11 research outputs found

    The architecture of EMC reveals a path for membrane protein insertion

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    Approximately 25% of eukaryotic genes code for integral membrane proteins that are assembled at the endoplasmic reticulum. An abundant and widely conserved multi-protein complex termed EMC has been implicated in membrane protein biogenesis, but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. Here, we define the composition and architecture of human EMC using biochemical assays, crystallography of individual subunits, site-specific photocrosslinking, and cryo-EM reconstruction. Our results suggest that EMC鈥檚 cytosolic domain contains a large, moderately hydrophobic vestibule that can bind a substrate鈥檚 transmembrane domain (TMD). The cytosolic vestibule leads into a lumenally-sealed, lipid-exposed intramembrane groove large enough to accommodate a single substrate TMD. A gap between the cytosolic vestibule and intramembrane groove provides a potential path for substrate egress from EMC. These findings suggest how EMC facilitates energy-independent membrane insertion of TMDs, explain why only short lumenal domains are translocated by EMC, and constrain models of EMC鈥檚 proposed chaperone function

    The architecture of EMC reveals a path for membrane protein insertion

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    Approximately 25% of eukaryotic genes code for integral membrane proteins that are assembled at the endoplasmic reticulum. An abundant and widely conserved multi-protein complex termed EMC has been implicated in membrane protein biogenesis, but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. Here, we define the composition and architecture of human EMC using biochemical assays, crystallography of individual subunits, site-specific photocrosslinking, and cryo-EM reconstruction. Our results suggest that EMC鈥檚 cytosolic domain contains a large, moderately hydrophobic vestibule that can bind a substrate鈥檚 transmembrane domain (TMD). The cytosolic vestibule leads into a lumenally-sealed, lipid-exposed intramembrane groove large enough to accommodate a single substrate TMD. A gap between the cytosolic vestibule and intramembrane groove provides a potential path for substrate egress from EMC. These findings suggest how EMC facilitates energy-independent membrane insertion of TMDs, explain why only short lumenal domains are translocated by EMC, and constrain models of EMC鈥檚 proposed chaperone function

    Application of SELEX technique in selection of RNA aptamers targeting murine VCAM-1

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    Aptamery to kr贸tkie, jednoniciowe oligonukleotydy DNA lub RNA zdolne do wysoce specyficznego rozpoznawania i wi膮zania r贸偶nych cel贸w molekularnych. Uzyskuje si臋 je w procesie selekcji in vitro zwanym SELEX (ang. Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment), polegaj膮cym na wybi贸rczej identyfikacji i amplifikacji aptamer贸w wi膮偶膮cych cel spo艣r贸d cz膮steczek biblioteki kombinatorycznej zawieraj膮cej do 10^15 r贸偶nych aptamer贸w. Dzi臋ki swoim niezwyk艂ym w艂a艣ciwo艣ciom aptamery posiadaj膮 bardzo szerokie zastosowanie m.in. w przemy艣le medycznym s艂u偶膮c zar贸wno jako narz臋dzia diagnostyczne jak i terapeutyki.Celem pracy by艂o uzyskanie modyfikowanych aptamer贸w RNA wi膮偶膮cych bia艂ko VCAM-1 wykorzystuj膮c metod臋 SELEX. Bia艂ko VCAM-1, to cz膮steczka adhezyjna z nadrodziny immunoglobulin, kt贸rej g艂贸wn膮 funkcj膮 jest po艣redniczenie w aktywnej migracji leukocyt贸w przez 艣cian臋 艣r贸db艂onka naczy艅 do miejsc wyst臋powania stanu zapalnego. Podwy偶szony poziom tego bia艂ka zar贸wno w formie b艂onowej, jak i rozpuszczalnej koreluje z wieloma stanami patologicznymi m.in. mia偶d偶yc膮 naczy艅, co czyni je dobrym markerem molekularnym chor贸b 艣r贸db艂onka. Aptamery wi膮偶膮ce VCAM-1 mog膮 by膰 wykorzystane jako potencjalne narz臋dzie do diagnostyki dysfunkcji 艣r贸db艂onka zar贸wno in vivo jak i ex vivo.Aptamers are short, single-stranded DNA or RNA oligonucleotides, which can specifically recognize and bind the whole range of molecular targets. Aptamers can be generated in a process of in vitro selection called SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment). The principle of SELEX is based on a selective identification and amplification of aptamers specific against a target molecule from the combinatorial library of up to 10^15 different molecules. Aptamers, because of their unique features, have a broad spectrum of applications, amongst others in the field of biomedicine where they are being used as diagnostic tools as well as therapeutics. The aim of this work was to obtain modified RNA aptamers targeting VCAM-1 using SELEX technique. VCAM-1 is an adhesion molecule from the immunoglobulin superfamily, whose main function is related to the process of leukocyte migration through the endothelium to the sites of inflammation. Increased levels of both forms of this protein, transmembrane as well as soluble, correlates with many pathological states including atherosclerosis, which makes it a good biomarker of vascular diseases. Therefore, aptamers that selectively bind VCAM-1 can be potentially used as a diagnostic tool in detection of endothelial dysfunction in vivo as well as ex vivo