3 research outputs found

    ADHD és trauma örökbefogadott gyermekek esetén

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    Dolgozatomban traumákon (örökbefogadás) átesett gyermekeket és családjaikat vizsgáltam. Fő célom volt, hogy felmérjem a gyermekek tüneteit, és ez alapján vizsgáljam, hogy a tünetek megfelelnek-e ADHD illetve PTSD kórképek klinikai képének. Az egyes kórképekről részletes elméleti összefoglalót írtam (tünetek, diagnózis, etiológia, epidemiológia). Továbbá célom volt felmérni az egyes családokban előforduló traumákat, veszteségeket. Végül a gyermekek szülők általi elfogadását vizsgáltam

    Effect of Growth Hormone on Neuropsychological Outcomes and Quality of Life of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review

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    One of the most devastating chronic consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is cognitive impairment. One of the possible underlying causes is growth hormone deficiency (GHD) caused by TBI-induced hypopituitarism. Currently, TBI patients are not routinely screened for pituitary function, and there are no standard therapies when GHD is diagnosed. Further, the possible positive effects of GH replacement on cognitive function and quality of life after TBI are not well established. We aimed to assess the current knowledge regarding the effect of GH therapy on cognitive function and quality of life after TBI. We performed a literature search in PubMed, Embase, and Central(®) databases from inception to October 2019. We extracted data on each term of severity (mild-moderate-severe) of TBI with and without GHD, time since injury, parameters of growth hormone treatment (dosing, length), and cognitive outcomes in terms of verbal and non-verbal memory, and executive, emotional, and motor functions, and performed a meta-analysis on the results of a digit span test assessing working memory. We identified 12 studies (containing two randomized controlled trials) with 264 mild-to-moderate-to-severe TBI patients (Glasgow Coma Score [GCS] varied between 6 and 15) with (n = 255) or without (n = 9) GHD who received GH therapy. GH was administered subcutaneously in gradually increasing doses, monitoring serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) level. After TBI, regardless of GCS, 6–12 months of GH therapy, started in the chronic phase post-TBI, induced a moderate improvement in processing speed and memory capacities, decreased the severity of depression, and led to a marked improvement in quality of life. Limitations include the relatively low number of patients involved and the divergent neuropsychological tests used. These results indicate the need for further multi-centric controlled studies to substantiate the use of GH replacement therapy as a potential tool to alleviate TBI-related cognitive impairment and improve quality of life

    Update on protein biomarkers in traumatic brain injury with emphasis on clinical use in adults and pediatrics

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    Purpose This review summarizes protein biomarkers in mild and severe traumatic brain injury in adults and children and presents a strategy for conducting rationally designed clinical studies on biomarkers in head trauma. Methods We performed an electronic search of the National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE and Biomedical Library of University of Pennsylvania database in March 2008 using a search heading of traumatic head injury and protein biomarkers. The search was focused especially on protein degradation products (spectrin breakdown product, c-tau, amyloid-β1–42) in the last 10 years, but recent data on “classical” markers (S-100B, neuron-specific enolase, etc.) were also examined. Results We identified 85 articles focusing on clinical use of biomarkers; 58 articles were prospective cohort studies with injury and/or outcome assessment. Conclusions We conclude that only S-100B in severe traumatic brain injury has consistently demonstrated the ability to predict injury and outcome in adults. The number of studies with protein degradation products is insufficient especially in the pediatric care. Cohort studies with welldefined end points and further neuroproteomic search for biomarkers in mild injury should be triggered. After critically reviewing the study designs, we found that large homogenous patient populations, consistent injury, and outcome measures prospectively determined cutoff values, and a combined use of different predictors should be considered in future studies