30 research outputs found
Polki i Polacy na rynku pracy : raport z badań ludności w wieku produkcyjnym realizowanych w 2010 r. w ramach projektu "Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego"
The study of people of working age is the key research module of the supply side of labour market in BKL Study. Generally, in all the analyses - both those concerning various forms of employment, occupations pursued and positions sought, and those that focus on education and self-evaluation of competences, what comes very much to the forefront is the segmentation of the labour market by the gender of the employers. In the period from August to November 2010 (the duration of the study), more or less one in two people working were employed on the grounds of an employment contract (umowa o pracę), one in nine conducted his own business, one in fourteen had worked during the previous year on the grounds of commission agreement (umowa zlecenia)or contract for a specific task (umowa o dzieło), and one in 20 was working without a formal contract. The differentiation between the genders is already visible at this stage: as far as in the case of regular employment women account for half of all employed people, among those running their own business outside agriculture and also working without contracts, there are on average two men for each woman
Knowledge centers as an innovative knowledge transfer mechanism : lesson learned from the program implemented in Lesser Poland
The aim of the paper is to present the lessons learnt from the "SPIN" regional public project. The project was implemented in the region of Lesser Poland. The objective of the project was to increase the intensity of knowledge transfer from universities to enterprises. The goal was achieved by establishing four Centres for Knowledge Transfer at major universities. Each of them was dedicated to a specific
domain of knowledge - regional smart specialization - biotechnology, translational medicine, smart grids and energy-saving buildings. The paper discusses the implementation and effects of the project. The most important conclusions stemming from the project concern the fact that the context of the implementation needs to be taken into account during the project as well as the importance of leadership. More attention should also be devoted to the motivation and skills of those involved in the implementation
Dynamics of Vulmar/VulMITE group of transposable elements in Chenopodiaceae subfamily Betoideae
Transposable elements are important factors driving plant genome evolution. Upon their mobilization, novel insertion polymorphisms are being created. We investigated differences in copy number and insertion polymorphism of a group of Mariner-like transposable elements Vulmar and related VulMITE miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) in species representing subfamily Betoideae. Insertion sites of these elements were identified using a modified transposon display protocol, allowing amplification of longer fragments representing regions flanking insertion sites. Subsequently, a subset of TD fragments was converted into insertion site-based polymorphism (ISBP) markers. The investigated group of transposable elements was the most abundant in accessions representing the section Beta, showing intraspecific insertion polymorphisms likely resulting from their recent activity. In contrast, no unique insertions were observed for species of the genus Beta section Corollinae, while a set of section-specific insertions was observed in the genus Patellifolia, however, only two of them were polymorphic between P. procumbens and P. webbiana. We hypothesize that Vulmar and VulMITE elements were inactivated in the section Corollinae, while they remained active in the section Beta and the genus Patellifolia. The ISBP markers generally confirmed the insertion patterns observed with TD markers, including presence of distinct subsets of TE insertions specific to Beta and Patellifolia
Interest representation in the Polish labour market
Artykuł zachęca do dyskusji nad badaniem zjawiska reprezentacji interesów na polskim rynku pracy. Pierwsza część zbiera i porządkuje niezbędne informacje na temat pojęcia reprezentacji interesów, modeli systemów reprezentacji interesów oraz podejść teoretycznych w badaniu zjawiska w Polsce i na świecie. Druga część prezentuje główne charakterystyki współczesnego systemu reprezentacji interesów w Polsce, ujmując go w kategoriach otoczenia instytucjonalnego rynku pracy. Przywołuje również zjawiska stanowiące istotny bodziec do podjęcia badań nad stanem systemu reprezentacji interesów w Polsce. Trzecia część zawiera propozycję pytań badawczych, stawianych z tzw. perspektywy neopluralistycznej, traktowanej jako narzędzie ułatwiające konceptualizację badań nad systemami reprezentacji interesów i wskazujące atrakcyjny kierunek poszukiwań.The article prompts to debate on research of the phenomena related to interest representation in the Polish labour market. The fi rst part gathers and puts in order the necessary information on the concept of interest representation, models of systems of interest representation, as well as theoretical approaches used to study this phenomenon in Poland and worldwide. The second part presents the main features of the contemporary system of interest representation in Poland, while locating it in the institutional environment of labour market. Certain phenomena referred
to in this part of the text induce us, in the author’s opinion, to inquire into the state of the system of interest representation in Poland. The third part of the article offers some research questions posed from the so-called “neopluralist perspective”, which can be treated as a research tool which makes it easier to conceptualize the study on systems of interest representation and indicates an attractive research direction
Summary of the operation of the Tripartite Commission for Socio-Economic Affairs in 2001-2015 : the case of Polish social dialogue at national level
This article presents the results of the work of the Tripartite Commission for Socio-Economic Affairs (TC) in 2001-2015. To show the effectiveness of the TC's work, the author's adaptation of the associational participation scale (Tálos, Kittel 2001) was employed. The result was categorisation of the effects achieved by the TC within social dialogue and a periodisation of the TC's activity in the research period, which quantitatively confirmed the results reported by other researchers. The article concludes with a discussion about the potential use of results in order to formulate expectations about the future effectiveness of the new tripartite body in Poland (the Social Dialogue Council) and elaborate a framework for comparing the effectiveness of tripartite bodies worldwide
Institutional mechanisms of (non)representing of interests in Poland in the perspective of analytical sociology : an outline of a research problem
Artykuł stanowi próbę ujęcia tematyki reprezentacji interesów pracowników i pracodawców w Polsce z perspektywy socjologii analitycznej. Szczególna uwaga w pierwszej części artykułu została poświęcona mechanizmom społecznym jako narzędziom wyjaśniania rzeczywistości społecznej oraz roli pełnionej w tych mechanizmach przez instytucje. W dalszej części artykułu omówiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z reprezentacją interesów pracowników i pracodawców, składające się na tzw. proces wytwarzania wpływu: mobilizację do działania, konkurencję (rywalizację), wywieranie wpływu i rozliczenie z efektów działań. Na zakończenie wskazano na istniejącą potrzebę wyjaśnienia tych zagadnień przez realizację podstawowego założenia socjologii analitycznej − badanie mechanizmów społecznych.The article tentatively discusses representing the interests of employees and employers in Poland from the perspective of analytical sociology. In the first part of the article, particular attention was devoted to social mechanisms as tools used to explain social reality and to the role played in the social mechanisms by institutions. The article also discusses selected issues related to the interest representation of employees and employers that constitute the so-called influence-production process: mobilizing for action, competition, influencing and evaluation of the effects of actions. In conclusion, the author states a need to explain these issues through the implementation of the basic assumption of analytical sociology: the study of social mechanisms
Seven theses on sectoral social dialogue in Poland
Artykuł jest autorską refleksją nad wynikami projektu badawczego diagnozującego stan rozwoju sektorowego dialogu społecznego w Polsce. Prezentowane tezy stanowią próbę wydobycia i rozwinięcia najważniejszych wniosków z bogatego i zróżnicowanego materiału empirycznego. Opisywane są słabe strony dialogu społecznego w Polsce (m.in. niska reprezentatywność organizacji członkowskich, orientacja na doraźne rozwiązywanie problemów), stojące przed nim szanse (m.in. zawieranie układów zbiorowych), jak również najbardziej prawdopodobny, w świetle przytaczanych informacji, pluralistyczny scenariusz rozwoju dialogu społecznego w Polsce. Wskazując na pluralizm jako model najbardziej zbliżony do rzeczywistości, artykuł nie zamyka dyskusji nad wariantowością dialogu społecznego w Polsce.The author considers the results of a study of development of sectoral social dialogue in Poland. He attempts to raw some conclusions from the rich and miscellaneous empirical data collected during the study. He discusses weak points of social dialogue in Poland (i.e. low representativeness of employer organizations and trade unions, focus on resolving ad-hoc problems); its opportunities, e.g. collective bargaining; and the best way, in the current circumstances, to develop social dialogue in Poland. The author states that the reported study shows the current conditions are characterized by pluralism. He concludes that the article is only an invitation to a debate on different variants of social dialogue in Poland
Smart city? : the realities of contemporary information transfer in shaping the spatial policy of Polish municipalities
Dynamiczny rozwój systemów informatycznych nie pozostaje bez wpływu na zachodzące przemiany społeczno - gospodarcze, kształtując możliwości nowoczesnego zarządzania również w sferze rozwoju przestrzennego. Na tym tle prezentowane badanie podjęło próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie jak opisywany postęp cywilizacyjny wpływa na ramy funkcjonowania polityki przestrzennej polskich gmin. Badanie ograniczono do zagadnień związanych ze współczesnym przekazem informacji i jego wpływem na zaangażowanie społeczne w proces planowania przestrzennego oraz na świadomość prawną władz samorządowych w realizowanej samodzielnie polityce przestrzennej. W świetle zgromadzonych wyników zdiagnozowano znaczący rozdźwięk między współczesnym potencjałem informatycznym, a rzeczywistymi działaniami samorządów lokalnych, prowadzący do dezintegracji procesów planistycznych i konfliktów społecznych. W pracy przedstawiono również zarys proponowanych, niezbędnych działań naprawczych.The dynamic development of information systems affects the ongoing socio-economic changes, shaping the possibilities of modern management also in the sphere of spatial development.
Against this background, the presented study attempted to answer the question of how the described civilizational progress affects the framework of the functioning spatial policy of Polish municipalities. The study was confined to matters associated with contemporary information transfer and its effects on public involvement in the process of spatial planning, as well as on the legal awareness of municipal government personnel in their individually applied spatial policy. In light of the collected results, a significant discrepancy was diagnosed between the contemporary IT potential and actual measures taken by municipal governments, leading to the disintegration of planning processes and social conflicts. The work features an outline of proposed necessary reparative measures
Pro-environmental behaviours of management students in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
Purpose - The main objective of the conducted research was to find out various manifestations of pro-environmental behaviours (PEBs) amongst students of extramural programmes forced to stay at home during the lockdown period. Design/methodology/approach - In order to identify manifestations of PEBs during the lockdown, the authors conducted research with the participation of students of various management extramural programmes in a Polish university. The primary research method was diary, supplemented by literature review and analysis of curriculum content. Findings - Pro-sanitary behaviours that dominated during the pandemic period were aimed at protecting individuals from contracting the virus and resulted from legal regulations. No clear and regular differences in PEBs were observed amongst the respondents with respect to their age, gender or familiarity with management systems used in their respective workplaces. Student-employees acquire little knowledge of PEBs during their studies. A serious barrier to the development of PEBs is the lack of access to knowledge that would clearly indicate the causes of environmental degradation. Practical implications - Based on the obtained results, a list of recommendations for educational practices was developed. The list emphasises the importance of drawing students' attention to PEBs in the household environment. Originality/value - The conducted research was another project focussed in general on environmental behaviours and aimed in particular at exploring how mandatory social distancing influenced people's PEBs. The paper also highlights some limitations of the diary method used to identify people's behaviours in the pandemic context