79 research outputs found

    Kształcenie umiejętności prowadzenia dyskusji zgodnie z metodologią nauczania przez odkrywanie

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    ESTABLISH (European Science and Technology in Action: Building Links with Industry, School and Home) to czteroletni projekt realizowany w ramach 7 Programu Ramowego ze środków Unii Europejskiej (FP7/2007-2013). Głównym celem projektu jest zachęcenie do bardziej powszechnego stosowania strategii edukacyjnej IBSE, czyli nauczania przez odkrywanie/dociekanie naukowe. Z tego powodu w projekcie szczególny nacisk położono na wzmocnienie więzi łączących edukację szkolną ze światem zewnętrznym, czego rezultatem powinien być wzrost efektywności nauczania oraz wzbudzenie szerszego zainteresowania przedmiotami przyrodniczymi uczniów szkół gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych. Kluczową rolę w procesie wdrażania innowacji dydaktycznych odgrywają nauczyciele, dlatego też istotne są szkolenia nauczycieli realizowane w ramach projektu. Opracowane materiały dydaktyczne, zorganizowane szkoły letnie i warsztaty miały przybliżyć nauczycielom zasady prowadzenia zajęć przez odkrywanie/dociekanie naukowe. Metodologia IBSE promuje kształcenie umiejętności kluczowych, ważnych w życiu codziennym, takich jak np.: umiejętność prowadzenia dyskusji czy właściwego argumentowania. Dlatego jednym z zadań realizowanych przez nauczycieli w trakcie szkoleń było rozwinięcie umiejętności prowadzenia dyskusji. Umiejętność ta wymaga jednak stosowania się do odpowiednich reguł, a rolą nauczyciela jest pilnowanie, aby uczniowie reguł tych przestrzegali. W ramach ćwiczeń zaproponowano uczestnikom szkoleń przeprowadzenie dyskusji na aktualne obecnie tematy, takie jak: „Czy w Polsce należy zbudować elektrownię jądrową” oraz „Czy chitosan jest dobrym środkiem odchudzającym”. Dyskusja poprzedzona była opracowaniem zasad „dobrej dyskusji”. Na zakończenie natomiast nauczyciele dzielili się własnymi doświadczeniami z pracy takimi metodami oraz sporządzili listę tematów do dyskusji, które mogłyby zainteresować uczniów na danym etapie kształcenia. W artykule zawarto doświadczenia, przemyślenia i wnioski wynikające z pracy z nauczycielami w ramach zajęć szkół letnich, dotyczących kształcenia umiejętności kluczowych.ESTABLISH - European Science and Technology in Action: Building Links with Industry, School and Home is a four year pan-European project funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). A specific aims of this project is to reinforce the links between school education and external world, so as to raise the level of scientific knowledge of teachers and their students, and increase students’ intrinsic motivation to science and technology. Inquiry-based science education (IBSE) has been selected as the methodology to facilitate this type of teaching and learning. In order to achieve this set aim, it is necessary to prepare the teaching staff to be involved in IBSE. Across Europe teachers and students have begun to adopt the IBSE methodology, facilitated by many projects including ESTABLISH. In Poland, the ESTABLISH teachers training included inter alia, two summer schools during which teachers can deepen the knowledge and understanding of how to apply the IBSE strategy into their own teaching practices. Selected because of their importance in contemporary society life, are the abilities to discuss, to argue and to draw connections. Those skills require the use of specific rules. During the ESTABLISH training, teachers were tasked with creating a list of rules to help them lead a “good discussion” in their classroom. They tried to follow those rules discussing many hot and current topics, for example nuclear energy or use of supplements to lose weight (Chitosan). The advantages and disadvantages of developing this skill (discussion) as part of this teaching method were examined by participants of summer school. At the end of classes teachers shared their experiences of working with proposed method and collectively created a list of discussion topics they thought would be interesting for students that can be implemented in Polish schools. In the presentation, our experiences, remarks and conclusions from working with summer schools' teachers of the ESTABLISH project will be shared

    Phase polymorphism of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2[Mn(DMSO)_6](ClO_4)_2 studied by differential scanning calorimetry

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    Six solid phases of [Mn(DMSO)6](ClO4)2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transitions were found between the following solid phases: stable KIc ↔ stable KIb at TC5 = 225 K, metastable KIII ↔ metastable KII at TC4 = 322 K, stable KIb → stable KIa at TC3 = 365 K, metastable KII↔overcooled K0 at TC2 = 376 K and stable KIa→stable K0 at TC1 = 379 K. The title compound melts at Tm = 488 K

    Remediation of CO2CO_2 in Boudouard’s reaction as an example of reversible chemical reaction

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    One of the fundamental elements of a scientist's work is the ability to lead observations of the phenomena that surround us and based on them making conclusions. These observations are conducted within the so-called scientific experiments. Lessons learned based on the results obtained in experiments allow researchers to better understand the essence of the phenomena occurring in the world around us. Drawing conclusions is not always easy. In order to achieve this skill, we must possess a well-established knowledge in the field of the phenomenon that interests us. The most striking example of how important skills are observation and drawing proper conclusions is the phenomenon of global climate warming. The main parameter influencing temperatures registered on Earth is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and especially carbon dioxide created from combustion processes. A significant role in studies of the reduction of CO2 emissions plays chemists. To be sure that conducted by them experiments are optimally designed, it is necessary to ensure them with proper education already at the secondary school level. The main aim of this article was to conduct the study in order to explain chemical issues that create the greatest cognitive difficulties among students. The second aim of the article was to propose a chemical experiment to students that would allow them to find out more about the phenomena governing in the area of problematic issues. The proposed experiment is based on the concept of solubility equilibrium. Results of preliminary tests that have been carried out after applying this experiment on a small group of students, indicated their better understanding of the studied subject

    Phase Polymorphism of [Mn(DMSO) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 Studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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    Six solid phases of [Mn(DMSO) 6 ](ClO 4 ) 2 have been detected by differential scanning calorimetry. The phase transitions were found between the following solid phases: stable KIc ↔ stable KIb at T C5 = 225 K, metastable KIII ↔ metastable KII at T C4 = 322 K, stable KIb → stable KIa at T C3 = 365 K, metastable KII ↔ overcooled K0 at T C2 = 376 K and stable KIa → stable K0 at T C1 = 379 K. The title compound melts at T m = 488 K

    Design and operation of a modern Polish plant for plastic waste recycling through the degradative depolymerization process : a case study

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    The paper describes an installation for the degradative depolymerization of polyolefin materials obtained from wastes, hereinafter also referred to as depolymerization for simplicity. The plant, on an industrial scale, is one of the few operating in Poland. However, it is one of the most modern plants in this industry. Design solutions, construction of particular technological lines, compliance with national and EU regulations and the high level of process safety were described in this paper as well as compared to other plants of this type in Poland. Different solutions were presented in drawings and photos of the plant and in fragmentary technological diagrams. The types of waste and the methods of their processing by the plant were also characterized in accordance with the applicable regulations. The waste throughput is from 2000 to 4000 kg/h, while the efficiency of the depolymerization installation itself is 1500 kg/h. The industrial-scale depolymerization process is carried out in one or two stages: by homogenization (extraction) at a temperature up to 200 °C and depolymerization at temperatures up to 400 °C. The obtained products (energy goods) are sold for further processing. The processes, devices and methods are characterized by novel, innovative solutions, covered by a number of patents, which are also described below. The advantage of the presented technology is the substantial simplification of the process and thereby a considerable reduction in investment costs. Among others, the processes of distillation and rectification (low- and negative-pressure) were abandoned

    Characteristics of plastic waste processing in the modern recycling plant operating in Poland

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    Although Poland is one of the leading recipients of the waste stream in the European Union (EU), it is at the same time below the average in terms of efficiency of their use/utilization. The adopted technological solutions cause waste processing rates to be relatively low in Poland. As a result, the report of the Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) of the EU indicated Poland as one of the 14 countries of the EU which are at risk in terms of possibility of achieving 50% recycling of waste. This article discusses the implemented technological solutions, and shows the profitability of the investment and the values of the process heat demand both for extractor and reactor. The experimental part analyzed the composition of the input and output of the process and compared it to the required fuel specifications. Attention was drawn to the need to improve the recycling process in order to increase the quality of manufactured fuel components. As potential ways of solving the problem of low fuel quality, cleaning the sorted reaction mass from solid particles and extending the technological line with a distillation column have been proposed. The recommended direction of improvement of the technology is also the optimization of the process of the reactor’s purification and removal of contaminants