232 research outputs found

    Fast relaxation in a fragile liquid under pressure

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    The incoherent dynamic structure factor of ortho-terphenyl has been measured by neutron time-of-flight and backscattering technique in the pressure range from 0.1 MPa to 240 MPa for temperatures between 301 K and 335 K. Tagged-particle correlations in the compressed liquid decay in two steps. The alpha-relaxation lineshape is independent of pressure, and the relaxation time proportional to viscosity. A kink in the amplitude f_Q(P) reveals the onset of beta relaxation. The beta-relaxation regime can be described by the mode-coupling scaling function; amplitudes and time scales allow a consistent determination of the critical pressure P_c(T). alpha and beta relaxation depend in the same way on the thermodynamic state; close to the mode-coupling cross-over, this dependence can be parametrised by an effective coupling Gamma ~ n*T**{-1/4}.Comment: 4 Pages of RevTeX, 4 figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Sensitivity of european temperature to albedo parameterization in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM linked to extreme land use changes

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    Previous studies based on observations and models are uncertain about the biophysical impact of af- and deforestation in the northern hemisphere mid-latitude summers, and show either a cooling or warming. The spatial distribution, magnitude and direction are still uncertain. In this study, the effect of three different albedo parameterizations in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM (v5.09) is examined performing idealized experiments at 0.44° horizontal resolution across the EURO-CORDEX domain during 1986–2015. De- and af-forestation simulations are compared to a simulation with no land cover change. Emphasis is put on the impact of changes in radiation and turbulent fluxes. A clear latitudinal pattern is found, which results partly due to the strong land cover conversion from forest- to grassland in the high latitudes and open land to forest conversion in mid-latitudes. Afforestation warms the climate in winter, and strongest in mid-latitudes. Results are indifferent in summer owing to opposing albedo and evapotranspiration effects of comparable size but different sign. Thus, the net effect is small for summer. Depending on the albedo parameterization in the model, the temperature effect can turn from cooling to warming in mid-latitude summers. The summer warming due to deforestation to grassland is up to 3°C higher than due to afforestation. The cooling by grass or warming by forest is in magnitude comparable and small in winter. The strength of the described near-surface temperature changes depends on the magnitude of the individual biophysical changes in the specific background climate conditions of the region. Thus, the albedo parameterization need to account for different vegetation types. Furthermore, we found that, depending on the region, the land cover change effect is more important than the model uncertainty due to albedo parameterization. This is important information for model development

    Effect of entropy on the dynamics of supercooled liquids: New results from high pressure data

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    We show that for arbitrary thermodynamic conditions, master curves of the entropy are obtained by expressing S(T,V) as a function of TV^g_G, where T is temperature, V specific volume, and g_G the thermodynamic Gruneisen parameter. A similar scaling is known for structural relaxation times,tau = f(TV^g); however, we find g_G < g. We show herein that this inequality reflects contributions to S(T,V) from processes, such as vibrations and secondary relaxations, that do not directly influence the supercooled dynamics. An approximate method is proposed to remove these contributions, S_0, yielding the relationship tau = f(S-S_0).Comment: 10 pages 7 figure

    Ice XII in its second regime of metastability

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    We present neutron powder diffraction results which give unambiguous evidence for the formation of the recently identified new crystalline ice phase[Lobban et al.,Nature, 391, 268, (1998)], labeled ice XII, at completely different conditions. Ice XII is produced here by compressing hexagonal ice I_h at T = 77, 100, 140 and 160 K up to 1.8 GPa. It can be maintained at ambient pressure in the temperature range 1.5 < T < 135 K. High resolution diffraction is carried out at T = 1.5 K and ambient pressure on ice XII and accurate structural properties are obtained from Rietveld refinement. At T = 140 and 160 K additionally ice III/IX is formed. The increasing amount of ice III/IX with increasing temperature gives an upper limit of T ~ 150 K for the successful formation of ice XII with the presented procedure.Comment: 3 Pages of RevTeX, 3 tables, 3 figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Crystal-like high frequency phonons in the amorphous phases of solid water

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    The high frequency dynamics of low- (LDA) and high-density amorphous-ice (HDA) and of cubic ice (I_c) has been measured by inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) in the 1-15 nm^{-1} momentum transfer (Q) range. Sharp phonon-like excitations are observed, and the longitudinal acoustic branch is identified up to Q = 8nm^{-1} in LDA and I_c and up to 5nm^{-1} in HDA. The narrow width of these excitations is in sharp contrast with the broad features observed in all amorphous systems studied so far. The "crystal-like" behavior of amorphous ices, therefore, implies a considerable reduction in the number of decay channels available to sound-like excitations which is assimilated to low local disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Structural relaxation in a system of dumbbell molecules

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    The interaction-site-density-fluctuation correlators, the dipole-relaxation functions, and the mean-squared displacements of a system of symmetric dumbbells of fused hard spheres are calculated for two representative elongations of the molecules within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of glassy dynamics. For large elongations, universal relaxation laws for states near the glass transition are valid for parameters and time intervals similar to the ones found for the hard-sphere system. Rotation-translation coupling leads to an enlarged crossover interval for the mean-squared displacement of the constituent atoms between the end of the von Schweidler regime and the beginning of the diffusion process. For small elongations, the superposition principle for the reorientational α\alpha-process is violated for parameters and time intervals of interest for data analysis, and there is a strong breaking of the coupling of the α\alpha-relaxation scale for the diffusion process with that for representative density fluctuations and for dipole reorientations.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the fragile glass former ortho-terphenyl: a flexible molecule model

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    We present a realistic model of the fragile glass former orthoterphenyl and the results of extensive molecular dynamics simulations in which we investigated its basic static and dynamic properties. In this model the internal molecular interactions between the three rigid phenyl rings are described by a set of force constants, including harmonic and anharmonic terms; the interactions among different molecules are described by Lennard-Jones site-site potentials. Self-diffusion properties are discussed in detail together with the temperature and momentum dependencies of the self-intermediate scattering function. The simulation data are compared with existing experimental results and with the main predictions of the Mode Coupling Theory.Comment: 20 pages and 28 postscript figure

    Neutron scattering and molecular correlations in a supercooled liquid

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    We show that the intermediate scattering function Sn(q,t)S_n(q,t) for neutron scattering (ns) can be expanded naturely with respect to a set of molecular correlation functions that give a complete description of the translational and orientational two-point correlations in the liquid. The general properties of this expansion are discussed with special focus on the qq-dependence and hints for a (partial) determination of the molecular correlation functions from neutron scattering results are given. The resulting representation of the static structure factor Sn(q)S_n(q) is studied in detail for a model system using data from a molecular dynamics simulation of a supercooled liquid of rigid diatomic molecules. The comparison between the exact result for Sn(q)S_n(q) and different approximations that result from a truncation of the series representation demonstrates its good convergence for the given model system. On the other hand it shows explicitly that the coupling between translational (TDOF) and orientational degrees of freedom (ODOF) of each molecule and rotational motion of different molecules can not be neglected in the supercooled regime.Further we report the existence of a prepeak in the ns-static structure factor of the examined fragile glassformer, demonstrating that prepeaks can occur even in the most simple molecular liquids. Besides examining the dependence of the prepeak on the scattering length and the temperature we use the expansion of Sn(q)S_n(q) into molecular correlation functions to point out intermediate range orientational order as its principle origin.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    On the correlation between fragility and stretching in glassforming liquids

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    We study the pressure and temperature dependences of the dielectric relaxation of two molecular glassforming liquids, dibutyl phtalate and m-toluidine. We focus on two characteristics of the slowing down of relaxation, the fragility associated with the temperature dependence and the stretching characterizing the relaxation function. We combine our data with data from the literature to revisit the proposed correlation between these two quantities. We do this in light of constraints that we suggest to put on the search for empirical correlations among properties of glassformers. In particular, argue that a meaningful correlation is to be looked for between stretching and isochoric fragility, as both seem to be constant under isochronic conditions and thereby reflect the intrinsic effect of temperature
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