10 research outputs found

    Contributions to the Methodology of Tourism History Research

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    During the 20th century the meaning of several relevant tourist concepts has undergone major changes. It is partly due to this fact that a significant portion of the terminologies were also used as a synonym. Attempts to define them had already been made between the two World Wars, but a unified conceptual usage has not been happened in the domestic literature. After the World War II, the statistical data releases have changed and with many new – mainly politically induced – social phenomena had to be faced, which further expanded the variability of the terms of tourism. In my work, I make an attempt at exact determining and statistically applying primarily these concepts; and a few new indicators used in the study may help a broader spectrum of investigation of domestic tourism

    Keszthely idegenforgalma 1909-ben és - 100 év elteltével - 2009-ben

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    A Balaton fővárosának is nevezett Keszthely nem véletlenül vált a Nyugat-Dunántúl, ezen belül pedig a Balaton egyik meghatározó településévé. Földrajzi helyzetének, természeti adottságainak, valamint annak a ténynek, hogy a Festeticsek uradalmi központjaként működött úgyszólván ez természetes következménye. „Keszthely az uradalmi központból fejlődött városok típusos példája. Ennek köszönheti gazdasági akadémiáját, erre vall kisvárosi-üzletnegyedszerű főutcájának a hatalmas kastély parkjába ütköző iránya

    Hímvessző-daganatos betegek kezelésével szerzett tapasztalataink = Experiences in treatment and follow up of 50 patients with penile cancer

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    A hímvessző rosszindulatú daganata ritka kórelváltozás. Szövettanilag az esetek túlnyomó része elszarusodó laphámrák, de az elhelyezkedésük miatt a műtéti kezelést az urológus végzi. A daganatok szinte kizárólag a fitymabőr distalis részéből vagy a glansból indulnak ki. Célkitűzés és módszer: A szerzők bemutatják a hímvesszőrák kezelésével, gondozásával szerzett tapasztalataikat. Az eredmények feldolgozását részben retrospektív, részben prospektív módszerrel végezték. Eredmények: 1996. június és 2006. június között 50 betegnél végeztek műtétet péniszkarcinóma miatt. A betegek átlagos életkora 63,1 (31–83) év volt. A daganatok 94%-a laphámrák volt, 2 (4%) esetben verrucosus carcinoma, egy esetben melanoma malignum. A patológiai T-stádium 23 (46%) esetben T1 volt, 19 (38%) betegen 2, 6 (12%) esetben T3 és 1 (2%) alkalommal T4. A differenciáltság, grade-1 volt 12 (24%), grade-2 volt 27 (54%) és grade-3 volt 10 (20%) esetben. A betegek közül 11-nek (22%) volt egyoldali, és 8-nak (16%) kétoldali inguinalis nyirokcsomóáttéte. Az előzményekben 4 (8%) betegen történt circumcisio fitymaszűkület miatt, míg 25 (50%) betegnek a rák felismerésekor volt phimosisa. A műtéti kezelés után 17 (34%) beteg részesült kemoterápiában. A betegek átlagos túlélési ideje 31,4 (2–114) hónap volt. Következtetések: A hímvesszőrák kialakulásában fontos szerepe van a fitymaszűkületnek, mely megbetegedésének kockázata a műtéti megoldás után is magasabb. A betegség lefolyása agresszív viselkedésű, a nyirokutakon terjedő, ahol az előrehaladt stádiumokban vagy alacsony differenciáltság esetén már felismeréskor kimutatható. A terápia meghatározásában a stádiumorientáltság kezelési elvének kell érvényesülnie. A korai műtéti kezeléssel hosszú távú túlélés érhető el. | Introduction: Malignant tumour of the penis is a rare disease. Although most of the cases are squamous cell carcinoma histologically, operation is managed by urologist because of its position. Aim and method: Experiences of treatment and attendance of penile cancer is presented by the author. Results were both retrospectively and prospectively worked up. Results: Between June 1996 and June 2006 there was operation performed in 50 patients. Mean age of men were 63.1 (31–83) years. Ninety-four percent of tumours were squamous cell carcinoma, 2 (4%) verrucosus carcinoma, in one case malignant melanoma. Pathological T stadium was T1 in 23 cases (46%), T2 in 19 (38%) patients, in 6 (12%) cases T3 and in 1 (2%) T4. Differentiation was grade 1 in 12 (24%), grade 2 in 27 (54%) and grade 3 in 10 (20%) cases. One side inguinal lymph node metastases were found in 11 (22%) and both side in 8 (16%) patients. In anamnesis 4 (8%) patients underwent circumcision because of phimosis, and 25 (50%) patients had had phimosis by identification of cancer. Seventeen patients (34%) were given chemotherapy after surgical treatment. Mean survivor time of all patients was 31,4 (2–114) months. Conclusion: Phimosis plays an important role in development of penile cancer, that’s surgical treatment does not prevent the higher chance of incidence rate. The disease behaves aggressively, spreading through lymphatic vessels, where in advanced stadium, or in low differentiation cases it is already demonstrable by diagnosis. In the determination of therapy, stadium-oriented principale should be predominated. With early operation, long-term survival can be achieved

    Detection of bladder cancer from the urine using fluorescence in situ hybridization technique

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    The authors report on their first experiences with the UroVysion fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) kit developed for the detection of bladder cancer. This new non-invasive diagnostic application of the FISH technique in the field of urology was elaborated to replace cystoscopy. The special urine examination method detects genetic alterations of the urothelial cells found in the urine, using fluorescent directlabeled DNA probes binding to the peri-centromeric regions of chromosomes 3, 7 and 17 as well as on the 9p21 locus. We aimed to evaluate the utility of UroVysion test in the light of the histological diagnosis. Urine samples from 43 bladder cancer patients and 12 patients with no or benign alterations were studied using a new application of FISH technique: the UroVysion reagent kit. The obtained FISH results were compared with the histological findings of the transurethral surgical resection specimens. The study rated the specificity and sensitivity of the technique 100% and 87%, respectively. Therefore, the technique could well fit into the diagnostic process of bladder carcinomas. Statistical analyses showed significant correlation between tumor progression and the severity of the genetic alterations detected by this FISH technique. Furthermore, positive correlation was found between tumor grade and the proportion of tumor cells showing genetic abnormality. The noninvasiveness, the robustness of evaluation and the high specificity/sensitivity are all in favor of this technique. The disadvantages are the higher costs of the technical background and the required future clinical studies to determine whether this technique can replace cystoscopy

    Claudins and ki-67: potential markers to differentiate low- and high-grade transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder

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    Updated classification of urothelial cell cancer differentiates low-grade and high-grade cancers, which determines potential clinical outcome. Substantial interobserver variability necessitates new biomarkers to ensure classification. Claudins' specific expression pattern characterizes normal tissues, different tumor types, and defined grades of tumor differentiation. The aim of this study was to examine the expression pattern of claudins and proliferation marker Ki-67 in low-grade and high-grade urothelial cell cancers compared with independent control samples of non-tumorous urothelium, as well as to reveal the predictive usefulness of claudins. The expression of claudins-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -7, and -10 and Ki-67 was studied with quantitative immunohistochemistry and real-time RT-PCR with relative quantification in 103 samples: 86 urothelial cell cancers (27 low grade, 59 high grade) and 17 non-tumorous urothelia. Results were analyzed regarding overall survival and recurrence-free period as well. High-grade tumors overall showed significantly higher claudin-4 and Ki-67 and significantly lower claudin-7 expression when compared with low- grade ones. High-grade tumors revealed significantly shorter overall survival in Kaplan-Meier analysis. Claudin-4, claudin-7, and Ki-67 might be used as potential markers to differentiate low-grade and high-grade urothelial cell cancers, thereby possibly enhancing accuracy of pathological diagnosis and adding further information to clinical outcome