84 research outputs found

    Qualitative Research: the Pre-Service Efl Teachers’ Opinions on Teaching Practicium

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    DergiPark: 437672trakyasobedBu çalışma uygulama okullarında Öğretmenlik Uygulaması dersini alanİngilizce aday öğretmenlerinin öğretmenlik uygulaması, uygulama öğretmeni,uygulama öğretim elemanı ve aday öğretmenlerin öz performans değerlendirmeleriile ilgili görüşlerini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma2015-2016 eğitim-öğretim yılında Balıkesir Üniversitesi Necatibey EğitimFakültesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Anabilim dalında Öğretmenlik Uygulamasıdersini alan 37 aday öğretmeni kapsamaktadır. Bu nitel çalışmada veri toplamaaracı olarak katılımcıların öğretmenlik uygulaması, uygulama öğretmeni,uygulama öğretim elemanı ve katılımcıların öz performans değerlendirmeleriniiçeren açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan bir anket kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmadaikinci olarak mülakat ve son olarak katılımcıların duygu ve düşünceleriniyazdıkları deneme yazıları nitel veri toplamak amacıyla kullanılmıştır.Çalışmanın sonucu aday öğretmenlerin gerçek sınıf ortamında İngilizceöğretmeleri sayesinde birçok farklı konuda tecrübe kazandıklarını ortayakoymuştur. Çalışma aynı zamanda aday öğretmenlerin öğretmenlik uygulaması,uygulama öğretmenleri, uygulama öğretim elemanları ve kendi performanslarınıdeğerlendirme konusundaki olumlu görüşlerinin olumsuz görüşlerine göre dahaağır bastığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Çalışma katılımcıların olumlu ve olumsuzgörüşlerinin nedenlerini ortaya koyması bakımından literatürdeki diğerçalışmalardan farklılık göstermektedir. Çalışmanın sonucu, aday öğretmenlereiyi nitelikte bir eğitim verme sorumluluğunu Eğitim Fakültelerindeki YabancıDiller Bölümleri ile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın birlikte paylaşmalarıgerektiğini ortaya koymuştur. Bulguların ışığında uygulamaya yönelik bazıtavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.This study was conducted to explore the opinions of pre-service EFLteachers about Teaching Practicum, practice teachers, teacher trainers andtheir self-evaluations of their performance. The sample group consisted of 37pre-service EFL teachers taking Teaching Practicum in the department of EnglishLanguage Teaching, at Balıkesir University, Turkey in the 2015-2016 academicyear. The data collection instruments were a questionnaire, which was composedof open-ended questions about the pre-service EFL teachers’ opinions on thecourse itself, practice teachers, teacher trainers and about their ownself-evaluations of their performance as well as in-depth interviews and essaypapers which included the participants’ views and opinions. The resultsindicated that the pre-service EFL teachers seemed to have experience on a widevariety of issues thanks to teaching English in real class settings. The studyshowed that their positive opinions on aforementioned issues outweighed thenegative ones. Since the study revealed the causes of their positive andnegative opinions, it differed from the previous studies in the literature. Itwas concluded from the results that the departments of foreign languageteaching in the faculties of education and the Ministry of National Educationshould share the responsibility of offering good quality training topre-service teachers. In the light of the findings, some practical recommendationswere noted.

    Mobilyacılık Sektöründe Maliyet Muhasebesi Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Antakya Örneği A Research Study on Cost Accounting Practices in the Furniture Sector: The Case of Antakya

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    Bu çalışmada, mobilyacılık sektöründe el yapımı geleneksel üretimden çağdaş teknoloji kullanımına dayalı üretime geçmekte olan Antakya’da mobilya sektöründe faaliyette bulunan işletmelerin üretim maliyetinin hesaplanması, kontrolü ve analizine yönelik yöntem ve teknikleri kullanma düzeylerinin tespit edilmesi suretiyle uygulamada eksik görülen hususların giderilmesine yönelik öneriler geliştirilmesi ve önerilerin sektördeki işletmelerle paylaşılarak Antakya ölçeğinde işletmelerin uygulamalarına katkı sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Antakya’da faaliyet gösteren mobilya işletmelerinden iradi olarak seçilen 66 mobilya işletmesinin yönetici veya sahibi ile yüz yüze görüşme yoluyla anket uygulanarak veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler arasındaki ilişkiler Ki-kare testi ve Çapraz Tablolar (Crostabs) analizi yapılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamındaki şirketlerin yaklaşık olarak yarısının üretilen birimlerin maliyetinin hesaplanmasında Standart Maliyet Yöntemini, yarısının da Fiili Maliyet Yöntemini kullandığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca şirketlerin çoğunun karar verme sürecinde başa baş noktası hesaplaması yaptıkları, ancak katkı payı analizi ile malzeme ve işçilik maliyeti analizi yapmadıkları ve çağdaş yönetim muhasebesi yaklaşımlarını kullanmadıkları tespit edilmiştir. This study aims to provide contribution to furniture enterprises with suggestions generating from the present study by detemining to what extend furniture enterprises in Antakya, which have experienced transition from handmade traditional furniture production to using contemporary technology in furniture production, use methods and techniques for cost calculation and control. Data were gathered by applying questionnaire through face to face interview to the manager or owner of 66 furniture enterprises selected volitionally from furniture enterprises operating in the city Antakya. The data obtained through the questionnaire were processed by means of the SPSS program in order to prepare frequency tables and make Ki-Kare test and Crosstable (Crostabs) analysis to determine if there is a relationship between some elements herein. We revealed that approximately fifty percent of the surveyed enterprises use Standard Costing Method and fifty percent of them uses Historical Costing Method in calculating cost of units produced. We also determined that most of the surveyed enterprises make break-even point analysis in their decision making process, however most of them don’t make contribution magrin analysis and material-labour cost analysis and don’t use contemporary managerial accounting approaches herein

    Fatty acid profile and sensory properties of lamb meat from males of five indigenous breeds

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    The objective of this study was to determine meat quality characteristics, fatty acid profiles, and sensory characteristics of 50 single-birth male lambs from five breeds: Artli (n = 10), Cepni (n = 10), Hemsin (n = 10), Karayaka (n = 10), and Of (n = 10). At the beginning of the experiment, the average age and weight of the lambs were 120 +/- 5 d and 30.7 +/- 0.68 kg respectively. After 60 d of intensive fattening, the average live weight before slaughter was 40.96 kg +/- 0.76 kg. All evaluations were performed on samples from the longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle. There was no difference between breeds in terms of the pH values of the hot carcasses, whereas the cold carcass pH values were higher (P<0.001) in Hemsin animals than in the other breeds. Meat chemical properties (such as organic matter; dry matter; and fat, measured as the ether extract), physical properties (such as cooking loss; drip loss; and water-holding capacity, WHC), and instrumental values (such as colour, L* and b* values, chewiness, hardness, and resilience) were significantly affected by breed differences. Additionally, the differences between breeds were found to be significant in terms of the fatty acid composition and the evaluation of organoleptic properties, such as sensory characteristics, flavour, and juiciness of cooked (boiled or roasted) meat. The results show that lamb meat's physical, chemical, and sensory properties vary by breed. The differences found in the composition and presence of meat fatty acids between and within breeds can be used as a source of variation for future genetic improvement strategies

    Explaining the Impact of Disabled Children’ Engagement with Physical Activity on Their Parents’ Smartphone Addiction Levels: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Research

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    In this research, quantitative findings and qualitative follow-up themes were used to quantify, conceptualize and finally try to explain the impact of disabled children’ engagement with physical activity on their parents’ smartphone addiction levels. An initial phase of quantitative investigation was conducted with 116 parents. Analyses of statistical trends indicated that male parents use smartphones more often than female. Furthermore, quantitizing data towards parents’ smartphone addiction showed that parents watching their disabled children during physical activity exhibit more smartphone-addicted behaviors than non-watching parents. Finally, data obtained from quantitative findings revealed that levels of smartphone addiction of parents whose disabled children participated in more than 60 minutes of physical activity were greater than the levels of smartphone addiction of parents whose disabled children participated in 60 minutes of physical activity. With no adequate theoretical explanation for these results, a follow-up explanations phase of qualitative investigation was conducted with 5 parents. Analyses of interview data emerged three themes: (a) Male dominance in smartphone use, (c) parents passive participation in physical activity with or without smartphones and (b) levels of smartphone addiction among parents in terms of duration of their children daily physical activity engagement

    Complicated Diagnosis; Glomus Tumor of Finger

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    AimTo evaluate the clinical properties and treatment results of patients with glomus tumor which is one of the rare tumors of the hand originating from the neuromyoarterial glomus body.Materials and MethodsBetween years 2012-2014, a total of 9 patients (6 women and 3 men) diagnosed with glomus tumor of the hand were included in this retrospective study. Age, sex, localization of the lesion, symptoms and the initiation time of the symptoms, time of first clinical evaluation and diagnosis, radiological imaging methods, the treatment applied, pathological diagnosis, follow-up results and the presence of complications were evaluated for each patient.ResultsThe mean age of the patients were 39.6 years. Glomus tumor was observed to be subungual in all patients. Two of the lesions were in the thumb, 3 were in the index finger, 3 were in the middle finger, and 1 was in the fourth finger. The common complaint in all patients was pain in the finger and the nail and tenderness. Cold intolerance was prominent in 4 patients. There was blue discoloration in 2 patients and protuberance and deformation of the nail was observed in 3 patients. The average time between the initiation of the symptoms and the diagnosis was 10.7 months. No erosion in the bony segment of the distal phalanx was present in plain radiography except 1 patient. The masses were observed in the Magnetic Resonance imaging. In 8 of the 9 patients the diagnosis was made clinically and radiologically, and only one patient was diagnosed clinically. All patients received surgical treatment. No recurrence was observed in the 12 month follow-up period. Minimal nail deformities were observed in 4 patients postoperatively.ConclusionIn cases of severe pain localized in the finger, especially fingertip, of unknown cause, glomus tumor should be suspected as a prediagnosis. MRI is the most important step in the diagnosis of the mass


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    OBJECTIVE: To find out the quadriceps femoris angle (Q-angle) values of elite and non-elite athletes in Olympic style weightlifting. METHODS: This study included 22 male elite athletes that won medals in international Olympic style weightlifting championships and 22 male non-elite athletes who won medals in national Olympic style weightlifting championships. A goniometer was used to determine the angle of the quadriceps femoris muscle while the athletes were in supine position and the muscle was inactivated.  Anthropometric measurements of right-left thigh and lower leg length, right-left thigh and calf girth, and pelvic width of athletes were obtained. One repetition maximum of snatch, clean and jerk and leg strength of the athletes was recorded. To study demographic characteristics and some anthropometric values of lower extremity of the athletes, t-Test was conducted for independent groups. To compare anthropometric measurements of right-left lower extremity and right-left Q-angle values, paired sample t-Test was used. Right-left Q-angle values and relations among other variables were studied by Pearson correlation analysis. SPSS was used for all analyses. RESULTS: Mean age was 19.73±2.97 years and 18.73±1.55 years for of elite and non-elite athletes respectively. No significant difference was observed in demographic characteristics and in some anthropometric values of lower extremity of elite and non-elite athletes (p>0.05). However, right-left Q-angle values of non-elite athletes (10.14±1.55o and 10.14±1.52o, respectively) were higher than the right-left Q-angle values of elite athletes (8.32±1.39o and 8.32±1.32o, respectively) [p<0.003]. CONCLUSIONS: Olympic style weightlifting, which is maintained in elite level, affects the quadriceps femoris angle

    The Effect of Leachate on the Compacted and Consolidated Clay Soils

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    Solid waste landfills constitute a potential major threat to groundwater quality. Water present in the waste, rainwater infiltration during and/or after the landfilling process and groundwater penetration can result in the generation of leachate. Leachate is a kind of waste liquid consisting of waste contaminants. Clay soils are natural matters to minimize the permeability of natural soil liners in landfill areas. Some contaminants in the leachate can alter compacted clay soils and cause increasing or decreasing permeability. This study investigates effects of leachate on the permeability of the compacted and consolidated clay soils, thereby evaluating the effectiveness of these clay soils as liners in preventing groundwater contamination. To determine removal capability of compacted and consolidated clay soils, some metal ions (Fe(II), Mn(II)) are also measured in influent and effluent of the lab-scale reactor. According to results of this study, Fe(II) and Mn(II) removal efficiency increases with time. Fe(OH)3 and MnO2 precipitations on the clay soil particles increase oxidation rate depending on the autocatalytic effect. Also, in the beginning, some decrease has been observed in the compacted and consolidated clay soils permeability associated with the contamination. However, as time goes by, these results show that leachates may cause an increase in the permeability

    AESX+, AESX, AES-128 ve AES-256'nın performans ve güvenlik açısından karşılaştırılması

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    Bu tezde AES (Advanced Encryption Standard; Gelişmiş Şifreleme Standardı) algoritmasının farklı anahtar uzunluklarındaki versiyonları olan AES-128 ve AES-256'ya ek olarak anahtar beyazlatma kullanan DESX'den esinlenen AESX ve AESX'den anahtar seçiminde farklılaşan AESX+ adını verdiğimiz yeni bir modelin performans ve güvenlik açısından karşılaştırılması yapılarak birbirlerine olan üstünlükleri ve zayıflıkları incelenmiştir. Yapılan performans testlerinde beklendiği üzere AES-256, AES-128'den yaklaşık yüzde 20 daha yavaş çalışmaktadır. Önerilen AESX ve AESX+ algoritmaları ise standart crypto kütüphaneleri kullanılarak yapılan implementasyonlarda AES-128'den yaklaşık %12 daha yavaş, AES-256'dan ise yaklaşık %8 daha hızlı çalışmıştır. Güvenlik analizinde öncelikle önerilen Kilian ve Rogaway'in ünlü makalelerinde DESX için verilen model AESX ve AESX+ algoritmaları uyarlanarak anahtar arama saldırısına karşı AESX ve AESX+ algoritmalarının temel olarak AES-256 ile benzer güvenlik seviyesine sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. Öte yandan, Phan ve Shamir'in İlişkili Anahtar Saldırısı için yapılan analizde ise AESX algoritmasının AES-128'den daha yüksek dirence sahip olduğu, güvenlik seviyesinin AES-256'ya yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In this thesis, in addition to the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm's version of AES-128 and AES-256, which are on the different key lengths. AESX which is inspired from DESX and AESX+ which differs from AESX in its key use have been compared in terms of performance and security and their advantages and disadvantages has been studied. AESX and AESX+ employs two XOR functions one before and one after the AES encryption block, a technique known as "key whitening". Performans tests show that, as expected, AES-256 (AES with 256 bit key) executes approximately 20% slower than AES-128 (AES with 128 bit key). The two construct offered in this thesis, AESX and AESX+ when implemented using standart crypto libraries, execute approximately 20% slower than AES-128 while running 8% faster than AES-256. In the security analysis we first adopted Kilian and Rogaway's DESX security model against exhaustive key search attack presented in their famous paper to AESX and AESX+. We have showed that AESX and AESX+ algorithms basically have similar security levels against exhaustive key search attack. On the other hand, in the analysis for Phan and Shamir's related key attack has shown that AESX construct has a much higher resistance level against this attack as compared to AES-128 construct. Analysis indicate that AESX+'s security level against this attack is close to AES-256 algorithm