14 research outputs found

    Pain frequency at night reflects median nerve injury in carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Objective: Assessment of pain is useful in evaluating the median nerve entrapment in wrist. We aimed to examine the relationships between characteristics of pain and clinical severity of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Materials and methods: In this prospective study, the characteristics (severity, frequency, occurrence during day life or night) of pain were evaluated by using modified self-administered Symptom Severity Questionnaire with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. The diagnosis of CTS was made clinically and electrophysiologically. We assessed the relationship between electrophysiological findings and pain in 41 patients (32 female and 9 male) with idiopathic CTS. Results: Sixty-three hands (38 left hands, 25 right hands) with CTS were included in this study. The mean age was 43.9±12.1 (Range: 23-78) years. Although a previous study reported a strong relationship between clinical and neurophysiologic findings, we found a significant correlation only between nocturnal pain frequency and median nerve compound muscle action potential amplitudes (p=0.03). This significant correlation was in- dependent from gender, age, side of entrapment, other parameters of nerve conduction studies, and other characteristics of pain. We did not find any correlation between pain scores and other median nerve conduction study parameters. Conclusion: Based on these findings, we suggest that nocturnal pain frequency has biological significance and better reflect median nerve injury

    Metabolic Syndrome Frequency and Its Effect on Mortality in Ischemic Stroke

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    OBJECTIVE: Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in world populations and leads to substantial disability and labor loss in the population. Risk factors for stroke are important in terms of preventive medicine. Early diagnosis and treatment of patients having risk factors for stroke can prevent stroke. Metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is characterized by insulin resistance, and prothrombotic and proinflammatory processes, has become one of the important risk factors in the last century owing to its effects on mortality and morbidity. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of MetS on mortality in ischemic stroke. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-seven patients (81 females and 56 males) without a previous stroke, who were diagnosed with ischemic stroke in the Neurology Clinic, within the 24 hours of the disease, evaluated in terms of etiopathogenesis, and fulfilled or not fulfilled the MetS criteria, were randomly included. RESULTS: The mean age was 69.78±10.76 years for the whole study group, 66.32±12.04 years for males and 72.18 ±9.12 years for females. MetS was present in 67 (48.9%) of 137 patients. Forty-six (56.8%) of 81 female patients and 21 (37.5%) of 56 male patients had MetS. With regard to mortality rates of patients with and without MetS; 7 (25.9%) of 16 patients who died within the first 10 days had no MetS, whereas 9 (37.5%) had MetS. Eleven (40.7%) of 19 patients who died between the 10th and 30th days had no MetS, whereas 8 (33.3%) had MetS. Nine (33.3%) of 16 patients who died between 3 months and 1 year had MetS, whereas 7 (29.2%) patients had no MetS. CONCLUSION: One-year evaluation of the patients with ischemic stroke revealed that MetS risk factor had no effect on mortality rates

    Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (Aman) With Motor Conduction Blocks In Childhood; Case Report

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    How to Cite This Article: Yıldırım S. Inan AR, Gül LH, Türk Börü Ü. An Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (AMAN) Case With Motor Conductıon Blocks In Childhood. Iran J Child Neurol. Winter 2016; 10(1):65-69.AbstractObjectivecharacterized with decreased compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) and absence of demyelinating findings in electrophysiological studies, is a subtype of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). A 4 yr-old male patient presented with ascending weakness, dysarthria and dysphagia to İstanbul Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital Neurology outpatient for three days to in 2012. Dysphonia, restricted eye movements, flaccid tetraplegia and areflexia were found in neurological examination. There were motor conduction blocks in all peripheral nerves in electrophysiological studies.According to these findings the patient was diagnosed as Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP). Reduction of CMAP amplitudes in posterior tibial nerve, absence of CMAPs in median, ulnar and peroneal nerves and loss of motor conduction blocks were found in following electrophysiological studies. According to these findings, patient was diagnosed as AMAN. Motor conduction blocks may appear in early stage of AMAN and they disappear in later examinations.That’s why electrophysiological studies must be repeated in patients with GBS

    Bilateral pathological intracerebral calcifications: Neurological and psychiatric evaluation

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    Bazal gangliyonlar, serebral hemisfer beyaz cevherinde ve serebellumun dentat nükleuslarında bilateral kalsifikasyonlar veya diğer minerallerin depolanması nadir bir hastalıktır. Hipoparatiroidizm ve idyopatik strio-pallido-dentat kalsinoz (Fahr hastalığı) patolojik intraserebral kalsifikasyonların en sık rastlanan iki sebebidir. Bu hastalarda hareket bozuklukları en sık rastlanan bulgudur. Kalsifikasyonlara eşlik eden nörolojik ve psikiyatrik bozukluklar tartışıldığı bu makalede, literatürden farklı olarak nöbetlerin ve başağrısı problemlerinin bizim hastalarımızda baskın olması dikkat çekiciydi.Bilateral, symmetric, calcium and other mineral deposits occur in basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and white matter off cerebral hemisphere are rare disorders. Hypoparathyroidism and Fahr’s disease (progressive idiopathic strio-pallidodentat calsinozis) are the most common two pathologies in etiology of bilateral calcifications. Extrapyramidal problems are the most commonly seen clinical finding in these patients. In this article in which neurological and psychiatric disorders in relation to calcifications were discussed, seizures and headache problems were more prominent in our patients


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    Amaç: Bağırsak hareket bozuklukları, multipl sklerozlu MS hastalarda sık görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kolon geçiş zamanını araştırmak ve bununla birlikte bağırsak motilite bozukluklarının sıklığı, lezyonların yeri ile ilişkisi ve yineleyici multipl skleroz RR-MS hastalarında tekrarlayan amiloidoz varlığı ile ilişkisini irdelemektir. Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya klinik kesin yineleyici MS RR-MS ’i bulunan 18 hasta dahil edildi. Bağırsak motilite bozuklukları ROMAII kriterlerine göre sınıflandırıldı ve tüm hastalara kolonoskopi yapıldı. Kolonoskopik biyopsi örnekleri amiloidoz varlığı açısından değerlendirildi. Colontransit 20 pelet ile kolon geçiş süreleri hesaplandı. Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalaması 34,3 yıl idi. Hastaların 12’si kadın ve 6’sı erkekti. Ortalama MS süresi 7,6 yıl ve genişletilmiş özürlülük durumu skoru EDSS ortalama 2,0 olarak bulundu. Hastaların 12’sinde kabızlık ve 3’ünde ishal bulundu. Hastalarda bağırsak motilite bozuklukları kabızlık ve ishal nükslerden 2±1 gün önce ortaya çıkmakta ve nüksler sırasında da devam etmekte idi. İstatistiksel olarak, bağırsak işlev bozukluğu ile atak sayısı arasında p = 0,021 korelasyon saptandı. Kolon geçiş süresi ile atak sayısı ve MS süresi sırasıyla p = 0,013, p = 0,006 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki vardı ve buna ek olarak hiçbir hastanın biyopsisinde amiloidoz saptanmadı. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, uzun süreli kolon geçiş zamanı ve yineleyici MS hastalarında bağırsak işlev bozukluğu özellikle kabızlık varlığını göstermektedir. Patofizyolojisi ise henüz tam bilinmemektedi

    Stroke epidemiology in Karabük city Turkey: Community based study

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    Introduction: Stroke has been projected to increase in developing countries like Turkey. Information about the prevalence of stroke may uncover the etiology of stroke and overcome its impact burden. However, data is limited due to a lack of studies based in Turkey and neighboring regions. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of stroke in the Turkish city of Karabük and to pave the way for future epidemiological studies in Turkey. Methods: The study was designed as a cross-sectional, door-to-door survey. The questionnaire was completed by a trained team in the presence of the participants according to their answers. Patients who had been diagnosed with stroke prior to the survey were re-examined by a neurologist. Results: 3131 persons who were above 44years old were screened. 129 of them were found to have had a stroke previously. The prevalence rate of stroke above 44years was found to be 4.12% (98% confidence level and ±2% margin of error). 72.1% of stroke patients had hypertension. Male/female ratio was 0.72. Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence rate of stroke in Karabük Turkey with a low male/female ratio when compared to other studies. Keywords: Stroke, Epidemiology, Turkey, Risk factor

    Stroke Prevalence in a Coastal Town on the Black Sea Coast in Turkey: Community Based Study

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    Background. This study aims to determine the stroke prevalence in Akçakoca which is a rural area in Turkey. Methods. The study was designed as a cross-sectional, door-to-door survey. The stroke questionnaire was completed by a trained team in the presence of the participants according to their answers. Based on the screenings, patients who had been diagnosed with stroke previously were reexamined by a neurologist and determined the prevalence values, risk factors, and stroke types. Results. A total of 3750 people over 44 years old were reached in the screenings. It was determined that 83 people had previously suffered a stroke. The prevalence rate of stroke in those above 44 years was found to be 2.2 (98% confidence level and ± 2% margin of error). 70 (84.3%) patients had suffered an ischemic stroke while 12 (14.5%) had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. Male/female ratio was 1.1. Conclusion. The results of this study give the prevalence rate of stroke among the Turkish population living in a rural area. Due to a lack of other similar studies, it is impossible to make any data comparison. However, the results of this study help shed light on the stroke prevalence rate