40 research outputs found

    Aspergiloza kręgu szyjnego u chorej we wczesnym okresie po przeszczepieniu nerki

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    The article presents a case of a patient who shortly after a kidney transplantation (KTx) developed a fungal infection of the intervertebral disc. Eight weeks after KTx the patient reported neck and shoulder pain. After extensive diagnostics, cervical spine MRI showed an active inflammation within the C6/C7 vertebrae. The patient required neurosurgical intervention. In the course of intraoperative examination, mycelium was found in the direct preparation, the diagnosis of Aspergillus niger was subsequently confirmed in the mycological examination. The initial treatment with voriconazole was followed by one year of itraconazole therapy. As a result of the treatment, the symptoms have subsided and the function of the kidney graft remains optimal.W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono opis przypadku pacjentki we wczesnym okresie po KTx, u której doszło do rozwoju grzybicy krążka międzykręgowego. Po 8 tygodniach od zabiegu chora zgłaszała bóle okolicy szyjno-barkowej. Po rozszerzeniu diagnostyki w MR kręgosłupa szyjnego uwidoczniono aktywne zmiany zapalne w obrębie kręgów C6/C7. Chora wymagała interwencji neurochirurgicznej. Już w trakcie badania śródoperacyjnego stwierdzono obecność strzępków grzybni w preparacie bezpośrednim; rozpoznanie grzybicy Aspergillus niger potwierdzono w badaniu mykologicznym. Włączono terapię worykonazolem, a następnie itrakonazolem, którą kontynuowano przez rok w leczeniu ambulatoryjnym. W związku z zastosowanym leczeniem dolegliwości ustąpiły, a czynność nerki przeszczepionej do dnia dzisiejszego pozostaje bardzo dobra

    Willingness to Adopt Biochar in Agriculture: The Producer’s Perspective

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    Most research on biochar has focused either on the mechanistic or the biophysical aspects, and there has been relatively little research into the social applicability and acceptance of biochar as a soil enhancer in agriculture. However, whether to adopt biochar in their practice is ultimately the farmers’ decision, and their willingness to do so is crucial. Here, we show the producer’s perspective on adopting biochar, using Polish farmers as a case study. Poland is an interesting case study because biochar has only recently attracted the attention of researchers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders there. We performed standardized, semi-structured interviews with 161 Polish farmers to evaluate the socioeconomic potential of biochar application in practice. We found that 27% of the respondents claimed to be familiar with biochar. The respondents with a technical, non-agricultural level of education were most familiar with the term ‘biochar’ (36%), followed by the group of respondents with a higher-level agricultural education (31%). It was surprising that among the latter respondents, the majority (69%) did not know the term ‘biochar’, either in the context used for this study or in any other context. Twenty percent of the respondents expressed an interest in using biochar, while 43% were not willing to adopt it in their agricultural practice (37% ‘did not know yet’). If a farmer was familiar with the concept of sustainable agriculture, the probability of familiarity with biochar increased by 16% (p < 0.05). In addition, farmers interested in using biochar indicated that sustainable agriculture might improve the financial situation of their farms (52%). The perceived benefits of biochar that drive the willingness to adopt it included improved soil quality and increased income due to increased yields, while the constraints on its adoption were associated mainly with high costs. Our results also point to the necessity of information flow as well as engaging farmers in participatory research to adjust the research to their needs. Furthermore, our results highlight the importance of transparency with the farmers and appropriate dissemination and presentation of both the positive and the negative aspects of biochar adoption. We urge those studying biochar to engage in more interdisciplinary research and to go beyond laboratory and field research. Many innovations, even those that work, will not be adopted if socioeconomic considerations are not incorporated into the research

    Artificial neural networks and computer image analysis in the evaluation of selected quality parameters of pea seeds

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    The aim of the study was to develop an innovative method of modelling the process of evaluating the quality of agricultural crops on the basis of computer image analysis and artificial neural networks (ANN). It was therefore assumed that on the basis of the prepared application for processing and analysing the acquired digital images, based on the RGB colour recognition model, a quick and good method of assessing the quality of products would be obtained. An experiment was conducted on the evaluation of selected parameters of pea seeds quality using computer image analysis and the obtained results were verified by artificial neural networks using the geostatic function

    The use of vision techniques for the evaluation of selected quality parameters of maize grain during storage

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    The paper presents an innovative method based on vision techniques for rapid assessment of contamination in the mass of stored maize grain. The research was carried out in a selected grain warehouse in the Opolskie Province. Maize grain was used in the studies, which was subjected to tests based on computer image analysis. To assess the state of maize grain contamination, a proprietary computer application based on the RGB model was used

    Zastosowanie mąk bezglutenowych do produkcji żywności bezglutenowej®

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    The article analyzes selected quality parameters of millet, buckwheat and quinoa flour. In order to determine the quality indicators, the water content and titratable acidity were determined for each type of flour. The study showed that buckwheat flour has the characteristics most similar to that of wheat flour. Based on the organoleptic evaluation carried out among the respondents, it can be concluded that buckwheat flour products are pleasant to the taste and smell. Manufactured products made of gluten-free flours have a specific consistency, which is due to the inability to produce a gluten mesh.W artykule dokonano analizy wybranych parametrów jakościowych mąki jaglanej, gryczanej i mąki z komosy ryżowej. W celu określenia wskaźników jakości przeprowadzono oznaczenie zawartości wody oraz kwasowości miareczkowej dla każdego rodzaju mąki. Badania wykazały, że mąka gryczana ma najbardziej zbliżoną charakterystykę do mąki pszennej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej oceny organoleptycznej wśród ankietowanych, można stwierdzić że wyroby z mąki gryczanej są przyjemne w smaku oraz w zapachu. Wyprodukowane wyroby z mąk bezglutenowych charakteryzują się specyficzną konsystencją, co jest spowodowane niemożnością wytworzenia siatki glutenowej

    The use of a bead mill for the production of agrochemical suspensions

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    Plant protection products represent one of the most innovative branches of the agrochemical industry which requires considerable financial investment to adequately meet agricultural needs. The optimal agrochemicals should enable farmers to maximize yields, and their components should remain active over long periods of time regardless of weather conditions. This article describes an innovative technology for the production of agrochemical suspensions in a bead mill. The suspension acts as a carrier of active ingredients. The parameters of the bead mill were presented, and the resulting suspensions were used in the production of fungicides. The parameters of the substrates used in the production of agrochemicals have to comply with legal regulations. The present experiment involved liquid chromatography, and it was conducted in accordance with good practice, in line with CIPAC guidelines

    Associations Between Intravenous Iron, Inflammation and FGF23 in Non-Dialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 3-5

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    Background/Aims: Both iron deficiency and chronic inflammation are highly prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The effect of intravenous iron infusion on mineral metabolism in CKD may be modified by inflammation. Intravenous iron theraphy may reduce peripheral degradation, secretion, clearence of iFGF23 and lead to hypophosphatemia. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous iron on mineral metabolism in CKD patients. Methods: 35 non-dialysis patients with CKD stages 3-5. received 100 mg/24h of ferric oxide saccharated solution for 5 days. Serum calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), parathormone (PTH), intact-FGF23 (iFGF23), C-terminal-FGF23 (cFGF23), bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and high-sensitive CRP were assessed on day 1 and 3 at baseline and 2 hours after each dose administration and once on day 6. Plasma iFGF23 and cFGF23, as well as serum BAP were measured with ELISA and other parameters with standard automated laboratory methods. Results: Serum iFGF23 increased after iv iron on day 1 and 6 (from 268.9±446.5 to 326.3±529.9 on day 1; p=0.05 and to 451.4±601 pg/mL on day 6; p=0.03). cFGF23 was reduced only on day 1 (from 654.3±441.3 to 473.6±414 RU/mL; p=0.016). P concentration decreased significantly two hours after the first iron infusion (from 1.69±0.5 to 1.54±0.35 mmol/l; p=0.003). In following days the changes of cFGF23, P and of other calcium-phosphate metabolism were not significant. Serum CRP correlated neither with iFGF-23 nor cFGF-23. Conclusion: Intravenous iron supplementation may only transiently affect the production and degradation of FGF23 resulting in hypophosphatemia at the commencement of iron therapy. Chronic low-grade inflammation does not seem to play a role in that mechanism

    Roux-en-y biliary by-pass – a new approach in the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia induced recurrent acute pancreatitis. Clinical case study

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    Acute pancreatitis is a disease with significant mortality. Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is the third most common etiological factor of this disorder after alcohol and gall-stones. The authors presented a case of 42-years old caucasian female who was hospitalized due to recurrence of acute pancreatitis. She had been diagnosed with HTG. She had earlier seven episodes of acute pancreatitis. Endoscopic papillotomy and conservatory treatment didn’t change her complaints and she was consented for surgery. Exclusion of distal part of bile duct was performed. The common bile duct was anastomosed side-to-side to the 70 cm long Roux loop of the jejunum with the ligation of the distal part of the common bile duct. Following the surgery authors observed normalization of amylase, lipase, leukocytosis and CRP levels. During six months after procedure patient didn’t have any new episode of pancreatitis. Exclusion of distal part of bile duct may be a useful tool in surgical treatment of recurrent acute hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis

    Wykorzystanie modelowania regresji do opisu zmian zachodzących na rynku rolnym w Polsce®

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    The article presents a way of the application of regression analysis model to describe the phenomenon of the changing number of wholesale milk deliveries with respect to the number of wholesale suppliers on the agricultural market. In the process of mathematical regression, non-linear functions were used, where the independent variable was time. The data collected from the institution governing the milk production quota mechanism clearly shows that, during its operation, the national milk quota increased while the number of both wholesale and direct suppliers decreased. This situation resulted in an increased average individual quota per supplier. These results reflect the decreasing number of Polish farms maintaining dairy cattle in the country as a result of the shift from milk production in small farms to commercial production in farms developing in this sector. It should also be noted that the changes in the concentration of production are also linked to an increase in the quality of the raw material and final product. This tendency supports the fact that the dairy industry is becoming an increasingly specialized and forward-looking industry, as can already be seen from the consumer’s perspective on the food products market today. Although many authors have addressed the economic implications of the existing dairy price support scheme, few have explicitly considered the relationship between risk aversion, capital investment, milk production and price support policy in this processW artykule przedstawiono sposób zastosowania modelu analizy regresji do opisu zjawiska zmiany liczby dostaw mleka w hurcie w stosunku do liczby dostawców hurtowych na rynku rolnym. W procesie regresji matematycznej wykorzystano funkcje nieliniowe, gdzie zmienną niezależną był czas. Z danych zebranych od instytucji rządzącej mechanizmem kwoto- wania produkcji mleka jasno wynika, że w trakcie jego funkcjonowania wzrosła krajowa kwota mleczna, a zmniejszyła się liczba zarówno hurtowych, jak i bezpośrednich dostawców. Sytuacja ta spowodowała wzrost średniej kwoty indywidualnej na dostawcę. Wyniki te odzwierciedlają zmniejszającą się liczbę polskich gospodarstw utrzymujących bydło mleczne w kraju w wyniku przejścia od produkcji mleka w gospodarstwach małych, do produkcji towarowej w gospodarstwach rozwijających się w tym sektorze. Należy również zauważyć, że zmiany w koncentracji produkcji są również związane ze wzrostem jakości surowca i produktu końcowego. Tendencja ta potwierdza fakt, że branża mleczarska staje się coraz bardziej wyspecjalizowaną i przyszłościową branżą, co widać już z perspektywy konsumenta na dzisiejszym rynku produktów spożywczych. Chociaż wielu autorów odniosło się do ekonomicznych implikacji istniejącego programu wsparcia cen mleka, niewielu wyraźnie rozważyło związek między awersją do ryzyka, inwestycjami kapitałowymi, produkcją mleka i polityką wspierania cen w tym procesie