38 research outputs found

    A Sphagnum recurvum fajcsoport morfológiai, ökológiai és genetikai vizsgálata = Morphological, ecological and genetic investigation of Sphagnum recurvum group

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    A Sphagnum recurvum fajcsoport tagjainak elkülönítése egy régóta fennálló taxonómiai probléma. 22 országból 244 európai és 175 magyar tőzegmoha egyedet vontunk be a vizsgálatainkba, amelyeken mikroszatellita anlízist végeztünk (11 lókuszon), megmértünk 15 morfológiai bélyeget és a magyar minták esetében a pH-t, konduktivitást és vízszintet is. Az európai mintákban 209 allélt, a csak magyar mintákban mintegy 145 allélt mutatunk ki, a 11 lókuszon. A három faj mind európai, mind hazai léptékben elkülönül a genetikai vizsgálatok alapján (PCoA, Structure elemzés, AMOVA), de a közeli rokonságukat is jelzik az eredmények (pl. az alacsonyabb PhiPT értékek). A vegyes bélyegekkel rendelkező problémás egyedek nem tekinthetők hibridnek, a legtöbb egyed közel 90%-ban az egyik csoportra jellemző genetikai mintázatot tartalmazza. A morfológiai elkülönülés nem egyértelmű. A fajok elválasztásában a szárlevél tulajdonságai a legjobban használható bélyegek. | The Sphagnum recurvum group is one of the taxonomically most difficult group among Sphagna. 244 specimens from 22 countries and 175 specimens from Hungary were involved to project. We analysed 11 microsatellite loci and measured 15 morphological features on all samples and pH, conductivity and water table in case of Hungarian samples. A total of 209 alleles across 11 loci occurred among European samples, and 145 among Hungarians. On the base of genetic results (PCoA, Structure analysis, AMOVA) the three investigated species are differentiate from each other, in European and Hungarian level also. The problematic specimens with mixed morphology are not hybrids, most sample contain the genetic pattern of one group in 90%. The morphological separation was ambiguous. The length and the tip width of stem leaf were the best features in the separation of three species

    Water chemical relations and water table of North Hungarian mires

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    The water chemical and physical features (pH, conductivity, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ concentration, water table) of fi ve mires (Nyírjes lake at Sirok, Kis-Mohos and Nagy-Mohos at Kelemér, Bábtava and Nyíres lake in the Bereg region) were investigated in North Hungary. Th e description of water chemical relations of these mires is new result. Th e pH of these mires was low, the means were between 3.29 and 5.92. Th e mean corrected conductivity ranged between 11.08 and 176.6 μScm–1. Th e concentrations of measured cations were high, e.g. the mean Na+ concentration was between 3.47 and 12.71 mgdm–3 and the mean Ca2+ concentration was between 7.96 and 10.21 mgdm–3. Th e mires of Sirok, Kelemér, and the Bereg region are separated on the basis of most variables. Th e mires of Bereg are less acidic and more rich in cations than the mires in Kelemér. Th e mire of Sirok (Nyírjes lake) was more similar to those of Kelemér than to the mires of the Bereg region. Th ere was no clear trend in sampling periods, but the most diverse group structure was found in September

    Survey on the bryophyte flora of the surrounding mountains of the Káli Basin (Balaton-felvidék Region, Hungary)

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    In 2016 and 2017, exploration of the bryophyte flora was carried out in the surroundings of Kővágóörs, Köveskál and Szentbékkálla villages. In the hilly region around the basin mainly Quercetum cerris forests occur on acidic bedrock, however, some limestone outcrops can also be found at Köveskál. Altogether 123 bryophyte taxa (8 liverworts and 115 mosses) were recorded during our survey. The most important finding was Zygodon forsteri, a redlisted species in Europe, which was recorded for the first time in Hungary. This atlanticsubmediterranean element is a member of the Orthotrichaceae family, growing usually around knot-holes or other hollows of trees where water runs down on the bark, and often on callus tissue. Our specimens were collected in knot-holes of two Quercus cerris trees. Two other species (Anacamptodon splachnoides, Fissidens arnoldii) are included in the Red data book of European bryophytes, which are also protected in Hungary. Anacamptodon splachnoides lives in the same habitat as Zygodon forsteri, around knot-holes. This species was detected on 57 Quercus cerris trees in the investigated forests. Probably the largest population in Europe lives here. Fissidens arnoldii was found on limestone rocks in a stream at Köveskál. Another interesting species is Pottia starckeana s.s., which is in the data deficient (DD) category in he Hungarian Bryophyte Red List (without any recent records for almost 50 years). Several other species found there are redlisted in Hungary, e.g. Eurhynchium speciosum is endangered (EN), Buxbaumia aphylla and Orthotrichum patens are vulnerable (VU). Further 13 species are near threatened (NT) and 16 are regarded as indicators, which by their mere presence represents a greater level of conservation value of the habitat. Habitat preference, population size of species of conservation interest and advice in their conservation management will be given

    Részletes vegetációtérképezés a Belső-Őrség területén

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    Back to Hungary: a story on reintroduction of a European Habitat Directive moss species, Hamatocaulis vernicosus

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    Hamatocaulis vernicosus is rare and threatened species Europe-wide, and it is a member of many national red lists. The main reason for this can be regarded as habitat quality changes. The last records from Hungary comes from 1968, and in years after despite of intensive search it was not found in any historically known habitats. Thus, it was considered as extinct in Hungary. An attempt on getting back this species to Hungary has been made. Less than one year old herbarium specimens from neighboring countries have been used to establish new population but with limited success. The same material that could be revived has been used to start axenix in vitro culture. Once the culture has been established, the optimization and propagation started. The lab originated material was grown under controlled condition but in xenic medium originated from Hungary. Finally, after two years the moss plants were reintroduced to two national parks in Hungary and two populations were established. This is just the first report but there are continuous attempts to stabilize the populations. The problems, achievements and solutions will be discussed. A Hamatocaulis vernicosus, egy ritka és veszélyeztetett faj Európában és számos nemzeti vörös listán is szerepel. A fő veszélyeztető tényező az élőhelyeinek, a lápréteknek, a visszaszorulása, illetve leromlása. Az utolsó magyarországi record 1968-ból származik és bár az utóbbi években a közösségi jelentőségű fajok monitorozása intenzíven folyik, a Hamatocaulis vernicosus nem került elő egyetlen korábban ismert élőhelyéről sem. Így Magyarországról kipusztultnak tekinthető. Ennek a fajnak a visszatelepítésére tettünk kísérletet. Szomszédos országokból származó, egy éven belül gyűjtött herbáriumi példányokat próbáltunk meg felhasználni új populáció létrehozására, de ez csak korlátozott eredménnyel járt. Az egyik ilyen herbáriumi anyagból azonban sikerült in vitro kultúrát létrehozni és felszaporítani. A laborban kontrollált körülmények között tartott kultúrát magyarországi lápokról származó médiumon neveltük. Végül, két év után visszatelepítést végeztünk két nemzeti parkban és így két lápon sikerült egy-egy populációt létrehozni. A populációk stabilizálásán folyamatosan dolgozunk, nyomonkövetjük a változásokat. Bemutatásra kerülnek az elért eredmények, a felmerült problémák és lehetséges megoldások

    Physcomitrium eurystomum and Pohlia proligera, new mosses in the bryophyte flora of Serbia

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    Physcomitrium eurystomum Sendtn. and Pohlia proligera (Kindb.) Lindb. ex Broth. were recently discovered as new moss species for the bryophyte flora of Serbia. Both species were recorded in the Vlasina Lake area, a large highland wetland plateau in southeastern Serbia

    Bryophyte flora of the forests of Vétyem and Oltárc protected areas (Zala County, W Hungary)

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    Altogether 102 bryophyte taxa (13 liverworts and 89 mosses) were collected. Two species are protected in Hungary and included in the Red data book of European bryophytes. Several other species are red-listed in Hungary; one is in the data deficient (DD) category (without any recent records for almost 50 years), two are vulnerable (VU). Further 14 species are near threatened (NT), 14 are in the least concern-need attention (LC-att) category, and 20 species are regarded as indicators, which by their mere presence represents a greater level of conservation value of the habitat. From nature conservation aspect the most important habitats are the humid valleys with temporary watercourses and the forests with rich epiphyte bryophyte flora