1,503 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT State-owned plantation company x (PTPN X) describes modem (rational) way in managing Vorstenlands tobacco sector in Indonesia. When bureaucracy becomes a part of international market, consequently, there is change of decision making locus, from family institution to bureaucracy. It means that bureaucracy intervenes in family institution. There are economic and technical interventions. The economic intervention is concern with marginalization of income, while technical intervention is concern with marginalization in understanding the quality of tobacco plantation. Consequently, the sense of spirit of farmers in planting tobacco disappeared. Beside that, the farmers to be outsider in their land. Because of pressure and insecurity, the farmers try to respond by using social security mechanism through family institution, both temporary and continually. The social mechanism that is developed is well growth in the linkage with market. It means that the traditional social security is not continually dichotomy with the modem social security. Key words: economic and technical interventions- insecurity- social security

    Pengaruh Penambahan Fly Ash Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Bekas Timbunan Sampah ( Landfill)

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    Tanah bekas timbunan sampah (landfill) di lokasi eks TPA sampah perkotaan sampai saat ini banyak yang belum dapat digunakan untuk mendirikan bangunan, padahal luasnya cukup representatif untuk memacu pembangunan khusunya sektor perekonomian suatu wilayah. Landfill ini menjadi lahan tidur karena mempunyai sifat yang buruk untuk bangunan yaitu daya dukung yang rendah dan komprebilitas yang tinggi. Guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut maka diadakan penelitian perbaikkan landfill dengan menggunakan fly ash sebagai bahan stabilisasinya. Sampel landfill diambil dari eks TPA sampah Lhowok Doro, Gadang, Kota Malang, sedangkan sampel fly ash diambil dari PLTU Paiton, Probolinggo. Komposisi campuran fly ash sebesar 5%, 10%, 15, dan 20% dari berat kering landfill dengan masa perawatan 7 hari. Alat uji utama digunakan alat tekan bebas dan prosedur uji digunakan standar ASTM (2003). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahan stabilisasi dengan fly ash dapat memperbaiki sifat fisis dan mekanik landfill. Pada sifat fisis : kadar air mengalami penurunan 9,14% dan spesific gravity mengalami peningkatan 0,13 setelah distabilisasi. Sementara pada sifat mekanik, kekuatan landfill menjadi semakin baik sebesar 3.02 kg/cm2

    Strategi Pengembangan Sektor Pertanian Pasca Gempabumi Kabupaten Bantul

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan, pertama, menentukan prioritas rencana pembangunan pertanian sebagai dasar pembangunan daerah di masa depan. Kedua, mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif dan integral dalam pengembangan pertanian sebagai dasar penentuan kebijakan, program, kegiatan, dan pengendalian pembangunan di Kabupaten Bantul. Data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data periode tahun 2001 hingga 2005. Data ini selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan Location Quotient (LQ). Hasilnya menunjukkan variasi di sebagian besar kecamatan, dengan prioritas pada basis pertanian, sedangkan di kecamatan yang lain pada basis non pertan ian. Hasil penelitian ini ditunjukkan oleh distribusi nilai LQ yang lebih besar dari satu , yang ditemukan di sebagian besar kecamatan. Ini berarti bahwa hampir seluruh kecamatan di Kabupaten Bantul sudah dapat terpenuhi kebutuhan wilayahnya melalui sektor pertanian. Kata kunci: PDRB, Location Quotient, sektor basis, sektor pertania

    Pengembangan Kawasan Agropolitan

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    : This research aims to define the location that meets the requirements of the nationaland regional support agropolitan, and make a plan for the development of agropolitan. Imogiriis a district that has potential in agriculture, animal husbandry, farming, forestry, and aquaculture. But the development of the present day have led to a gap between urban and rural areas and urban bias. This condition is indicated by the relatively high level of urbanization and the impact on the agricultural sector. Therefore we need an alternative strategy for rural development, one of which is through the development agropolitan. In the division of Strategic Development Kasawan Agropolitan (KSA) Imogiri sub divided into 4 KSA. KSA is a functionof institutional develop farmer businesses on/off farm an effective, efficient, and competitive

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Bahari Berbasis Masyarakat di Blitar Selatan

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    This study aims to (i) To identify and explain the characteristics of the Regional Maritime Region in South Blitar; in each sub-districts are District Bakung District Wonotirto, District Panggungrejo, and the District of Wates; the contributing factors in the region; (Ii) To formulate and establish a Development Strategy for Community-based Marine Region in South Blitar.Object Research District of District Bakung, District Wonotirto, District Panggungrejo, and the District of Wates. This research method using descriptive method. Method of data collection was done by interview and observation. The analytical method used by the SWOT analysis.The results based on (i) Characteristic Maritime Region in Blitar region south of the four sub-district has potential in agriculture, livestock and fisheries. As for some of the obstacles that arise in developing the potential in particular marine owned South Blitar, among others; road infrastructure is still inadequate, public transport reatif little, relatively low rainfall, surface conditions are relatively poor, relatively far distance of the capital and human resources is still low. Therefore, the development potential in the region is still not optimal; (Ii) The strategy needed in developing maritime region, among others; increase the carrying capacity of the infrastructure in order to improve the accessibility of roads, transportation systems, water supply and environmental protection in supporting the development of regional maritime, optimizing the processing of agricultural potential, farming, fishing in the area of maritime creating value-added agricultural production, animal husbandry and fishery., power support in the form of infrastructure and community skills in the processing of agricultural, livestock, fisheries in the marine area still needs to be improved with a model tourism village concept, required negotiations and talks about future land use in the development of the maritime area and create a website to introduce to the public the maritime regio

    Dari sabang kita merajut simpul simpul perekat keindonesiaan

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    Buku Dari sabang kita merajut simpul simpul perekat keindonesiaan merupakan lawatan sejarah tingkat nasional daerah Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

    Pengaruh Komponen Manajemen Konstruksi Terhadap Capaian Mutu Pemeliharaan Preventif Perkerasan Lentur

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    Road maintenance management in Indonesia focuses mainly on preventive rather than reactive maintenance as written on Strategic Plan 2015-2019 of Directorate General of Highways. Construction management criteria play a significant role in successful delivery of a road preservation project. In an attempt to understand these construction management criteria and their links to quality performance on a flexible pavement preventive maintenance project, a hierarchical structural model is established. The method used in this research was the structural equation modeling involving 186 respondents that directly involved in the national road maintenance project on Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional V. The results of the model show that the major factors that control the performance of flexible pavement preventive maintenance project considered in this study are: (1) supervising consultant by 93.6%; (2) Commitment Making Official (CMO) or PPK (Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen) by 92.1%; (3) contractor by 89.8%; (4) material by 74.8%; and (5) project equipment by 72.1%

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Komitmen Organisasional pada Kinerja Karyawan, dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction, transformational leadership and organizational commitment on employee performance, using OCB as mediating variable. This research was conducted on employees at PT. Dan Liris Sukoharjo Central Java. The respondents were regular employees totaling 200 employees. The technique of sampling was Non-Probability Sampling and the technique of analyzing data was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21.0 program. The result shows that job satisfaction, transformational leadership, organizational commitment and OCB simultaneously give positive effect and significant on the employees' performance. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment on OCB is not significant, whereas transformational leadership give positive effect and significant on OCB. OCB success to mediate the full effect between job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance, but OCB mediates the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance partially. Managerial implications of this research are human resource management should improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment and appealedthe head to apply transformational leadership to improve employee performance through OCB behaviors
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