1,786 research outputs found

    Electron kinetic effects in the nonlinear evolution of a driven ion-acoustic wave

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    The electron kinetic effects are shown to play an important role in the nonlinear evolution of a driven ion-acoustic wave. The numerical simulation results obtained (i) with a hybrid code, in which the electrons behave as a fluid and the ions are described along the particle-in-cell (PIC) method, are compared with those obtained (ii) with a full-PIC code, in which the kinetic effects on both species are retained. The electron kinetic effects interplay with the usual fluid-type nonlinearity to give rise to a broadband spectrum of ion-acoustic waves saturated at a low level, even in the case of a strong excitation. This low asymptotic level might solve the long-standing problem of the small stimulated Brillouin scattering reflectivity observed in laser-plasma interaction experiments

    Electron and ion kinetic effects in the saturation of a driven ion acoustic wave

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    The role of ion and electron kinetic effects is investigated in the context of the nonlinear saturation of a driven ion acoustic wave(IAW) and its parametric decay into subharmonics. The simulations are carried out with a full–particle-in-cell (PIC) code, in which both ions and electrons are treated kinetically. The full-PIC results are compared with those obtained from a hybrid-PIC code (kinetic ions and Boltzmann electrons). It is found that the largest differences between the two kinds of simulations take place when the IAW is driven above the ion wave-breaking limit. In such a case of a strong drive, the hybrid-PIC simulations lead to a Berstein-Greene-Kruskal-like nonlinear IAW of a large amplitude, while in the full-PIC the IAW amplitude decays to a small level after a transient stage. The electron velocity distribution function is significantly flattened in the domain of small electron velocities. As a result the nonlinear frequency shift due to the electron kinetic effects compensates partly the nonlinear frequency shift due to the ion kinetic effects, allowing then for the parametric decay of the driven IAW into subharmonics. These observations lead to the conclusion that electron kinetic effects become important whenever the nonlinear effects come into play

    Tsunami observations by coastal ocean radar

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    When tsunami waves propagate across the open ocean, they are steered by the Coriolis effect and refraction due to gentle gradients in the bathymetry on scales longer than the wavelength. When the wave encounters steep gradients at the edges of continental shelves and at the coast, the wave becomes nonlinear and conservation of momentum produces squirts of surface current at the head of submerged canyons and in coastal bays. High frequency (HF) coastal ocean radar is well conditioned to observe the surface current bursts at the edge of the continental shelf and give a warning of 40 minutes to 2 hours when the shelf is 50 to 200km wide. The period of tsunami waves is invariant over changes in bathymetry and is in the range 2 to 30 minutes. Wavelengths for tsunamis (in 500 to 3000m depth) are in the range 8.5 to over 200 km, and on a shelf where the depth is about 50m (as in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR)) the wavelengths are in the range 2.5 to 30 km. In the use of HF radar technology, there is a trade-off between the precision of surface current speed measurements and time resolution. It is shown that the phased array HF ocean surface radar being deployed in the GBR and operating in a routine way for mapping surface currents, can resolve surface current squirts from tsunamis in the wave period range 20 to 30 minutes and in the wavelength range greater than about 6 km. An advantage in signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained from the prior knowledge of the spatial pattern of the squirts at the edge of the continental shelf, and it is estimated that, with this analysis, the time resolution of the GBR radar may be reduced to about 2.5 minutes, which corresponds to a capability to detect tsunamis at the shelf edge in the period range 5 to 30 minutes. It is estimated that the lower limit of squirt velocity detection at the shelf edge would correspond to a tsunami with water elevation of about 2.5 cm in the open ocean. This means that the GBR HF radar is well conditioned for use as a monitor of small, as well as larger, tsunamis and has the potential to contribute to the understanding of tsunami genesis research

    Superfluid Density and Angular Dependence of the Energy Gap inOptimally Doped (BiPb)2(SrLa)2CuO6+ δ

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    We present a muon-spin rotation study of the optimally doped cuprate superconductor (BiPb)2(SrLa)2 CuO6+δ . The measured magnetic field dependence of the in-plane magnetic penetration λ ab suggests superconductivity with a dominant d-wave order parameter. The comparison of the temperature dependence of λ ab with calculations, assuming the angular gap symmetry as obtained from photoemission measurements, is consistent with a partial suppression of the quasi-particle weight towards the anti-nodal region of the Fermi surface. This suggests that the superconducting and the pseudogap state are dominated by different parts of the Fermi surfac

    Voicing Rivers through ontopoetics:A co-operative inquiry

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    A co-operative inquiry was established to explore the experience of a panpsychic world of sentient beings rather than inert objects, a world in which mind—sentience, subjectivity, and the will of self-realization—is a fundamental aspect of matter, just as matter is a fundamental aspect of mind. The nature of worldviews, the fundamental basis of our perceiving, thinking, valuing, and acting, is addressed and a brief outline of living cosmos panpsychism offered. The inquiry asks, could we humans, through intentional engagement, relate to the rivers as beings, subjects, or other-than-human persons in their own right? How might we engage with the rivers through personal relationship, ceremony, and invocation? What are the possibilities for reciprocal communication? In short, how might rivers speak?.</p
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