22 research outputs found

    Family-friendly working conditions as an advantage in the competition for the next generation of doctors

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    AbstractMulti-technology platforms with two workspaces are considered to be promising production resources to enable an efficient manufacture of complex workpieces in small lot sizes. However, the advantages in terms of productivity in comparison to multi-technology platforms with a single workspace have not been quantified so far. This paper presents such a quantification approach based on dynamic discrete-event modeling of platforms with one and two workspaces. Slight variations in the configuration setup of the platforms as well as the machining of distinct part spectra are discussed. It is found that the installation of the most frequently applied technology resource in each workspace enhances the productivity of platforms with two workspaces significantly. Therefore, the advantages of multiple workspaces should be elucidated further taking into account acquisition cost and throughput time

    Sanat yolunda

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    Muallim İrfan Emin'in Talebe Defteri'nde tefrika edilen Sanat Yolunda adlı romanıTek sayı görülmüştür. Ancak kaynaklarda tefrikanın tamamlandığı bilgisi mevcuttur


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    Землетрясения – это стихийные бедствия, которым подвержены многие районы земного шара. Последствиями землетрясения являются разрушения зданий, плотин, мостов, подземных сооружений. Во многих случаях разрушения приводят к большим человеческим жертвам. Поэтому при строительстве в районах с повышенной сейсмической активностью, каким является республика Узбекистан необходимо создавать сейсмостойкие сооружения

    Economic efficiency of manufacturing technology integration

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    Manufacturing technology integration is an arising paradigm that aims at the functional integration of diverse manufacturing technologies into machine tools which are called multi-technology platforms. So far, machine tool builders have attempted to justify manufacturing technology integration through the machine hour rate calculation. However, this calculation approach is inadequate for such purpose since it neglects output quantities and the configuration of the manufacturing system. This dissertation applies models of production, cost, and queuing theory to derive the conditions under which manufacturing technology integration leads to greater productivity, lower cost, and smaller throughput times than a conventional manufacturing system consisting of single-technology machine tools. Such a conventional manufacturing system is called segregated manufacturing system. Based on the efficiency models the design of multi-technology platforms is discussed with regard to the number and the type of manufacturing technologies to be integrated as well as the number of workspaces. It is found that manufacturing technology integration is particularly cost-efficient for low output quantities. However, although the logistic chain in a plant is shortened through manufacturing technology integration the throughput times of an integrated manufacturing system might be greater than the throughput times of a segregated manufacturing system. This is due to the fact that for low output quantities the resource utilization and as such the waiting times might be greater in an integrated manufacturing system than in a segregated manufacturing system

    Gewusst wie : Funktionsgerechte Produkteigenschaften aus Hartfeinbearbeitung

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    Modeling the characteristics of multi-technology platforms

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    Is aneurysm growth a surrogate of risk of rupture?

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