45 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of “Candidatus Viadribacter manganicus” Isolated from a German Floodplain Area

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    Iron- and manganese-depositing bacteria occur in many soils and all water systems, and their biogenic depositions of ochre in technical systems may cause severe clogging problems and monetary losses. “Candidatus Viadribacter manganicus” is a small coccoid, iron- and manganese-depositing bacterium isolated from the Lower Oder Valley National Park, Germany.BMBF, 02WU0715, Verbundprojekt: Entwicklung eines Indikatorsystems für Verockerungsprozesse - Teilprojekt 1: Untersuchung der Biofilme der Oder-Auen: Diversität und umweltbiotechnologisches Potenzial; Teilprojekt 3: Klärung des Abbaus persistenter organischer Schadstoffe bei mikrobiellen Prozesse

    Draft Genome Sequence of Rheinheimera sp. F8, a Biofilm-Forming Strain Which Produces Large Amounts of Extracellular DNA

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    Rheinheimera sp. strain F8 is a biofilm-forming gammaproteobacterium that has been found to produce large amounts of filamentous extracellular DNA. Here, we announce the de novo assembly of its genome. It is estimated to be 4,464,511 bp in length, with 3,970 protein-coding sequences and 92 RNA-coding sequences

    Draft Genome Sequence of a Potential Nitrate-Dependent Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacterium, Aquabacterium parvum B6

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    Aquabacterium parvum B6 is a potential nitrate-dependent Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium. The genes related to its denitrifying mechanism and iron metabolisms were unknown. We present the draft genome of Aquabacterium parvum B6, which could provide further insight into the nitrate-dependent Fe(II)-oxidizing mechanism of strain B6

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Gram-Positive Neutrophilic Iron-Precipitating Kineosporia sp. Strain A_224

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    We report here the draft genome sequence of the neutrophilic iron-precipitating Kineosporia sp. strain A_224. Analysis of the predicted genes may improve our knowledge of its role in ochrous formations in natural and technical water systems. This is the first public genome sequence of a Kineosporia aurantiaca strain.BMBF, 02WU0715, Verbundprojekt: Entwicklung eines Indikatorsystems für Verockerungsprozesse - Teilprojekt 1: Untersuchung der Biofilme der Oder-Auen: Diversität und umweltbiotechnologisches Potenzial; Teilprojekt 3: Klärung des Abbaus persistenter organischer Schadstoffe bei mikrobiellen Prozesse

    Draft Genome Sequence of Ideonella sp. Strain A 288, Isolated from an Iron-Precipitating Biofilm

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    Here, we report the draft genome sequence of the betaproteobacterium Ideonella sp. strain A_228. This isolate, obtained from a bog iron ore-containing floodplain area in Germany, provides valuable information about the genetic diversity of neutrophilic iron-depositing bacteria. The Illumina NextSeq technique was used to sequence the draft genome sequence of the strain.BMBF, 02WU0715, Verbundprojekt: Entwicklung eines Indikatorsystems für Verockerungsprozesse - Teilprojekt 1: Untersuchung der Biofilme der Oder-Auen: Diversität und umweltbiotechnologisches Potenzial; Teilprojekt 3: Klärung des Abbaus persistenter organischer Schadstoffe bei mikrobiellen Prozesse

    Draft genome sequence of actinobacterial strain Kineosporia sp. R_H_3, a neutrophilic iron-depositing bacterium

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    The draft genome sequence of a neutrophilic iron-depositing actinobacterial strain, Kineosporia sp. R_H_3, is reported here. Detailed analysis of the genome can elucidate the role of specific cytochromes for Fe oxidation and how this organism might receive energy from Fe oxidation. To date, this is the second publicly available genome sequence of a Kineosporia strain.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische Universität Berli

    Evaluating the Impact of Wastewater Effluent on Microbial Communities in the Panke, an Urban River

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    Pharmaceuticals are consumed in high amounts and can enter as emerging organic compounds in surface waters as they are only partially retained in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Receiving pharmaceuticals may burden the aquatic environment, as they are designed to be bioactive even at low concentrations. Sediment biofilm populations were analyzed in river sediments due to the exposure of an inflow of WWTP effluents. Illumina MiSeq 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing was performed of 108 sediment samples, which were taken from multiple cores within three sampling locations in the Panke River, with one sampling site located downstream of the inflow. Sequencing data were processed to infer microbial community structure in samples concerning the environmental variables, such as micropollutants and physicochemical parameters measured for each core. More than 25 different micropollutants were measured in pore water samples, in which bezafibrate, clofibric acid, carbamazepine, and diclofenac were detected at high concentrations. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicons revealed Nitrospirae, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Ignavibacteriae as the most abundant groups in the samples. Differences in microbial community composition were observed with respect to micropollutants. However, our findings revealed that the composition of the microbial community was not only governed by the effluent. The significant changes in the alpha- and beta-diversity were explained by phenobarbital and SO42−, which did not originate from the WWTP indicating that more unobserved factors are also likely to play a role in affecting the biofilm community’s composition.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität BerlinDFG, 248198858, GRK 2032: Grenzzonen in urbanen Wassersysteme

    Draft Genome Sequence of Rheinheimera sp. Strain SA_1 Isolated from Iron Backwash Sludge in Germany

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    Rheinheimera sp. strain SA_1 is an iron-depositing bacterium for which we report a draft genome sequence. Strain SA_1 was isolated from iron backwash sludge of a waterworks in Germany. The Illumina MiSeq technique was used to sequence the genome of the strain.BMBF, 02WT1184, Verbundprojekt Mikrobielle Verockerung, Teilprojekt 1: Mikrobiologie, Wasserreinhaltung & Fluidsystemdynami

    Effect of a Profound Feedstock Change on the Structure and Performance of Biogas Microbiomes

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    In this study the response of biogas-producing microbiomes to a profound feedstock change was investigated. The microbiomes were adapted to the digestion of either 100% sugar beet, maize silage, or of the silages with elevated amounts of total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) by adding ammonium carbonate or animal manure. The feedstock exchange resulted in a short-range decrease or increase in the biogas yields according to the level of chemical feedstock complexity. Fifteen taxa were found in all reactors and can be considered as generalists. Thirteen taxa were detected in the reactors operated with low TAN and six in the reactors with high TAN concentration. Taxa assigned to the phylum Bacteroidetes and to the order Spirochaetales increased with the exchange to sugar beet silage, indicating an affinity to easily degradable compounds. The recorded TAN-sensitive taxa (phylum Cloacimonetes) showed no specific affinity to maize or sugar beet silage. The archaeal community remained unchanged. The reported findings showed a smooth adaptation of the microbial communities, without a profound negative impact on the overall biogas production indicating that the two feedstocks, sugar beet and maize silage, potentially do not contain chemical compounds that are difficult to handle during anaerobic digestion

    Provision of water by halite deliquescence for Nostoc commune biofilms under Mars relevant surface conditions

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Motivated by findings of new mineral related water sources for organisms under extremely dry conditions on Earth we studied in an interdisciplinary approach the water sorption behaviour of halite, soil component and terrestrial Nostoc commune biofilm under Mars relevant environmental conditions. Physicochemical methods served for the determination of water sorption equilibrium data and survival of heterotrophic bacteria in biofilm samples with different water contents was assured by recultivation. Deliquescence of halite provides liquid water at temperatures <273 K and may serve as water source on Mars during themorning stabilized by the CO2 atmosphere for a few hours. The protecting biofilmof N. commune is rather hygroscopic and tends to store water at lower humidity values. Survival tests showed that a large proportion of the Alphaproteobacteria dominated microbiota associated to N. commune is very desiccation tolerant and water uptake from saturated NaCl solutions (either by direct uptake of brine or adsorption of humidity) did not enhance recultivability in long-time desiccated samples. Still, a minor part can grow under highly saline conditions.However, the salinity level, although unfavourable for the host organism,might be for parts of the heterotrophic microbiota no serious hindrance for growing in salty Mars-like environments.BMWi, 50WB1151, Untersuchungen zum Überleben und zur Aktivität von Eisenbakterien unter Mars-ähnlichen Bedingungen auf der ISS und im Labo