12 research outputs found

    Application of gnawing sticks in rabbit housing

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    [EN] Four experiments are described relating to gnawing sticks application in rabbit housing. In experiment 1 and 2, Pannon White rabbits, weaned at the age of five weeks, were placed into pens with wire net floor. In experiment 1, every pen (180 animals in 12 pens, surface per head: 571 cm2) was provided with three gnawing sticks randomly chosen from White locust, Black elder, White willow, Little-leaf linden, European larch, Black poplar, European white birch, White buckeye and White mulberry species. In experiment 2 (150 animals in 10 pens, surface per head: 571 cm2), only those tree species ingested by rabbits in the first experiment were used (White locust, White willow, Little-leaf linden, Black poplar and White buckeye). In the second experiment, rabbits showed the highest preference towards gnawing sticks of Little-leaf linden, while similar White willow and White buckeye consumption was observed. In the experiment 3, rabbitsÂż preference to different types of wood and the influence on rabbitsÂż behaviour of added wooden sticks as environmental enrichment was studied. At the age of 38 days, 48 male SIKA rabbits were housed individually in wire cages (surface per head: 1500 cm2). According to the type of wood placed in the cage, rabbits were equally allotted to four groups: control, Common oak, Little-leaf linden and Norway spruce. RabbitsÂż preference to type of wood was studied on all the animals with wooden stick, while rabbitsÂż behaviour was studied on 16 focus animals at the age of 5 and 13 weeks using continuous 24 hours video recordings. Rabbits preferred gnawing Little-leaf linden and Norway spruce compared to Common oak. Addition of gnawing sticks had no significant influence on duration of rabbitsÂż behaviour, except for eating feed and gnawing wooden stick time. In experiment 4, the effect of housing and environmental enrichment on the performance and behaviour of growing rabbits was tested. 72 hybrid rabbits were housed after the weaning period in standard fattening cages at 2, 3, 4 animals per cage (surface per head: 1045 cm2, 697 cm2, 522 cm2, respectively). Half cages were enriched using a wood stick (Robinia pseudoacacia) dangling from the ceiling of the cage. The environmental enrichment decreased the stereotypies (gnawing the bars of the cage). A tendency to lower aggressive behaviours in enriched caged rabbits was also found compared to the conventional caged rabbits. This might indicate a better satisfaction of the behavioural needs for the enriched caged rabbits.Princz, Z.; Orova, Z.; Nagy, I.; Jordan, D.; Stuhec, I.; Luzi, F.; Verga, M.... (2007). Application of gnawing sticks in rabbit housing. World Rabbit Science. 15(1):29-36. doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.607293615


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    [EN] At present slaughter rabbit production in Hungary is 6 651 tonnes - less than half of that achieved in the peak years of 1982 and 1991. In 1998 live rabbit production amounted to a total of 13 903 tonnes. This production is exported in its entirety; there is practically no rabbit meat on the domestic market. Previously approx. 90% of rabbits slaughtered were sold to ltaly. At present ltaly accounts for 65-70% of Hungarian rabbit exports and Switzerland for 20-25%. The export of live rabbits practically ceased in 1986. In 1998 export shipments comprised 68% whole carcasses and 32% meat products. The majority of Hungarian rabbit abattoirs are now under foreign ownership or involve foreign partners. The abattoirs work on a one-shift system, at 50% of their shift capacity. Previously 95-98% of rabbits for slaughter were produced on small farms with 5-15 does. Now two abattoirs operate large-scale farms with 10,000 does, and there are approximately 60-70 medium-sized farms with between 100 and 3,000 does; 26% of meat rabbit purchases now originate from commercial production farms. Angora rabbit production reached its peak in 1988. With an annual output of 190 tonnes of Angora wool, Hungary was then the largest exporter in Europe. The dramatic drop in wool prices has forced production down to a sales level of approximately one tonne per year.[FR] La production de lapins de chair aujourd'hui en Hongrie, est de 6 651 tonnes c'est a dire inférieure a la moitié de celle atteinte durant les meilleures années, entre 1982 a 1991. En 1998, la production de lapins vivants atteint 13 903 tonnes. La totalité de la production est exportée ; il n'y a presque pas de viande de lapin disponible sur le marché national, ce qui est spécifique a la Hongrie. Auparavant enviran 90% des lapins abattus étaient vendus a l'ltalie. Aujourd'hui l'ltalie importe enviran 65-70% et la Suisse 20 a 25 % des lapins hongrois. L'exportation de lapins vivants a pratiquement cessé en 1986. En 1998 les exportations comprennent 68 % de carcasses entieres et 32 % de découpes. Aujourd'hui, la majorité des abattoirs de lapins hongrois appartiennent a des étrangers ou comprennent des partenaires étrangers. Les abattoirs fonctionnent, avec une seule équipe travaillant de jour, a 50 % de leur capacité de nominale (deux équipes). Auparavant 95 a 98 % des lapins de chair étaient produits dans de petites unités ayant 5 a 15 meres. Maintenant, deux abattoirs gerent des élevages industrie Is de 1 O 000 meres, et il y a enviran 60 a 70 élevages moyens ayant entre 100 et 3 000 meres ; actuellement, 26 % des lapins de chair proviennent d'élevages industriels. La production de lapin angora a atteint un pie en 1988. Avec une production annuelle de 190 tonnes de poil angora, la Hongrie était le principal exportateur européen. La chute dramatiques des cours du poil a réduit la production a un niveau approximatif de 1 ton ne paran.Szendrõ, Z.; Bleyer, F. (1999). THE CURRENT SITUATION IN RABBIT PRODUCTION IN HUNGARY. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10281.SWORD07


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    [EN] An EM-SCAN SA-2 type Small Animal Body Composition Analyser (TOBEC) was used to determine the total conductivity index (E value) of 50 new-born rabbits. After the TOBEC measurements the animals were slaughtered and their bodies were homogenised by grinding twice; fat canten! was then determined by a chemical procedure. A weak correlation (r=-0.09) was obtained between E value and body fat percentage. Due to the high correlation between E value and body weight (r=0.90), estimated fat canten! was corrected far this trait [CF(%) = 11.7 - 0.1127 x (1.61 x (BW - BW;) +E;)], resulting in a marked improvement in the correlation (r=0.51) between predicted and measured fat canten!. In spite of this improvement, the medium correlation makes the TOBEC method unsuitable far the accurate prediction of body fat canten! of new-born rabbits, although it can be used far the identification of animals with extremely high or low fat canten!.[FR] Un appareil "TOBEC" (analyseur de composition corporelle d'aprés la conductivité électrique) de type EM-SCAN SA-2 a été utilisé pour déterminer l'index de conductivité totale (valeur E) chez 50 lapereaux nouveaux nés. Aprés l'évaluation TOBEC les animaux ont été abattus et les carcasses ont subi un double broyage pour homogénéisation. Le contenu lipidique total du corps a été déterminé par l'analyse chimique. La corrélation entre la valeur E et le pourcentage de lipides est faible (r= - 0.09). Compte tenu de la forte corrélation entre le poids vif et la valeur E (r = + 0.90), la teneur en lipdes a été corrigé en prenant en compte ce caractére [Lip Corr (%) = 11,7 - O, 1127 x (1,61 x (BW-BW;) +E;)], améliorant notablement la corrélation (r = + 0.51) entre le contenu lipidique prévu et celui mesuré. En dépit de cette amélioration, la corrélation médiocre rend la méthode TOBEC impropre pour des évaluations précises du contenu lipidique des lapereaux nouveaux nés, bien qu'elle puisse étre utilisée pour l'identification d'animaux au contenu lipidique trés élevé ou trés faible.Milisits, G.; Gyarmati, T.; Szendrõ, Z. (1999). IN VIVO ESTIMATION OF BODY FAT CONTENT OF NEW-BORN RABBITS USING THE TOBEC METHOD. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1999.393.SWORD07


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    [EN] Pannon White nulliparous and multiparous does were divided into two groups and inseminated at 8:00 a.m. (n = 587) or at 8:00 p.m. (n = 548). On the basis of 390 and 346 kindlings respectively, it was established that the 12-hour time difference between inseminations had no effect on the length of gestation (31.73 and 31.67 days, respectively). The time of parturition was also influenced by the time of day. Does most often kindled between 22:00 and 04:00 and least often during the day (between 10:00 and 16:00). Parity significantly influenced gestation length (first parity: 31.42 days, 8th -10th parities: 32.15 days, P < 0.05). Litter size at insemination had no effect but litter size at birth exerted a significant effect on gestation length: with the increase of litter size the gestation length shortened (litters of 1 and 2 young: 32.42 - 32.46 days, litters of 9 -14 young: 31.32-31.50 days, P < 0.05).Rashwan, A.; Szendrõ, Z.; Matics, Z.; Szalai, A.; Biró-Németh, E.; Szendrõ, E.; Nagy, I. (2003). EFFECTS OF THE TIME OF INSEMINATION AND LITTER SIZE ON THE GESTATION LENGTH OF RABBITS. World Rabbit Science. 11(2):75-85. doi:10.4995/wrs.2003.499SWORD758511

    Effect of different management methods on the nursing behaviour of rabbits

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    [EN] The aim of the experiments was to examine the nursing behaviour of does under different management methods. A continuous video recording with time lapse recorder (24 hours a day) was used. The experimental groups were: FF: Free nursing between parturition and day 16 (n=10 does); FC: Free nursing between parturition and day 9 and controlled nursing between day 10 and 16 (from 08:00 a.m. to 08:30 a.m., n=10); CF: Controlled nursing between parturition and day 9 and free nursing between day 10 and 16 (n=10); HF: The access to the nest box was free during an interval of 16 hours/ day (from 04:00 p.m. to 08:00 a.m.) between parturition and day 16 (n=8). All does were observed between the 1st and 9th day, 74.8 percent of the does nursed once a day and 25.2% nursed more then once a day. The same values were 78.4 and 21.6 percent between the 10th and 16th day. In the CF group, a higher frequency of more than once-a-day-nursing was observed (36.2% of all cases). Between 1st and 9th and 10th and 16th day in the FF group 74.5 and 84.6% of nursing events were in the period of darkness (between 09:00 p.m. and 05:00 a.m.). The corresponding figure in the CF group was 39.3 because of the high frequency of double nursing. It seems that the change from controlled nursing to free has a significant effect on the increased frequency of double nursing. The interval between the evening and morning nursing events of twice-a-day-nursing does was 8 hours and 42 minutes. The duration of daily nursing was decreased during the period of observation. The duration of once a day nursing was significantly shorter than that of the first or the second nursing event of does that nursed twice a day. When changed from free to controlled nursing (Group FC) the behavioural patterns of the doe become nervous (head contact, scraping, wire biting) as can be frequently observed several hours before the nest box is opened. Does tend to adapt to the new nursing method within a few days.Matics, Z.; Szendrõ, Z.; Hoy, S.; Nagy, I.; Radnai, I.; Biró-Németh, E.; Gyovai, M. (2004). Effect of different management methods on the nursing behaviour of rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 12(2):95-108. doi:10.4995/wrs.2004.578SWORD9510812

    Effect of change in nursing method on the performance of rabbit does

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    [EN] To study the effect of nursing method on reproduction, 232 primiparous and multiparous lactating Pannon White and NZW rabbit does were distributed proportionately among four experimental groups: FF: free nursing from kindling until weaning; FC: free nursing from day 1 to 7 and controlled nursing from day 8 to 17; CF: controlled nursing from day 1 to 7 and free nursing from day 8 to 17; CC: controlled nursing from day 1 to 17. After the 17th day of lactation, free nursing was used in all groups until weaning at 35 days of age. In controlled nursing the females could visit the nest box between 8 and 9 a.m. every day. Artificial inseminations (AI, n = 482) with 42d intervals were performed on day 10 post partum, within 15 minutes after nursing. The results of three consecutive kindlings were evaluated. In conclusion, it is not recommended to follow controlled nursing between 1-17th days of lactation because productivity traits were relatively poorer than in the other groups. The change from controlled to free nursing before AI did not increase productivity parameters. Conversely, the switch over from free to controlled nursing did increase the number of 21 day-old young per insemination (3.0, 4.2, 3.4 and 3.1 for FF, FC, CF and CC, respectively, P<0.05) suggesting that such a change in nursing two days before AI can be an efficient biostimulation tool for improving productivity. However, young body weight at 21 days of age was considerably impaired, especially by numerically larger litters (432, 401, 414 and 417 g in FF, FC, CF and CC, respectively, P<0.05), which suggests that the duration of controlled nursing must be shortened to avoid a detrimental effect on growth. Therefore, further studies are needed to determine the optimum form of controlled nursing and its long term effect on productivity.Financial support for the research was obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development (project no. KF-173/4/00).Eiben, C.; Kustos, K.; Gódor-Surmann, K.; Theau-Clément, M.; Szendrõ, Z. (2004). Effect of change in nursing method on the performance of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 12(3):173-183. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2004.572SWORD17318312


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    [EN] Pannon White does were subjected to artificial insemination between 9 and 11 days subsequent to kindling (no. of Al = 931 ). Controlled suckling was systematically applied from O to 18 days post partum. In addition to the control group (group C, n = 236), the does of the three experimental groups were prevented from suckling on the day prior to insemination (48h doe-litter separation, or MLS). The following day sorne of the does were inseminated two hours before suckling (B-2, n = 229), sorne immediately after suckling (B-0, n = 234), and sorne two hours after suckling (B+2, n = 232). The effect of biostimulation led to only slight, non-significan! improvement in receptivity (0-7 %) and fertility rate (1-5 %). Litter sizes increased by 0.74 and 0.70 kits in groups B-2 and B-0 respectively, with no increase being observed in group B+2. Nevertheless, compared with the control group, suckling applied at the time of insemination improved the productivity at birth (+ 0.9 kits born alive per insemination). The most considerable but non-significan! effect of MLS was recorded at the first kindling subsequent to separation. On the day after the omission of suckling the quantity of milk produced by the does increased by 22 %; on the three subsequent days milk secretion in these does lagged behind that of the does of the control group by 33 %, 15 % and 6 % respectively. In addition, two days after the omission of suckling, the milk secreted was found to contain higher levels !han previously of dry matter (by 4.2 %), fat (by 1.7 %), protein (by 2.6 %) and ash (by 0.53 %). These values later returned to levels approaching the original values. Due to the omission of one suckling the weight of suckling and growing rabbits declined by 26-34 g. No compensatory growth was observed either before or after weaning (live weight controlled at 70 days: 2102 g in the control and 2068 g for rabbits of the 3 experimental groups). As sorne of these results are in opposition with previous reports using hybrids, the authors conclude that the effect of such a biostimulation could vary according to the genotype and/or breeding systems (particularly with controlled or free suckling applied before and after the stimulation).[FR] Entre 9 et 11 jours aprés la mise bas, des lapines Pannon White ont été soumises a l'insémination artificielle (nombre d'IA = 931 ). Entre O et 18 jours post partum la tétée a été systématiquement contrólée. Dans les trois groupes expérimentaux, l'allaitement a été interdit le jour précédant l'insémination (séparation mére-portée de 48 heures: MLS) contrairement au groupe témoin (groupe C, n = 236). Le jour suivant cette séparation, 229 lapines ont été inséminées deux heures avant l'allaitement (groupe B-2), 234 ont été inséminées immédiatement aprés l'allaitement (groupe B-0) et 232 ont été inséminées 2 heures aprés l'allaitement (groupe B+2). La biostimulation n'a qu'un effet léger, non significatif, sur l'amélioration de la réceptivité (O a 7 %) et sur le taux de fertilité (+1 a 5 %). Des tailles de portées supérieures de 0,71 et 0,70 nés vivants ont été enregistrées dans les groupes B-2 et B-0 respectivement, alors qu'aucune augmentation n'a été observée dans le groupe B+2. L'effet numériquement le plus importan! mais non significatif de la séparation mére-portée a été observé aprés la premiére mise bas suivant la séparation. Le jour suivant la restriction d'allaitement, la quantité de lait produite par lapine a augmenté de 22 % ; les trois jours suivant, la production laitiére de ces lapines passent en dessous de celle des lapines du lot témoin de 33, 15 et 6 % respectivement. En meme temps, deux jours aprés la privation d'allaitement, la matiére séche du lait excrété a augmenté de 4,2 %, la matiére grasse de 1,7 %, les protéines de 2,6 % et les minéreaux de 0,53 %, Les teneurs redeviennent ensuite proches de celles de départ. La privation d'une tétée conduit a une perle de poids de 20-34g chez les lapereaux, sans compensation ultérieure avant ou aprés sevrage (poids controlé a 70 jours : 2102 g pour le témoin et 2068 g pour les 3 lots expérimentaux). Certains de ces résultats étant en opposition avec d'autres précédemment obtenus avec des lapins hybrides, les auteurs concluent que les effets d'une telle stimulation peuvent varier avec la race et/ou avec le systéme d'élevage, spécialement en fonction du moment ou la tétée contrólée ou libre est appliquée : avant ou aprés la stimulation.Szendrõ, Z.; Jovánczai, Z.; Theau- Clément, M.; Radnai, I.; Bíró- Németh, E.; Milisits, G. (1999). THE EFFECT OF DOE-LITTER SEPARATION ON PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE IN RABBIT DOES AND THEIR KITS. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1999.396.SWORD07


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    [EN] Two experiments were carried out to determine differences in the fatty acid profile of two rabbit muscles, /ongissimus dorsi (l.d.) and vastus latera/is (v.I.). Fatty acid analysis was carried out by gas chromatography on the samples of ten 8-week-old rabbits, in the first experiment after a 4-week feeding period with a commercial pelleted diet, to obtain information about possible differences. In the second experiment 4-week treatments were performed with two high-fat experimental feeds, from which one was complemented with a saturated animal fat source (FAT) and the other with an unsaturated fat source, full-fat soya (SOYA). Samples were obtained from eighteen 8-week-old rabbits per diet. With the commercial diet, significant differences were evidenced between the 2 muscles for C14:0, C18:1 (20.9 and 17.5 % for l.d. and v.I.), C18:2 n-6 (24.5 and 27.9 % for l.d. and v.I.) and C20:4 (n-6). On average C16:0 proportion was 26.8 %, that of C18:0 was 8.5% and that of C18:3 (n-3) was 2.32 %. After FAT feeding C14:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2(n-6) and C20:4 were found to differ. SOYA feeding caused alterations in C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1 and C18:3. With SOYA feeding proportion of C18:2 increasesd up to 35 % in both muscles.[FR] Deux expériences ont été conduites pour déterminer les différences de profils en acides gras de 2 muscles chez le lapin le longissimus dorsi (l.d.) et le vastus latera/is (v.I.). Les analyses ont été conduites part chromatographie en phase gazeuse sur des échantillons prélevés sur des lapins agés de 8 semaines. Avant le sacrifice, les lapins avaient rec;:u pendant 4 semaines un aliment standard commercial dans l'expérience 1 . Dans la seconde expérience, les lapins ont rec;:u dans les memes conditions un aliment riche en lipides supplémenté soit avec des graisses animales saturées (FAT), soit avec des lipides insaturés foumis par de la graine de soja entiere (SOYA). Avec l'aliment commercial, des différences de profil ont été observées entre les 2 muscles pour le C:14, le C18:1 (20,9 et 17,5 % pour l.d. et v.I.), le C18:2 n-6 (24,5 et 27,9 % pour l.d. et v.I.), ainsi que pour le C20:4 n-6. En moyenne la proportion de C16:0 était de 26,8%, celle du C18:0 de 8,5% et celle du C18:3 n-3 de 26,8%. L'addition de FAT a modifié les proportions de C14:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 n-6 et de C20:4. L'addition SOYA a modifié les proportions de C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1 et de C18:3 n-3. Elle a aussi accru la proportion de C18:2 n-6 jusqu'a luí faire représenter environ 35% des acides gras dans chacun des 2 muscles étudiés.Szabó, A.; Romvári, R.; Fébel, H.; Nagy, I.; Szendrõ, Z. (2001). FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF TWO DIFFERENT MUSCLES IN RABBITS :ALTERATIONS IN RESPONSE TO SATURATED OR UNSATURATED DIETARY FATTY ACID COMPLEMENTATION. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10015.SWORD9


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    [EN] A total of 121 Pannon White female rabbits born with low (39-43 g) or high (63-70 g) weight were raised in litters of 6 or 1 O kits. Their reproductive performance (Al practiced 9-11 days after kindling) was controlled for 6 consecutive litters for a total of 300 kindlings. The does' birth weight had a significant effect on the number of inseminations necessary for the first kindling: the higher the birth weight of does, the lower their kindling rate. Later on, however, birth weight no longer affected the conception rate. With higher birth weight, significantly improved doe performance could be expected. Litter size at birth was 12.4% higher (9.52 vs 8.34; P:50.01 ), litter size at 21 days was 9.4% higher (7.64 vs 6.92; P:50.01) and litter weight at 21 days was 5.9 % greater (2.73 vs 2.57 kg; P:50.05) when the doe was born with greater weight. Total litter loss was 21.0% and 8.2% (P:50.01) for the high and low birth weight does, respectively. The size of the litters in which the does had been reared (6 or 1 O) did not influence their performance.[FR] Un total de 121 lapines Pannon White, de faible (39-43 g) ou fort (63-70 g) poids a la naissance ont été élevés dans des portées de 6 ou 1 o lapereaux. Leurs performances ont été suivies (IA pratiquée 9-11 jours apres chaque mise bas) pendan! 6 portées consécutives, soit 300 mises bas au total. Le poids a la naissance des lapines a un effet significatif sur le nombre d'inséminations nécessaires pour obtenir la premiére mise bas : plus il est élevé plus le taux de mise bas est faible. Par la suite, le poids a la naissance n'affecte plus le taux de fécondité. Quand le poids a la naissance est élevé des performances dec reproduction plus élevées sont observées. Ainsi, la taille des portées a la naissance a été supérieure de 12,4% (9,52 vs 8,34 ; PS0,01 ), la tailles des portées a 21 jours a été supérieure de 9,4% (7.64 vs 6.92; P:50.01) et le poids de la portée a 21 jours a été de 5,9% supérieur (2.73 vs 2.57 kg; P:50.05) lorsque les lapines avaient un poids élevé a la naissance. Les perles totales de portées ont été de 21,0% et 8,2% pour les deux groupes, respectivement. La taille de la portée dans laquelle la mere est élevée (6 ou 1 O) n'influence pas ses performances.Poigner, J.; Szendrõ, Z.; Lévai, A.; Radnai, I.; Bíró-Németh, E. (2000). EFFECT OF BIRTH WEIGHT AND LITTER SIZE AT SUCKLING AGE ON REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN DOES AS ADULTS. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.2000.426SWORD08


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    [EN] Ad libitum fed ten-week-old littermate female NZW rabbits were divided into four equal groups (n=4 x 50) based on their body weight. They were raised during the next 7 to 12 weeks as follows: a control group with ad libitum feeding (C); access to a restricted 130 g daily feed portion per head until 17 weeks of age and 140 g/day until first insemination (130R); one day (24 hours) fasting every week (10); 9 hours' daily access to the diet (9H). When the young does reached 75 to 80% of adult weight (3.4 to 3.5 kg, between 17 and 22 wk of age), the feed supply returned to ad libitum tour days before the first Al, resulting in a 4-day flushing in the 3 treated groups. The does were reinseminated 9-11 days post partum and three consecutive deliveries were investigated. Fertility was significantly higher in nulliparous 10 group (92%) than in the control (70%). Litter size at birth, at 21 and at 35 days of age in groups 130R (8.8, 7.6, 7.3) and 9H (8.9, 8.3, 8.2) while at the same age litter weights of 130R (502 g, 2760 g, 6295 g) and 9H does (543 g, 2848 g, 6761 g) were insignificantly higher than for e ones (8.7, 7.3, 7.0 and 472 g, 2451 g and 6032 g, resp.). The lowest litter size and litter weight of 1 O females could be explained by their smallest body weight throughout the trial. Among the tour groups, the 130R females lost less weight at kindling and they were the heaviest during the lactation period. In general, it was concluded that raising young rabbits with restricted 130 g diet per day or with access of 9 hours' daily feeding time resultad in doe performances that neither decreased nor improved significantly.[FR] Des lapines NZW agées de 10 semaines, jusque-la nourries ad libitum, ont été divisées en quatre groupes égaux (n = 4 x 50) selon leur poids vif. Durant les 7 a 12 semaines suivantes elles ont re<;:u : une alimentation ad libitum pour le groupe témoin (C) , une ration journaliére réduite a 130 g par animal jusqu'a l'age de 17 semaines puis 140 g/jour jusqu'a la premiére insémination (130R), un jeOne d'une joumée (24 heures) par semaine (10) , ou un accés libre l'aliment pendant 9 heures par jour (9H). Quand les jeunes lapines ont atteint 75 a 80 % de leur poids adulte (3,4 a 3,5 kg c'est a dire entre 17 et 22 semaines d'age selon les lots) l'aliment a été distribué ad libitum pendant 4 jours avant l'insémination, ce qui équivaut a un « flushing » de 4 jours pour les 3 groupes expérimentaux. Les lapines ont été ré-inséminées 9-11 jours post partum et trois mises bas consécutives ont été suivies. Le taux de mise bas a été significativement plus élevé pour les lapines nullipares du groupe 1 O (92 %) que pour celles du groupe témoin (70%). La taille de la portée a la naissance, a 21 et 35 jours pour les groupes 130R (8,8 - 7,6 -7,3) et 9H (8,9 - 8,3 - 8,2), et au méme age, le poids des portées des lapines du groupe 130R (502 - 2760 - 6295 g) et 9H (543 - 2848 - 6761 g) n'ont été significativement différents des valeurs observées dans le groupe témoin e (8,7 - 7,3 - 7,0 et 472 - 2451 et 6032 g, respectivement). La taille et le poids de la portée plus faibles chez les femelles du groupe 1 O peuvent étre expliqués par un poids vif inférieur tout au long de l'expérimentation. Parmi les lapines des quatre groupes, cenes du groupe 130R ont perdu le moins de poids a la mise bas et sont restées les plus lourdes pendant la lactation. En conclusion, pour les 3 premiéres portées, les performances des lapines ne sont pas significativement modifiées lorsque les jeunes lapines sont soumises a une alimentation réduite a 130g/jour ou ont un accés a l'aliment autoris~ seulement pendant 9 heures/24h.This trial was supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FVM)Eiben, C.; Kustos, K.; Kenessey, A.; Virág, G.; Szendrõ, Z. (2001). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FEED RESTRICTIONS DURING REARING ON PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE IN RABBIT DOES. World Rabbit Science. 9(1). https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2001.4409