20 research outputs found

    Performance Management of Academic Staff on the Example of the Faculties of Economics in University of Tartu and in Tallinn University of Technology

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    In order to continue its mission in preparing educated work force needed for supporting implementation of Estonian economic policy, universities need to improve the usage of its scarce resources. We study the expectation and attitudes of academic staff towards performance appraisal and related reward systems. Our survey and focus-group interviews revealed that although the systems deployed in those two Universities were different by its nature – Tartu had adopted performance-based approach, where performance appraisal results were closely connected to salary, and Tallinn University of Technology had taken position-based approach, where general salary condition on the time of appointment play pivotal role – the expectations of staff were similar. In both universities, leaders preferred more measurable performance-based systems, but the rest of staff favoured more loose and stable approaches. Implications of results towards appraisal and rewards systems for academic staff are discussed

    Employee Development Through Group Coaching and Its Applications in Organisations

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse one particular group coaching method and its implementation; to generalize the results of the authors’ research on the use of group coaching in order to evaluate its impact on employee characteristics, performance and development. We analyse the method and implementation of group coaching to help develop an evidence-based approach to this method. Economic point developing of organizations and teams has led us to pay main attention to intra-organizational cooperation and problem solving. That is crucial to achieving economic results of private and public organizationst. In 2017–2019, trainings and studies were carried out in group coaching with 445 leaders and specialists from the private and public sector in Estonia. The authors conducted interviews and questionnaires after group coaching sessions and used the results of the group coaching participants’ reports. An analysis of the data indicates that group coaching enables many benefits including problem solving, self-awareness, self-confidence and other person skills. It has also shown to strengthen employee self-reflection and develop cooperation skills and a better understanding of the aims and nature of their organization

    Personali juhtimine. 1. osa : [õppevahend]

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    The Possibilities for Appraising Teachers’ Performance in the Perspective of Educational Policy and Organisational Culture

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    With the view to raising the effectiveness of Estonian educational system, new course concerning schools’ and pupils’ individual development must be taken. It can be achieved through performance management, which also generates the need to appraise schools’ and teachers’ performance. The purpose of this article is to bring out the opportunities for appraising schools’ and teachers’ performance in Estonian general education schools in a perspective of organizational culture and educational policy. On the assumption of teachers’ main activities the authors grouped evaluation criteria into activities connected to school management and activities connected to educational process. Teachers’ appraisal criteria a brought out in three main themes: teachers’ personal characteristics, learning process and learning environment and school management and development. The authors also debate over the Estonian educational policy

    Juhtimine : teoreetilised alused

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    Eesti teadus- ja arendusasutuste juhtimismustrid

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    Teadus- ja arendusasutuste juhtimis- ja majandamismudelidAntud uuringu eesmärgiks on esitada ülevaade ülikoolide juhtimismustritest, juhtimise võimalustest ning väljakutsetest teaduskirjanduse ja empiiriliste uuringute põhjal. Juhtimismustrite uurimise initsieeris Tartu Ülikool ning seetõttu kajastab nii probleemide fookus kui ka empiiriline materjal valdavalt Tartu Ülikooli ja selle allüksuste juhtimist, kuid võimalusel on võrdluseks kaasatud ka teisi Eestis tegutsevaid ülikoole. Raporti esimeses peatükis keskendutakse strateegia formuleerimise etapil lahendamist vajavatele küsimustele ning teises vaadeldakse konkreetsemaid juhtimisteemasid, mis tulenevad strateegia elluviimisest operatiivsel tasandil. Seejuures on lähtutud üldiselt- üksikule lähenemist ning alapeatükk 2.4 integreerib nii organisatsiooni, meeskonna kui ka indiviidi tasandid.http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=364

    Inimressursi juhtimine

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    Kopeerimine ja printimine keelatudhttp://www.ester.ee/record=b208208