of organic materials required by Lokan shell. The research conducted in September 2015 - January 2016 at mangrove ecosystems in Kahyapu coastal area, aims to analyse lokan shells Geloina erosa conditions and its association with mangrove ecosystems. Sampling of mangrove vegetation was taken using line transect and lokan shell sampling using plot in mangrove ecosystem. The results show that mangrove condition of the Kahyapu coastal area was in healthy condition for the growth of lokan shell. Lokan shell are significantly assosiated with mangrove in Kahyapu coastal area of Enggano Island

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Konsentrasi Garam Terhadap Mutu Sensori Dan Kandungan Senyawa Volatil Pada Terasi Ikan Teri (Stolephorus SP)

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    Terasi ikan teri (Stolephorus sp) merupakan produk fermentasi ikan yang berbentuk semi basah yang dalam pembuatannya ditambahkan garam. Garam dalam pembuatan terasi mempunyai peranan sebagai pemberi rasa asin, sebagai pengawet, dan membantu dalam pembentukan flavour serta memperbaiki mutu sensori terasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi garam terhadap mutu sensori dan kandungan senyawa volatil pada terasi ikan teri.Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ikan teri segar dan garam. Parameter yang diuji adalah nilai organoleptik, kadar air, aw, pH, dan kandungan senyawa volatil. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental lapangan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) menggunakan faktor perbedaan konsentrasi garam 2 % (TKA); 8,5% (TKB); dan 15% (TKC) yang difermentasikan selama 30 hari pemeraman. Analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai organoleptik terasi TKA, TKB, dan TKC berturut-turut adalah7,64≤m≤7,90; 8,08≤m≤8,36;dan 7,74≤m≤7,96 sehingga layak untuk dikonsumsi. Analisa nilai pH antara 6,52 – 6,62; nilai kadar air antara 33,36 – 34,69%; nilai aw antara 0,73 – 0,79. Analisa nilai kandungan senyawa volatil dengan menggunakan Electronic Nose yaitu untuk nilai gugus alkohol berkisar antara 0.150 – 0.210 mV, hidrogen sulfida antara 0.139 – 0.208 mV, ammonia antara 0.123 – 0.176 mV dan aroma umum antara 0.076 – 0.156 mV. Hasil penelitian terbaik secara obyektif menurut parameter mutu sensori terdapat pada terasiTKBkarenamemilikikenampakan, bau, rasa, dan tekstur yang lebih disukai panelis.Parameter kandungan senyawa volatil yang memiliki aroma paling kuat terdapat pada terasi TKAberdasarkan deteksi Elektronic Nose. Perbedaankadargarammemberikanpengaruh yang berbedanyataterhadapmutu sensori, pH, aw dan kandungan senyawa volatil terasi ikan teri. Anchovy (Stolephorus sp) Fish Paste is one of fish fermented products in semi-moist form which is added salt during the procces. Salt added has a role as chemical agent giving salt taste, as preservative agent, and in flavor production for increase its sensory quality. The aims of this research was to identify the influences of different salt concentrations on quality of sensory and volatile compound of anchovy (Stolephorus sp) fish paste.Materials used in this research were anchovy (Stolephorus sp) fish and salt. The parameters tested were sensory (organoleptic), water content, water activity (Aw), pH, and the content of volatile compound. The method used is field experimental using Completely Randomised Design with different salt concentrations 2% (TKA); 8,5% (TKC); snd 15% (TKC) which were fermented during 30 days. Analysis used in this research was Analysis of Varians (ANOVA).Based on the result, it was obtained that there is different organoleptic scores from different samples used, which are 7.64≤m≤7.90 for (TKA), 8.08≤m≤8.36 for (TKB), and 7.74≤m≤7.96 for (TKC). It showed that all the samples are acceptable to be consumed. Analyses of pH assesmentwas obtained range between 6.52-6.62; moisture content range between 33.36-34.69%. While the score of Aw was obtained range between 0.73-0.79. Analysis of volatile compunds used Electronic Nose was obtained 0.150-0.201 mV for the score of alcohol compound. And for general flavor range between 0.076-0.156 mV. Based on the result of sensory parameter, TKB is the best sample, it was caused by appereance, smell, taste, and texture which was preffered by panelists.Volatile compound parameter showed that the sample TKAis the strongest flavor based detection of Electronic Nose. While based on The different of salt concentrations gave significant effect on the quality of sensory, pH, aw and the content of volatile compound of anchovy fish paste
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