47 research outputs found

    Components of metabolic syndrome in relation to plasma levels of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) in a cohort of people aged 65 years and older

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    Purpose Elevated plasma concentration of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) has recently emerged as a potential risk factor as a component of developing metabolic syndrome (MS). Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the relationship between components of MS and concentrations of plasma RBP4 in a population of subjects 65 years and older. Methods The study sample consisted of 3038 (1591 male) participants of the PolSenior study, aged 65 years and older. Serum lipid profile, concentrations of RBP4, glucose, insulin, C-reactive protein, IL-6, and activity of aminotransferases were measured. Nutritional status (BMI/waist circumference) and treatment with statins and fibrates were evaluated. Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), de Ritis ratio, and fatty liver index (FLI), as well as HOMA-IR were calculated. Results Our study revealed a strong relationship between components of MS and RBP4 in both sexes: plasma RBP4 levels were increased in men by at least 3脳, and in women by at least 4脳. Hypertriglyceridemia was most strongly associated with elevated plasma RBP4 levels. Multivariate, sex-adjusted regression analysis demonstrated that chronic kidney disease [OR 1.86 (95% CI 1.78-1.94)], hypertriglyceridemia [OR 1.52 (1.24-1.87)], hypertension [OR 1.15 (1.12-1.19)], low serum HDL cholesterol [OR 0.94 (0.92-0.97)], and age > 80 years [OR 0.86 (0.81-0.90)] were each independently associated with RBP4 concentration (all p < 0.001). Conclusions In Caucasians 65 years and older, RBP4 serum levels are associated with a number of components of MS, independent of sex and kidney function. Hypertriglyceridemia as a component of MS is most signifcantly related to RBP4 concentration

    Dietary intakes of iron and zinc assessed in a selected group of the elderly: are they adequate?

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    Background. Many studies demonstrate that the elderly consume a nutritionally inadequate diet that includes deficiencies in macro- and microelements; iron and zinc being significant examples of the former. Objectives. To assess the adequacy of dietary iron and zinc intakes in the elderly. Material and methods. The study was conducted on n=102 elderly persons, participating in the PolSenior Project, aged over 65, of which 44 were women and 58 men. Consumption data were collected by using 3 day dietary record from which a usual intakes of energy, macroelements (iron and zinc) were calculated. The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) cut point and z-scores methods were used to determine probabilities of whether iron and zinc uptake was adequate per subject. Results. By using the EAR cut-point method it was stated that iron intake was inadequate for 5% of respondents, whereas 44% showed deficits in zinc (34% women and 52% men). The z-scores demonstrated that 3% of subjects had high probabilities of deficiencies in iron and 52% in zinc. Indeed, very high zinc deficiencies were observed in 20% of cases. Conclusions. The insufficient energy intake observed among respondents contributes to a high risk of zinc deficiency necessary to ensure health in the elderly. In most cases, the low risk of iron deficiency shows that there is no need to increase this nutrient uptake in the examined group of elderly. The study highlights the need for educating the elderly, especially focused on improving zinc intake without changing iron intake. It can be done through appropriate dietary choices so as to include products such as dairy products, wheat bran, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beans, lentils and nuts.Wprowadzenie. Wyniki wielu bada艅 wskazuj膮, 偶e dieta os贸b starszych jest cz臋sto nieadekwatna do ich zapotrzebowania. Istotne znaczenie ma odpowiednie spo偶ycie makro- i mikroelement贸w w tym, m.in. 偶elaza i cynku. Cel. Celem niniejszych bada艅 by艂a ocena spo偶ycia 偶elaza i cynku przez osoby starsze. Materia艂 i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w艣r贸d 102 os贸b w wieku ponad 65 lat (44 kobiety, 58 m臋偶czyzn), uczestnik贸w projektu PolSenior. Dane o spo偶yciu zosta艂y zebrane metod膮 3-dniowego bie偶膮cego notowania, na podstawie kt贸rych obliczono warto艣膰 energetyczn膮 racji pokarmowych oraz zwyczajowe spo偶ycie makrosk艂adnik贸w, 偶elaza i cynku. Ocen臋 adekwatno艣ci spo偶ycia 偶elaza i cynku przeprowadzono metod膮 punktu odci臋cia (Estimated Average Requirement - EAR cut-point) oraz okre艣laj膮c prawdopodobie艅stwo nieprawid艂owego spo偶ycia 偶elaza i cynku na poziomie indywidualnym z wykorzystaniem wsp贸艂czynnika z-score. Wynik. Ocena adekwatno艣ci spo偶ycia badanych pierwiastk贸w metod膮 EAR cut-point wykaza艂a w przypadku 偶elaza, i偶 dla 5% badanych zwyczajowa dieta nie pozwoli艂a na realizacj臋 normy na 偶elazo na poziomie 艣redniego zapotrzebowania w grupie (EAR), natomiast w przypadku cynku a偶 u 44% badanych (34% w艣r贸d kobiet i 52% w艣r贸d m臋偶czyzn). Oceniaj膮c prawdopodobie艅stwo niedostatecznego spo偶ycia wykazano, 偶e du偶e prawdopodobie艅stwo niedobor贸w 偶elaza wyst膮pi艂o jedynie u 3% os贸b, natomiast w przypadku cynku u oko艂o 52% os贸b, przy czy bardzo wysokie ryzyko dotyczy艂o 20% badanej populacji. Wnioski. Zbyt niska warto艣膰 energetyczna diet badanych os贸b powy偶ej 65 roku 偶ycia stwarza ryzyko wyst膮pienia niedobor贸w cynku w diecie os贸b starszych. Ze wzgl臋du na niewielkie ryzyko wyst膮pienia niedoboru 偶elaza w diecie os贸b starszych nie ma potrzeby poprawy spo偶ycia tego sk艂adnika w艣r贸d badanych os贸b. W celu zwi臋kszenia pobrania cynku przez te osoby bez zmiany pobrania 偶elaza zaleca si臋 wi臋ksze spo偶ycie produkt贸w, takich jak mleko i przetwory mleczne, otr臋by pszenne, nasiona dyni i s艂onecznika, fasola, soczewica czy orzechy

    Lipid-Based DNA Therapeutics - Hallmarks of Non-Viral Gene Delivery

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    Gene therapy is a promising strategy for the treatment of monogenic disorders. Non-viral gene delivery systems including lipid-based DNA therapeutics offer the opportunity to deliver an encoding gene sequence specifically to the target tissue and thus enable the expression of therapeutic proteins in diseased cells. Currently, available gene delivery approaches based on DNA are inefficient and require improvements to achieve clinical utility. In this review, we discuss state-of-the-art lipid-based DNA delivery systems that have been investigated in a pre-clinical setting. We emphasize factors influencing the delivery and subsequent gene expression in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo. In addition, we cover aspects of nanoparticle engineering and optimization for DNA therapeutics. Finally, we highlight achievements of lipid-based DNA therapies in clinical trials