34 research outputs found

    A klímaváltozás hatása a zonális fafajok egészségi állapotára és elterjedésére = The effect of climate change on the health condition and distribution of zonal tree species

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    A terepi monitoring pontok összesített értékelése alapján a klímajellemző fafajok esetében az utóbbi 3-4 évtized távlatában általános növedékcsökkenés egyelőre nem mutatható ki. Különösen meglepő, hogy a bükk esetében növedékgyorsulást jeleznek az adatok, amelynek valóssága azonban kérdéses, megerősítést igényel. A közös tenyészkerti kísérletek elemzése alapján több modellfafajra elemeztük a klímaváltozás produkcióra gyakorolt hatását. Az eredmény megerősíti, hogy a klimatikus paraméterek változtatásával az elterjedési terület különböző pontjain a produkció (növedék) változása eltérő trendeket mutat. Legerősebb csökkenés az elterjedési terület déli peremén várható, ez megfelel az elméleti elvárásoknak. Két fenyő modellfajra a számított növedék visszaesés mértéke 2oC hőmérsékletemelkedésre mintegy 10%. Az előrejelzéseket megerősíti a bükkre számított bioklíma-modell. Eszerint a potenciális termesztési terület esetén a jelenleginek mindössze 3%-ára szorul vissza. Kiemelendő, hogy a modellezés rámutat arra, hogy a zonális erdőtakaró veszélyeztetettsége országosan nem azonos mértékű. A Dél-Dunántúl értékesebb gyertyános tölgyes és bükkös társulásai fenyegetettsége nagyobb. A kutatási eredmények alapján a megelőzési stratégiába beépítendő legfontosabb feladatok a faállományok tartós stabilitásának megőrzése, a minél takarékosabb vízforgalom segítése, valamint az alkalmazkodóképesség javítása faji és genetikai szinten egyaránt. | Effect of climate change on vitality and distribution of zonal tree species According to the working hypothesis, increasing aridity should be reflected in vitality and growth of zonal tree populations. The evaluation of growth monitoring points has shown differences in sensitivity between drought-tolerant Turkey oak and pedunculate oak, but no growth decline was detected. Beech data turned out showing an inconclusive increment acceleration. This means that the hypothesis could not be verified with presently available forest inventory data. On the other hand the same concept was used in common garden (provenance) tests of model species Scots pine, Norway spruce and beech. Results indicate that response to warming climate depends strongly on test location conditions. Strongest increment losses are expected at the xeric (lower) limit of distribution. For the two conifer species the calculated increment loss response to a 2oC mean annual temperature increase will be around 10%. The forecasts are supported by the bioclimatic model results for beech. The temperature increase the species in Hungary t 3% of the present distribution. The probability of decline varies by region, and is higher in the hills of Southern Transdanubia. The results should be implemented for the strategy of mitigation of climate change effects. The most important task is the maintenance of stability of forest cover and the improvement of adaptability and plasticity both on community and genetic level

    The Radial Acceleration Relation and a Magnetostatic Analogy in Quasilinear MOND

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    Recently a remarkable relation has been demonstrated between the observed radial acceleration in disk galaxies and the acceleration predicted on the basis of baryonic matter alone. Here we study this relation within the framework of the modified gravity model MOND. The field equations of MOND automatically imply the radial acceleration relation for spherically symmetric galaxies, but for disk galaxies deviations from the relation are expected. Here we investigate whether these deviations are of sufficient magnitude to bring MOND into conflict with the observed relation. In the quasilinear formulation of MOND, to calculate the gravitational field of a given distribution of matter, an intermediate step is to calculate the "pristine field", which is a simple nonlinear function of the Newtonian field corresponding to the same distribution of matter. Hence, to the extent that the quasilinear gravitational field is approximately equal to the pristine field, the radial acceleration relation will be satisfied. We show that the difference between the quasilinear and pristine fields obeys the equations of magnetostatics, the curl of the pristine field serves as the source for the difference in the two fields, much as currents serve as sources for the magnetic field. Using the magnetostatic analogy we numerically study the difference between the pristine and quasilinear fields for simple model galaxies with a Gaussian profile. Our principal finding is that the difference between the fields is small compared to the observational uncertainties and that quasilinear MOND is therefore compatible with the observed radial acceleration relation.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Clinical benefits of oral capecitabine over intravenous 5-fluorouracyl regimen in case of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer

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    Background: During the last decade, one of the most important treatment options for locally advanced, potencially resectable rectal tumours was neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) followed by surgery

    Újdonságok a tápcsatorna endoszkópiájában = Novelties in the endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract

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    Összefoglaló közleményünket az endoszkópos szakmacsoport neves hazai szakemberei által kiválasztott, a nemzetközi szakirodalomban az elmúlt évben megjelent legfontosabb közleményekből állítottuk össze. Közleményünk segítséget nyújthat a hazai endoszkópos és gasztroenterológus kollégáknak a szakmai újdonságok követésében és a legfontosabb nemzetközi irányelveknek való megfelelésben, ezáltal javítva a hazai mindennapos betegellátás színvonalát és hatékonyságát

    Epeút- és epehólyag-gyulladás: diagnosztikus kritériumok és terápia

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    In developed countries, diseases of the gallbladder and the biliary tract count as some of the most frequent gastrointestinal disorders. The inflammation of the gallbladder/biliary tree is a potentially severe, even lethal condition that requires rapid diagnosis and early multidisciplinary approach to be treated. Although the frequency of these diseases is high, the treatment is not unified in Hungary yet. The aim of the evidence-based recommendation is to clarify the diagnostic criteria and severity grading of these diseases and to highlight the indications and rules of proper application of the numerous available therapeutic interventions. The recent guideline is based on the consensus of the Board members of the Endoscopic Section of the Hungarian Gastroenterology Society in contribution with renown experts of surgery, infectology as well as interventional radiology and it counts as a clear and easy applicable guide during the all-day healthcare practice. Our guidelines are based on Tokyo guidelines established on the basis of the consensus reached in the International Consensus Meeting held in Tokyo which were revised in 2013 (TG13) and in 2018 (TG18). Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(20): 770-787

    The characteristics and prognostic role of acute abdominal on-admission pain in acute pancreatitis: A prospective cohort analysis of 1432 cases

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    Introduction Pain is the most common symptom in acute pancreatitis (AP) and is among the diagnostic criteria. Therefore, we aimed to characterize acute abdominal pain in AP. Methods The Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group prospectively collected multicentre clinical data on 1435 adult AP patients between 2012 and 2017. Pain was characterized by its intensity (mild or intense), duration prior to admission (hours), localization (nine regions of the abdomen) and type (sharp, dull or cramping). Results 97.3% of patients (n = 1394) had pain on admission. Of the initial population with acute abdominal pain, 727 patients answered questions about pain intensity, 1148 about pain type, 1134 about pain localization and 1202 about pain duration. Pain was mostly intense (70%, n = 511/727), characterized by cramping (61%, n = 705/1148), mostly starting less than 24 h prior to admission (56.7%, n = 682/1202). Interestingly, 50.9% of the patients (n = 577/1134) had atypical pain, which means pain other than epigastric or belt-like upper abdominal pain. We observed a higher proportion of peripancreatic fluid collection (19.5% vs. 11.0%; p = 0.009) and oedematous pancreas (8.4% vs. 3.1%; p = 0.016) with intense pain. Sharp pain was associated with AP severity (OR = 2.481 95% CI: 1.550-3.969) and increased mortality (OR = 2.263, 95% CI: 1.199-4.059) compared to other types. Longstanding pain (>72 h) on admission was not associated with outcomes. Pain characteristics showed little association with the patient's baseline characteristics. Conclusion A comprehensive patient interview should include questions about pain characteristics, including pain type. Patients with sharp and intense pain might need special monitoring and tailored pain management. Significance Acute abdominal pain is the leading presenting symptom in acute pancreatitis; however, we currently lack specific guidelines for pain assessment and management. In our cohort analysis, intense and sharp pain on admission was associated with higher odds for severe AP and several systemic and local complications. Therefore, a comprehensive patient interview should include questions about pain characteristics and patients with intense and sharp pain might need closer monitoring

    Lactose intolerance but not lactose maldigestion is more frequent in patients with irritable bowel syndrome than in healthy controls : A meta-analysis

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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects 10%-20% of the adult population and is characterized by abdominal symptoms without relevant organic disease. There are numerous clinical trials available investigating the relationship between IBS, lactose maldigestion (LM), and lactose intolerance (LI), but there have been no meta-analyses on this topic yet. We aimed to assess the prevalence of LM, objective and subjective (self-reported) LI in IBS patients compared to healthy controls (HC) without IBS.A systematic literature search was conducted up to 24 April 2018 in PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library. Adult IBS patients had to be diagnosed according to the Rome criteria or other well-defined criteria system. We enrolled controlled studies including healthy adult participants without IBS, as control group. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated.Altogether 14 articles were suitable for statistical analyses. IBS patients reported themselves significantly more frequently lactose intolerant than HCs (odds ratio [OR] = 3.499; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.622-7.551). Generally, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of LM based on ingested lactose dose (OR = 1.122; 95% CI = 0.929-1.356) and test type (OR = 1.156; 95% CI = 0.985-1.356). However, significantly more IBS patients had objective LI (OR = 2.521; 95% CI = 1.280-4.965).Lactose intolerance, but not LM is more frequent among patients with IBS compared to HCs. According to our results, IBS among other functional bowel disorders is a possible contributing factor of LI in people with LM