185 research outputs found

    A fizikai és kémiai változások azonosításával kapcsolatos tudásszerkezet

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    Fejlődik-e a tanulók fizikai és kémiai változások azonosításával kapcsolatos fogalmi rendszere az életkor előrehaladtával? Miként szerveződik a makro-, részecske- és szimbólumszinteken megfogalmazott változások azonosításával kapcsolatos tudás a tanulók kognitív rendszerében? Történik-e kimutatható változás ebben a tudásszerkezetben az iskolai tanulmányok során

    Customer acquisition activities of web stores

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    Based on the domestic and international market trends of the last decades, it can be stated that the number and turnover of web stores, internet commerce is growing dynamically from year to year. The aim of our research is to explore the effective, proven customer acquisition methods of modern web stores. As part of this, the subject of our literature research was to explore the popular advertising platforms for web stores and their basic marketing principles and their optimal structure based on them. In our professional research, on the one hand, we explored through structured interviews what methods and communication are considered effective by the three webshops competing and selling in the different markets based on their experiences. On the other hand, we examined the shopping habits and preferences of consumers in the form of a questionnaire. The information obtained in this way can be crucial in planning the marketing strategy for any existing or new web store. We have found that one of the most important attributes in acquiring customers is reliability. From the beginning, you should strive for positive customer reviews as well as regular value creation proficiency must be demonstrated through content production, with which the business can build a committed community

    Customer acquisition activities of web stores

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    Based on the domestic and international market trends of the last decades, it can be stated that the number and turnover of web stores, internet commerce is growing dynamically from year to year. The aim of our research is to explore the effective, proven customer acquisition methods of modern web stores. As part of this, the subject of our literature research was to explore the popular advertising platforms for web stores and their basic marketing principles and their optimal structure based on them. In our professional research, on the one hand, we explored through structured interviews what methods and communication are considered effective by the three webshops competing and selling in the different markets based on their experiences. On the other hand, we examined the shopping habits and preferences of consumers in the form of a questionnaire. The information obtained in this way can be crucial in planning the marketing strategy for any existing or new web store. We have found that one of the most important attributes in acquiring customers is reliability. From the beginning, you should strive for positive customer reviews as well as regular value creation proficiency must be demonstrated through content production, with which the business can build a committed community

    Customer acquisition activities of web stores

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    Based on the domestic and international market trends of the last decades, it can be stated that the number and turnover of web stores, internet commerce is growing dynamically from year to year. The aim of our research is to explore the effective, proven customer acquisition methods of modern web stores. As part of this, the subject of our literature research was to explore the popular advertising platforms for web stores and their basic marketing principles and their optimal structure based on them. In our professional research, on the one hand, we explored through structured interviews what methods and communication are considered effective by the three webshops competing and selling in the different markets based on their experiences. On the other hand, we examined the shopping habits and preferences of consumers in the form of a questionnaire. The information obtained in this way can be crucial in planning the marketing strategy for any existing or new web store. We have found that one of the most important attributes in acquiring customers is reliability. From the beginning, you should strive for positive customer reviews as well as regular value creation proficiency must be demonstrated through content production, with which the business can build a committed community

    Kiadatlan dokumentáris papirusztöredékek elemzése : P.Prag. III 1095, 1092b és 1101 jelzetű töredékek

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    Rarely do students of classical philology have the opportunity that a few of my fellow students and I were fortunate enough to get within the confines of a special educational program at the János Bollók Workshop of the Eötvös Collegium. We could research the Wessely Collection of Prague and especially the not yet published P.Prag III documents. This papyrus collection of Prague, to which the documents we studied belong, were originally part of Karl Wessely’s private collection. The core of the collection is the Heroninos Archive, which mainly contains accountings and letters, and two of the papyrus fragments in question are lists which belong there. The marking of one of these two papyri is P.Prag. III 1101 recto, and that of the other is P.Prag. III 1092b recto. Based on the size of the papyri and the jointing on their sides, it may be presumed that they were originally part of a bigger document. For what exact purpose the list was made for we do not know, although most likely it is a payroll. As for the third fragment, it is possibly a fragment of a letter, at least that is what the dating at the end of this document suggests. Since the majority of the letter have been lost, we have no knowledge of the author, the addressee or even the most part of the content. The previously mentioned papyrus fragments in themselves are not very significant because they contain little information. Still, they help us to better understand the economic life of the ancient era. Through them we can apprehend how an estate worked, how obligations were administrated, or how information was communicated and shared between the people of the age. The fragments can also make clear and comprehensible details which otherwise would remain in the dark. Hopefully, one day they will help us see the whole picture

    Szabad és pásztoroló legeltetés intenzitásfüggő hatásai szikes vegetációban

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    Egy kistelepülési könyvtár(os) eszközei és lehetőségei a közösségfejlesztés területén

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    A Zákányszéki Művelődési Ház és Könyvtár tetőterében kapott helyet 2010-ben a kistelepülés könyvtára. Az új teret új bútorokkal úgy alakították ki, hogy egyaránt alkalmas legyen csendes olvasásra és élénk közösségi színtérként. A terek berendezése építettek az olvasók kreativitására is. A közösségfejlesztés területén az egyszemélyes könyvtár és könyvtárosa a hagyományos rendezvények mellett a civil szféra bevonására törekszik, jó kapcsolatokat ápol a helyi intézményekkel és felvállalta a helyi újság kiadói teendőit

    Utilization of copper on iron catalyst for the synthesis of biaryl systems and benzoxazines via oxidative arylation of anilide derivatives

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    Heterogeneous copper on iron catalyst serves as an efficient alternative copper source for arylation reactions using hypervalent iodonium salts. The copper (0) catalyst affords meta - arylation of pivalanilides, while 2 - ethy nylanilides undergo oxidative carboarylation - ring closure with diaryliodonium salts

    A fizikai és kémiai változások azonosításával kapcsolatos tudásszerkezet

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    Fejlődik-e a tanulók fizikai és kémiai változások azonosításával kapcsolatos fogalmi rendszere az életkor előrehaladtával? Miként szerveződik a makro-, részecske- és szimbólumszinteken megfogalmazott változások azonosításával kapcsolatos tudás a tanulók kognitív rendszerében? Történik-e kimutatható változás ebben a tudásszerkezetben az iskolai tanulmányok során