
Polki i Polacy na rynku pracy : raport z badań ludności w wieku produkcyjnym realizowanych w 2010 r. w ramach projektu "Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego"


The study of people of working age is the key research module of the supply side of labour market in BKL Study. Generally, in all the analyses - both those concerning various forms of employment, occupations pursued and positions sought, and those that focus on education and self-evaluation of competences, what comes very much to the forefront is the segmentation of the labour market by the gender of the employers. In the period from August to November 2010 (the duration of the study), more or less one in two people working were employed on the grounds of an employment contract (umowa o pracę), one in nine conducted his own business, one in fourteen had worked during the previous year on the grounds of commission agreement (umowa zlecenia)or contract for a specific task (umowa o dzieło), and one in 20 was working without a formal contract. The differentiation between the genders is already visible at this stage: as far as in the case of regular employment women account for half of all employed people, among those running their own business outside agriculture and also working without contracts, there are on average two men for each woman

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