348 research outputs found

    Comment on "Late-time tails of a self-gravitating massless scalar field revisited" by Bizon et al: The leading order asymptotics

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    In Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009) 175006 (arXiv:0812.4333v3) Bizon et al discuss the power-law tail in the long-time evolution of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating massless scalar field in odd spatial dimensions. They derive explicit expressions for the leading order asymptotics for solutions with small initial data by using formal series expansions. Unfortunately, this approach misses an interesting observation that the actual decay rate is a product of asymptotic cancellations occurring due to a special structure of the nonlinear terms. Here, we show that one can calculate the leading asymptotics more directly by recognizing the special structure and cancellations already on the level of the wave equation.Comment: 7 pages; minor simplifications in the notation; some comments withdrawn or rewritten after improvements in the new version (v3) of the commented paper; 1 reference adde

    Asymptotics from scaling for nonlinear wave equations

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    We present a scaling technique which transforms the evolution problem for a nonlinear wave equation with small initial data to a linear wave equation with a distributional source. The exact solution of the latter uniformly approximates the late-time behavior of solutions of the nonlinear problem in timelike and null directions.Comment: 14 pages; minor changes (notation, typos

    Tails for the Einstein-Yang-Mills system

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    We study numerically the late-time behaviour of the coupled Einstein Yang-Mills system. We restrict ourselves to spherical symmetry and employ Bondi-like coordinates with radial compactification. Numerical results exhibit tails with exponents close to -4 at timelike infinity i+i^+ and -2 at future null infinity \Scri.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Optical lattice quantum simulator for QED in strong external fields: spontaneous pair creation and the Sauter-Schwinger effect

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    Spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs out of the vacuum due to a strong electric field is a spectacular manifestation of the relativistic energy-momentum relation for the Dirac fermions. This fundamental prediction of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) has not yet been confirmed experimentally as the generation of a sufficiently strong electric field extending over a large enough space-time volume still presents a challenge. Surprisingly, distant areas of physics may help us to circumvent this difficulty. In condensed matter and solid state physics (areas commonly considered as low energy physics), one usually deals with quasi-particles instead of real electrons and positrons. Since their mass gap can often be freely tuned, it is much easier to create these light quasi-particles by an analogue of the Sauter-Schwinger effect. This motivates our proposal of a quantum simulator in which excitations of ultra-cold atoms moving in a bichromatic optical lattice represent particles and antiparticles (holes) satisfying a discretized version of the Dirac equation together with fermionic anti-commutation relations. Using the language of second quantization, we are able to construct an analogue of the spontaneous pair creation which can be realized in an (almost) table-top experiment.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Saddle-point dynamics of a Yang-Mills field on the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We consider the Cauchy problem for a spherically symmetric SU(2) Yang-Mills field propagating outside the Schwarzschild black hole. Although solutions starting from smooth finite energy initial data remain smooth for all times, not all of them scatter since there are non-generic solutions which asymptotically tend to unstable static solutions. We show that a static solution with one unstable mode appears as an intermediate attractor in the evolution of initial data near a border between basins of attraction of two different vacuum states. We study the saddle-point dynamics near this attractor, in particular we identify the universal phases of evolution: the ringdown approach, the exponential departure, and the eventual decay to one of the vacuum states.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Late-time tails of a Yang-Mills field on Minkowski and Schwarzschild backgrounds

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    We study the late-time behavior of spherically symmetric solutions of the Yang-Mills equations on Minkowski and Schwarzschild backgrounds. Using nonlinear perturbation theory we show in both cases that solutions having smooth compactly supported initial data posses tails which decay as t−4t^{-4} at timelike infinity. Moreover, for small initial data on Minkowski background we derive the third-order formula for the amplitude of the tail and confirm numerically its accuracy.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Cost considerations in determining the affordability of adjuvant trastuzumab in breast cancer

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    Zinc isotopes from archaeological bones provide reliable trophic level information for marine mammals

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    In marine ecology, dietary interpretations of faunal assemblages often rely on nitrogen isotopes as the main or only applicable trophic level tracer. We investigate the geographic variability and trophic level isotopic discrimination factors of bone zinc 66Zn/64Zn ratios (δ66Zn value) and compared it to collagen nitrogen and carbon stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) values. Focusing on ringed seals (Pusa hispida) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from multiple Arctic archaeological sites, we investigate trophic interactions between predator and prey over a broad geographic area. All proxies show variability among sites, influenced by the regional food web baselines. However, δ66Zn shows a significantly higher homogeneity among different sites. We observe a clear trophic spacing for δ15N and δ66Zn values in all locations, yet δ66Zn analysis allows a more direct dietary comparability between spatially and temporally distinct locations than what is possible by δ15N and δ13C analysis alone. When combining all three proxies, a more detailed and refined dietary analysis is possible

    Late-time tails of a self-gravitating massless scalar field, revisited

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    We discuss the nonlinear origin of the power-law tail in the long-time evolution of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating massless scalar field in even-dimensional spacetimes. Using third-order perturbation method, we derive explicit expressions for the tail (the decay rate and the amplitude) for solutions starting from small initial data and we verify this prediction via numerical integration of the Einstein-scalar field equations in four and six dimensions. Our results show that the coincidence of decay rates of linear and nonlinear tails in four dimensions (which has misguided some tail hunters in the past) is in a sense accidental and does not hold in higher dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, one reference added, updated to conform with published versio

    Octupole transitions in the 208Pb region

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    The 208Pb region is characterised by the existence of collective octupole states. Here we populated such states in 208Pb + 208Pb deep-inelastic reactions. γ-ray angular distribution measurements were used to infer the octupole character of several E3 transitions. The octupole character of the 2318 keV 17− → 14+ in 208Pb, 2485 keV 19/2 − → 13/2 + in 207Pb, 2419 keV 15/2 − → 9/2 + in 209Pb and 2465 keV 17/2 + → 11/2 − in 207Tl transitions was demonstrated for the first time. In addition, shell model calculations were performed using two different sets of two-body matrix elements. Their predictions were compared with emphasis on collective octupole states.This work is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), UK, US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DEAC02-06CH11357 and DE-FG02-94ER40834, NSF grant PHY-1404442
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