29 research outputs found

    Rodzice, uczniowie, nauczyciele : wspólnota dla szkolnej profilaktyki uzależnień

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    Bioethical dilemmas on medical grounds – psychological perspective

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    The rapid development of medicine that has taken place in the last 10 years confronts personnel with new challenges that extend beyond life-saving treatments; they include moral, legal, and deontological dilemmas, which can be recognised as bioethical ones. The new discourse of patient’s participation in planning their treatment makes it impossible to remain indifferent to their expectations and will, the patient’s approval, and declaration of intent on the healing process, and at the same time not to respect their basic privileges guaranteed by law and those arising from the codes of ethics. Humans are a bio-psychophysical unity, and therefore should be perceived from a holistic perspective. This article presents the different dilemmas concerning the treatment of patients in the terminal stage of disease, including minors. It indicates the assessment and the prospect of death, from the child and adult perspective. It recognises patient’s rights, his/her autonomy, dignity, subjectivity, but also the responsibilities and duties of health care personnel, taking into account respect for the patient, his/her independence, the adequacy of activities, and reference to the principle of double effect

    The nicotine addiction and the assessment of the effectiveness of smoking cessation in adults

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    Introduction: Smoking cigarettes is currently one of the most significant health and social issues. The consequences of smoking affect both individuals as well as entire society. Addiction to nicotine has been recognised as a major environmental factor fostering numerous diseases. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the causes of and motives for quitting smoking among the adult inhabitants of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski. The authors were also interested in the level of nicotine addiction. Material and methods: The study was conducted in a group of 209 inhabitants of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski who were former or ongoing smokers. The study employed a survey technique, with the authors’ own questionnaire as a study tool. The Fagerström test determining addiction to nicotine (nicotine dependence) was used too. Results and conclusions: The study revealed that smoking is a serious social issue. The majority of respondents had quit smoking (63.1%), 19.1% had never made any attempt to quit, whereas in 17.7% of respondents the cessation was unsuccessful and they returned to smoking. All respondents were aware of health-affecting consequences of smoking, but were unable to list more than four smoking-related diseases (lung and tongue cancers, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension). Attempts to cease smoking were made by 81,0% of the survey participants, mostly for health and financial reasons (42.0% and 21.3% respectively). Cessation of smoking resulted in numerous side effects, such as irritability (36.4%), outbursts of anger (20.7%), gaining weight (20.4%) or binge eating of sweets (11.7%). The factor preventing respondents from quitting smoking was stress (29,0%).Wstęp: Palenie papierosów jest aktualnie jednym z najpoważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych i społecznych. Wynikające z niego konsekwencje dotykają zarówno jednostki, jak i całego społeczeństwa. Uzależnienie od nikotyny uznane zostało za główny środowiskowy czynnik powstawania wielu chorób. Cel pracy: Celem badań było poznanie przyczyn oraz motywacji do rzucenia palenia papierosów w grupie dorosłych mieszkańców Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego. Ponadto autorów interesował stopień uzależnienia od nikotyny badanych osób. Materiał i metody: Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród 209 mieszkańców miasta Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, byłych oraz obecnych palaczy. Wykorzystano technikę ankiety. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Uzupełnieniem był specjalistyczny test uzależnienia od nikotyny – test Fagerströma. Wyniki i wnioski: Badania pozwoliły stwierdzić, że palenie papierosów jest poważnym problemem w społeczeństwie. Przeważającą część ankietowanych stanowiły osoby, które rzuciły palenie papierosów (63,1%). Jedynie 19,1% respondentów nigdy nie podjęło się próby rzucenia palenia, a 17,7% proces ten się nie udał i powróciły do nałogu. Wszyscy ankietowani byli świadomi konsekwencji zdrowotnych palenia papierosów, jednak nie byli w stanie wymienić więcej niż cztery choroby powodowane przez papierosy (nowotwór płuc i języka, miażdżyca oraz nadciśnienie). Prób rzucenia palenia podejmowało 81,0% ankietowanych. Najczęstszymi powodami były względy zdrowotne (42,0%) oraz ekonomiczne (21,3%). Rzucanie palenia powodowało występowanie wielu skutków ubocznych: zdenerwowanie (36,4%), wybuchy gniewu (20,7%), przybieranie na wadze (20,4%) oraz spożywanie dużej ilości słodyczy (11,7%). Przeszkodą w procesie rzucania palenia był stres (29,0%)

    Popularity of the internet with university students

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    Introduction: Virtual reality constitutes an exceptional chance to support personal development, but it also creates new barriers and inequalities and it brings about many threats, both to the person and to society in general. Besides the indubitable advantages of the Internet, it more and more often endangers the harmonious development of a person. Virtual reality puts users in a situation in which interaction and communication is conducted differently to what they are used to based on their everyday experience. Aim of the research: The aim of the research was an analysis of the Internet’s popularity among university students. The method that was used was a diagnostic survey, carried out using questionnaires, which were the tools used to achieve the goal. Chosen results of the research, essential from the point of view of the formulated problem, were presented in the project. The research issue is encapsulated in the question: How popular is the Internet among university students? Material and methods: Empirical research was conducted in the academic year 2010/2011 at universities in the Świętokrzyskie province. A total of 950 students attending medical majors (nursing, physiotherapy, medical rescue), pedagogical majors (social rehabilitation, integrated pre-school and early education, pedagogy with logopaedics) and technical majors (mechatronics, construction) took part in the research. Results: More than 50% of the people that took part in the research were between 20 and 25 years of age. Over 33% of them were aged between 26 and 30. More than 87% of the participants used the Internet, 88% of the respondents had created a Facebook account, 81% of the students logged into the Nasza Klasa website and over 76% of them admitted to frequent use of scientific information found in the Internet. More than 55% of them benefited from psychological counselling via the Internet. In the presented research 75% of the students used the GG (Gadu-Gadu) messenger service very frequently. The conducted study confirmed that over 64% of the polled students used online shops very frequently and more than 73% of the respondents looked for a life partner on a dating website. Seventy-eight percent of the respondents looked for employment in the Internet, the biggest percentage of whom were students of medical majors (85.42%) and pedagogical majors (78.62%). Conclusions : The Internet has become a meta-reality, as important as the real world. The basic space in which the Internet User Generation functions is in the form of social network portals. People more and more willingly create their accounts on more than one social network portal. This is a craving for meeting other people, restoration of contacts from the past and getting to know new cultures (often subcultures)

    Safety at School in the Opinions of Students and Parents – an Account of the Research

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    Bezpieczeństwo jest ważnym aspektem ludzkiej egzystencji. Zabezpieczenie tej elementarnej potrzeby dziecka, jakim jest poczucie bezpieczeństwa, stało się w ostatnich latach jednym z najpoważniejszych wyzwań stojących przed współczesnymi placówkami oświatowymi. Kwestia bezpieczeństwa w szkole stanowi kluczowe i centralne zagadnienie systemu oświaty. W wyniku wielu reform, mających na celu ulepszenie systemu oświaty, nastąpiło obciążenie szkół wytycznymi z zakresu bezpieczeństwa szkolnego oraz profilaktyki w tym zakresie. Placówki oświatowe wdrażają je na podstawie uprzednio przeprowadzonych diagnoz bezpieczeństwa uczniów, nauczycieli a także rodziców. Wyniki służą sformułowaniu odpowiedzi na pytania odnośnie do rodzaju i skali zagrożeń środowiska szkolnego oraz sposobów ich rozwiązywania. Określanie poziomu bezpieczeństwa rozumianego jako wolność od zagrożeń młodzieży szkolnej przeprowadza się na podstawie subiektywnego odczucia ucznia. Ze względu na szczególną rolę doświadczeń ucznia na każdym etapie edukacji szkolnej, ich znaczenia dla rozwoju wewnętrznej motywacji do nauki oraz budowania zaufania do dorosłych, stworzony dzieciom klimat oraz bezpieczeństwo na terenie szkoły wydają nieocenione. Celem artykułu jest analiza problematyki poczucia bezpieczeństwa w szkole podstawowej i gimnazjum w opinii uczniów i rodziców. Zawarte w pracy spostrzeżenia opierają się na zaprezentowanej wiedzy teoretycznej, a także na wynikach przeprowadzonych przez autorki badań dotyczących omawianego tematu. Ważnym elementem artykułu są wnioski odnoszące się do działań wychowawczych na rzecz podniesienia poziomu bezpieczeństwa, a tym samym samopoczucia uczniów w wybranej, konkretnej szkole.Safety is an important aspect of the human existence. Protecting this basic need of a child – a sense of security – is what has become one of major challenges ahead of the contemporary educational institutions in recent years. The issue of safety in schools is a key and central issue of the education system. As a result, a number of reforms aimed at improving the educational system of schools was loading guidelines concerning school safety and prevention in this area. Educational institutions implement it based on the diagnosis of previously conducted safety of students, teachers, and parents. The results serve to formulate answers to questions about the nature and extent of the risks of the school environment, and how to solve them. Determining the level of safety defined as freedom from threats to school children, is carried out based on the subjective feelings of the student. Due to the special role of the student experience at each stage of school education, their importance for the development of intrinsic motivation to learn and to build confidence in adults, the climate and security on campus created for children seem invaluable. A purpose of the article is the analysis of issues of the sense of security at the primary school and the junior secondary school in the opinion of pupils and parents. The observations included in the work are based on the theoretical knowledge as well as findings of research by authors dealing with the subject. Conclusions concerning education-related action are an important component of the article for raising the security level, and hence the frame of mind of pupils at the selected school