346 research outputs found

    Estimation method for emission of road transport

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    The sustainable development is a development, where the pace of technical development, the satiation of increasing supply and the raw materials and resources of Earth are poised so that the rate of living and opportunities of the next generations must not to be worse. Transportation cannot be replaced because it is part of the production chain. Societies are horizontally and vertically differential. The manpower, the stock, the semi finished and finished products must be transported. One of the most emphasized goals of the transport policy of the European Union is sustainable mobility. For this reason transportation systems must be developed and standardized, the effectiveness of transportation service must be increased, while the environmental pollution must be decreased or prevented. There are no harmonized guidelines for project assessment and transport costing at EU level yet. A critical issue when comparing appraisal practices across countries is to make sure the same definitions are being used. Theoretically, all benefits and costs should be accounted for in the cost-benefit analysis. In practice though, many effects are left out

    Noise annoyance and willingness to pay of inhabitants exposed to transport noise

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    During the process of European integration the question arose how a standard could be created to assess qualitative and quantitative effects deriving from the development of transport infrastructures. The issue gets an even higher emphasis in case of valuation the development of large projects which impact several countries. The main aim of the research was to determine how much people are bothered, disturbed or annoyed by noise, and then to establish a correlation between this and their willingness to pay, and the absolute noise levels. This paper summarizes the survey and its results. Noise influences people´s well being and standard of living. It is the only environmental pollution where it is not a polluting material that effects the body adversely - as it is in the case of air or water pollution -, but the danger is created by an energy overdose reaching the sensory and data processing organs. Here we talk about nervous processes and this characteristic distinguishes noise pollution from all the other contaminating factors. It has also got to be mentioned that perceiving noise is very subjective. The reaction of people is largely predetermined by how they relate to the noise source. Noise annoyance can be determined by socio-acoustical studies. The essence of these is that they do not only take into account decibel levels, but attach so called annoyance levels to the given sound pressure levels

    Az intraspecifikus polimorfizmus és prokarióta szimbionták vizsgálata klonálisan szaporodó amöboid egysejtű szervezeteknél = Intraspecific polymorphism and prokaryotic symbionts in clonal amoeboid organisms

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    A szabadonélő házas amőbák közé tartozó Arcella (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida) genus különböző fajaiból vegyes és klóntenyészetek létrehozását követően molekuláris filogenetikai vizsgálatokkal elhelyeztem a genust az Amoebozoa törzsfán a Tubulina csoporton belül. Más egysejtű csoportok genusaitól eltérően a 18S rRNS gén az eltérő morfológiájú faj csoportok vonatkozásában nem mutatott számottevő különbséget. A Magyarországon előforuló 17 Arcella faj közül hétnek, köztük az igen ritka Arcella formosa-nak a parciális 18S rRNS génjét sikerült megszekvenáltatni. Házas amőbából első ízben történt endobionta baktériumok kitenyésztése és 16S rRNS génen alapuló karakterizálása. Elsősorban a szimbiózisokban is legjellemzőbb Alpha-, továbbá a Betaproteobacteria dominált. Több, más élőlényekben szimbionta ill. endobionta szervezet mellett néhány humán patogén is mutatkozott. Azonos klóntenyészetből ismételt vizsgálatoknál több taxon (pl. a Rhizobium gallicum) is előkerült. A több diazotróf tulajdonságú baktérium jelenléte felveti egy esetleges mutualisztikus kapcsolat lehetőségét a tápanyagszegény közegben perzisztáló amőbák és endobiontáik között. A FISH vizsgálatok tanúsága szerint a baktériumok a citopazma teljes terjedelmében jelen vannak. Az endobionták és a táplálékszervezetek elhelyezkedése közti különbséget TEM felvételek igazolják. Az endobionta baktériumok átadása a vertikális úton felül az olykor több Arcella egyed közti időleges plazmahidakon át, horizontálisan is történhet. | Different species of the free living testate amoeba genus Arcella (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida) were subjected to molecular phylogenetic study and the genus was placed among the Tubulina on the amoebozoan phylogenetic tree. Contrary to some other protozoan groups, the 18S SSU rRNA gene sequence did not show marked differences among the different morphological groups of Arcella. Seven out of the 17 species recorded in Hungary so far yielded partial sequences, including the very rare Arcella formosa. For the first time in testate amoeba research endobiont bacteria were cultured and characterised by 16S SSU rRNA gene sequences. Dominating groups were Alphaproteobacteria ? most typical in symbiotic relationships ? and Betaproteobacteria. Besides more bacteria of symbiotic or endobiotic nature some human pathogenes have occurred. Repeated investigation of the same clonal culture resulted the repeated appearance of some taxa (e.g. Rhizobium gallicum). The presence of more diazotrophic bacteria suggests the possibility of a putative mutualistic relationship between the hosts persisting under poor nutrient supply and the endobionts. According to FISH surveys the bacteria are present over the whole cytoplasm. TEM micrographs demonstrate the different appearance of a food vacuole containing bacteria and an endobiont. In addition to vertical transfer, an interchange of bacteria may happen in horizontal way through cytoplasmic threads during plasmogamy, occasionally involving more specimens

    Dynamic model of urban controlling based on artifical intelligent methods

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    To effectuate a consistent methodology for urban planning - taking into consideration the viewpoints of land use and transportation - we need to approach the subject with considering complex social and economical aspects. To handle both of the mentioned urban planning areas together, we shall develop models, which are able to pay attention to all of their restrictive factors within the temporal properties as well

    Strategy Planning of Sustainable Urban Development

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    Impact of transportation on environment

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    Our aim in this article is to prove the connection of CO2 emission and climate change and to estimate the CO2 emission of the transport sector. We have to clarify the emission of the transport sector in order to get information of externalities, what is a further step to a sustainable society. The sustainable development is a development, where the pace of technical development, the satisfaction of increasing supply and the raw materials and resources of Earth are poised so that the rate of living and opportunities of the next generations need not to be worse. One of the most emphasized goals of the transport policy of the European Union is sustainable mobility. For this reason transportation systems must be developed and standardized, the effectiveness of transportation service must be increased, while the environmental pollution must be decreased or prevented. Decoupling motorization from environmental pollution is the task for engineers. Decoupling the increase of mobility from economic activity is a tas k for economists

    Hely - és személynevek a magyar internetes gasztronómiai blogok és receptgyűjtemények ételneveiben

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    The paper examines the names of dishes on Hungarian gastronomy blogs from a linguistic point of view. The author has collected 1380 names from one hundred blogs and collections of recipes on the Internet. The collected names include a Hungarian or a foreign place or personal name and were analysed with respect to their semantics and grammar. Place names in the names of dishes include the Hungarian names of settlements, regions, mountains, rivers; also the foreign names of countries, cities, regions, islands; and even the name of a continent. The names of famous people, politicians, historic figures, well-known chefs, TV stars and fictional characters, e.g. film or fairy tale characters can be found among the personal names listed. The examined names of dishes are most often qualifying, possessive or adverbial syntactic units. In many cases, the names include the blogger’s own name or that of the person from whom the blogger borrowed the recipe, or to whom the blogger dedicated the dish

    Degradáció és restauráció – globális állapot és jövőkép Az IPBES kormányközi testület értékelő tanulmányaalapján

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    Az IPBES kormányközi testület által 2018-ban elfogadott, a szárazföldek élővilágának pusztulásával, a talaj degradációjával és ennek következményeivel, valamint a lehetséges beavatkozásokkal foglalkozó értékelő tanulmány borús képet ad a jelen folyamatairól és ezek emberi életminőségre gyakorolt hatásairól. Sürgős intézkedésekre van szükség a folyamat lassítására, megfordítására. Az első lépés a változtatás iránti elköteleződés, amelynek globális szinten kell érvényesülni. Az IPBES értékelése elsőként fogalmazta meg, hogy technológiai változtatásokkal csökkenteni kell az erőforrás- és az energiafelhasználást; az életszemléletnek el kell mozdulnia a növekedési kényszertől és egyben csökkenteni kell a pazarlást; valamint restaurációs beavatkozásokkal helyre kell állítani a degradált természeti tőkét